My braces will be a long one! 30+ months
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:14 pm
My story starts a bit different than most. My teeth have never been straight and always been on the "to get fixed" list but never made priority. In October, I had some jaw soreness one evening and by the next morning I couldn't open my mouth. My physical therapist tried to help as it was a Friday and no orthodontists were open. Fast forward to following Tuesday and I met my orthodontist and he unlocked my jaw and gave me a guard to help keep the jaw unlocked. After consult and X-rays, my left joint is in pretty bad shape. Straight teeth are just a future bonus of trying to fix the mess.
My braces were put on Nov 17, a couple teeth they couldn't engage on the wire. My first adjustment was Dec 17; but it was not much of an adjustment. Got my two teeth engaged and snipped the wires and I was on my way. Next adjustment is Feb 17 and ortho said the wire size will change at that appt.
I have Damon braces, metal on bottom and clear front center. My sentence is 30-33 months. I know elastics are part of the plan. A herbst may come into play and I zoned out when they were discussing putting a screw into my jaw to change my alignment.
Most of my appointments will include my physical therapist; as what my bite does somehow affects other parts of me. I run for exercise and my physical therapist sweeps up the train wreck that is me to keep me going.
Pics attached of pre-braces, day 1 of braces, and 5 weeks in. Sorry for the cheesy collage, but couldn't find another way without attaching a million pics. My bottom has definitely changed, not much on top other than the incisors tilting forward.
My braces were put on Nov 17, a couple teeth they couldn't engage on the wire. My first adjustment was Dec 17; but it was not much of an adjustment. Got my two teeth engaged and snipped the wires and I was on my way. Next adjustment is Feb 17 and ortho said the wire size will change at that appt.
I have Damon braces, metal on bottom and clear front center. My sentence is 30-33 months. I know elastics are part of the plan. A herbst may come into play and I zoned out when they were discussing putting a screw into my jaw to change my alignment.
Most of my appointments will include my physical therapist; as what my bite does somehow affects other parts of me. I run for exercise and my physical therapist sweeps up the train wreck that is me to keep me going.
Pics attached of pre-braces, day 1 of braces, and 5 weeks in. Sorry for the cheesy collage, but couldn't find another way without attaching a million pics. My bottom has definitely changed, not much on top other than the incisors tilting forward.