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My braces will be a long one! 30+ months

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:14 pm
by BamaBraces
My story starts a bit different than most. My teeth have never been straight and always been on the "to get fixed" list but never made priority. In October, I had some jaw soreness one evening and by the next morning I couldn't open my mouth. My physical therapist tried to help as it was a Friday and no orthodontists were open. Fast forward to following Tuesday and I met my orthodontist and he unlocked my jaw and gave me a guard to help keep the jaw unlocked. After consult and X-rays, my left joint is in pretty bad shape. Straight teeth are just a future bonus of trying to fix the mess.

My braces were put on Nov 17, a couple teeth they couldn't engage on the wire. My first adjustment was Dec 17; but it was not much of an adjustment. Got my two teeth engaged and snipped the wires and I was on my way. Next adjustment is Feb 17 and ortho said the wire size will change at that appt.

I have Damon braces, metal on bottom and clear front center. My sentence is 30-33 months. I know elastics are part of the plan. A herbst may come into play and I zoned out when they were discussing putting a screw into my jaw to change my alignment.

Most of my appointments will include my physical therapist; as what my bite does somehow affects other parts of me. I run for exercise and my physical therapist sweeps up the train wreck that is me to keep me going.

Pics attached of pre-braces, day 1 of braces, and 5 weeks in. Sorry for the cheesy collage, but couldn't find another way without attaching a million pics. My bottom has definitely changed, not much on top other than the incisors tilting forward.

Re: My braces will be a long one! 30+ months

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:00 am
by nicolie825
Congrats on starting your journey! I know your priority is the jaw issue, but straight teeth will be a very nice bonus like you said. I had the same Damon braces with clear on top and loved them! Looking forward to seeing your progress

Re: My braces will be a long one! 30+ months

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:44 pm
by BamaBraces
Quick update:

Three months with braces today! Had what I consider my first real adjustment today. Wire change top and bottom from a .12 to .14 wire. Ortho wanted to go to a .16 but my teeth have not leveled enough. I was hoping my teeth would have moved more, but oh well. I feel decent pressure this evening with the new wires so hoping for some more movement soon.

Next adjustment is in 9 weeks. Plan is to move up to .16 wires and start elastics.

Pics show day one, 6 weeks, and 3 month comparisons.

Re: My braces will be a long one! 30+ months

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:55 am
by alrac91
Wow ! You've had amazing progress. Your bottom teeth have straightened out a lot. They're almost perfect.

Re: My braces will be a long one! 30+ months

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:29 pm
by BamaBraces
Checking in. I'm five months in and had my second adjustment today. Wire changes upper and lower with a slightly stronger wire. They put composite stoppers on the top middle, they said it blends better with the clear brackets but I think they stand out. Doc says no elastics yet because my movement has been slow, which I'm ok with because I dread them. Teeth still need to level more or the elastics won't be able to pull the jaw forward without the teeth inhibiting the movement due to their current location. 10 weeks until next adjustment.

I feel like my progress is terribly slow and I'm crazy jealous over people that had pretty straight looking teeth in only a few months. I know my teeth are moving, it's quite obvious by the wire. We looked at my original molds today and they were scary bad and doc changed his mind on my progress being slow, it's just going to take time.