Short intro - Im 31 and had braces from 15-17. I dont even remember what my smile looked like when I got them off except that everything was pretty much perfect but about a year later things relapsed (jaw growth, crossbite formed, open bite formed, wisdom teeth came in and crowded the top arch significantly. They grew in impacted, got infected and I have had all 4 removed).
I saw an ortho locally at age 24/25 who gave me some options to fix the relapse:
1) I either needed surgery to fix my bite with braces before and after... OR
2) A tooth removed and then braces to fix everything
Needless to say I didnt like either of these options.
Years later - I find a new ortho for a second opinion, and I just totally loved her office and the staff there - and additionally, she claims she can fix everything with NO surgery and NO teeth being removed (although she would do some IPR - but really - thats BETTER than getting an extraction). She was also part of a study group with other orthos where she showed them my case and they all confirmed "profile looks fine - she doesnt need surgery" (*phew!*).
So now I have Innovation C for a sentence of 18 months (not too bad!). I dont particularly like them (I prefer how Damon Clear look if I am being honest) but I think as progress keeps going, I will just be happy that things are working

If you are interested in my "stats" - here they are:
PATIENT'SCHIEF CONCERN: Relapse from prior orthodontic treatment, crowding, open bite
Facial type: dolichofacial
Facial structures: symmetrical
Facial profile: straight
Chin prominence: normal
Maxillary incisor show when smiling: 7 mm
Mandibular midline 2mm to the right
Right side class III molar,right side class III canine
Left side class I molar,left side class I canine
Mild maxillary crowding, mild mandibular crowding
Overbite: -3 mm, overjet: -1mm
Flat curve of spee
Anterior Crossbite
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Active tongue-thrusting habit
ComprehensiveOrthodontic Treatmentfor 18 months
Position brackets incisal on upper anterior teeth
Tonguethrust habit spikes on upper and lower anterior teeth
Level and align, elastics
Retention with upper/lower essix and upper/lower lingual fixed

So here is a 2 week progress pics. I plan on updating every week if there is anything significantly different: