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Decisionmade's (D.M's) story:summer '07 update

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:08 am
by decisionmade
Tomorrow at this time I will be undergoing SARPE..And am scared but have no doubts that I have made the right decision. I am 34 yr old woman and have been bothered by by crossbite and crowded teeth forever. I could have my teeth straightened without the sarpe surgery but decided that if I am going to do this I am going to do it right...So after time with spacers and a trial run (about a 2 minute fitting) of my expander..tomorrow is my day and I am SCARED. ..Can anyone give me some insight into how I may be feeling tomorrow after the surgery? I've done searches but don't seem to be getting anywhere. I look forward to documenting my hopeful progress on here as I begin my journey..hopefully so that it can help others as well as myself. Many thanks for any help you can offer. --DM :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:37 am
by Sirgey
I wish I had seen this sooner, I just had SARPE June 3rd, if I had known how easy the whole process had been I would have looked into it years ago when my dentist brought it up. You will be in the hospital for one night with a little bit of pain, but as psyched out as I had myself for this it's really easy. Good Luck, I hope all went well.

Decisionmades story..the expansion begins..

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:48 pm
by decisionmade
I wish I had done it years ago too...I just can't believe this has haunted me for so many years. my surgeon was amazing and I have complete faith in my ortho as well....I'm glad thursday is behind me and am more excited than afraid at this point....I ALMOST don't even mind the puffy cheeks and hope i'll see the developing space as evidence of progress..for those just now considering the expansion surgery ask me questions for it is more than fresh in my memory..Here we go! I hope to be posting pics soon:)

decionmade's expander adventure continues

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:22 am
by decisionmade
Well it is now four days since expansion surgery. The scale says i've already lost 10 lbs..that sounds crazy!..The expander has been turned 8 times and I am wondering how many turns until a space begins to show ?..And is that space in the front a terrible thing to deal with? I must say, and this may be encouraging for someone about to get the speech is not nearly as impacted as I thought it would be..I've even been comfortable even talking on the phone and am not very self conscious about it..So far things are just not as terrible as I had anticipated..I am still relatively low energy but that may be so more to lack of calories than to the surgery whichI am healing well from...that said..I think its time for a nap:)....D.M.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:32 pm
by decisionmade
Tomorrow it will have been one week from the day of my palate expansion surgery and my expander put in! Its been turned about 11 times now and although I don't see the space yet..I think it is on its way..My bite seems to be matchng up differently. We'll see what my surgeon and ortho. have to say..I have appointments with both tomorrow...I am feeling increasingly back to normal in turms of energy but oh how I want a big sandwich!!..I'm thinking I could write a great book reviewing smoothie varieties since they are most of what I am living on along with mashed potatoes and oatmeal..oh well....This is such an an emotional sense of humor so often right on the edge of tears..but more happy tears than sad ones..I just can't beleive that at 34 I am finally doing this..I am just going to gush when this ordeal is over....the process is life changing..I can feel it...

Picking up my digital camera tomorrow so hopefully I can get some pics up to share..Reading others entries and seeing their pictures has been incredibly motivating and helpful....I hope I can do the same for someone else...

one week 2 days after surgery

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:06 pm
by decisionmade
The appointments went well. all looks good. I still have no space but I can see its on its way. My two front teeth aren't overlapping at all anymore and my smile is just getting BIGGER....Yesterday the stiches were making me crazy hanging in my mouth but most have since fallen out so I feel better...I am getting used to the expander and am eating more than smoothies..but just can't believe I'll have it in for 6 mos...

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:43 pm
by stargirl
Sounds like you're adjusting to the expander really well!
As for the space appearing... I didn't really ever get one. One night I saw a noticable gap while I was brushing my teeth, and by the morning it was gone! I think that your teeth naturally pull themselves back together.

Your six months will go by very quickly, I've only got 2 weeks left of my 6 months with the expander. Enjoy your wider smile! :D

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:10 pm
by decisionmade
hi Stargirl! wow just two more weeks with your expander..congrats! i wish that was my case....I think it is so wonderful you are doing all your orthodontics now when you are young...I only wish i had done so..You will have years ahead of you with a beautiful healthy smile..It is all so worth it and exciting!..glad to hear the space didn't last..i'll have one by the end of the week I two front teeth are so tingly right now..i have a ortho appointment on friday to check on things and should find out then when we can stop turning the expander...hopefully soon....
good luck!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:13 pm
by stargirl
I think I only turned my expander every other day for 3 weeks. Once that's over, the rest is a piece of cake! Hopefully you can stop turning it soon.

Haha... I find it funny that this whole experience is actually exciting to me. I find myself looking forward to my ortho appoinments!

Decisionmade's story: update..a space!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:18 am
by decisionmade
well I awoke at 2 AM with my teeth throbbing and tingly to find a space is between my two front teeth...At last..a good sign but more painful than i realized it would be so before this morning's turn i took 800 mg IBU. and am hoping i feel better...I assume others have experienced this pain as well?..intense sensativity of two teeth and a stinging between them.....I think this may be my last week of turning but I'll find out Friday..Back to just liquids today...I never did hear the snap/pop but I don't have pressure and since things are moving I guess the surgery took care of the separation thoroughly...oh, a question..When the teeth move to fill in the space when turning stops during the stabilization that as painful as the separation ?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:00 am
by stargirl
When the teeth move back, you can't feel it at all, at least, that was my experience. Maybe there will be a little soreness.
I had no pain during the whole stabilization process that was related to the expander. I did, however, have some painful days because of my braces and headgear!

Good luck at your appointment on Friday!

decisionmade saga contd.2 wks of expansion

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:06 am
by decisionmade
Thanks for the good luck wishes stargirl.

Two weeks today since surgery and the expander went in. Tomorrow A.M is my ortho appointment. I feel like my palate isn't expanding anymore and now there is ucomfortable pressure on my right molar (glad now that my gums are still numb from the surgery)....Taking aleeve which may be helping...I cannot wait til tomorrow..I so want my ortho to plug up that hole and start the stabilization process..Have the one extraction and get those braces on in 7 weeks .. crossing my fingers..I cannot wait for those braces!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:36 am
by decisionmade
good news at thursday's appt....I can stop expansion and begin stabilization!!..So that was two weeks of expansion/27 turns....The next thing i'll have is one extraction from the bottom then banding at the end of the 6 weeks of stabilization..
I can't wait til the space between my 2 front teeth fills back in. I am lucky though that the space isn't as big as some pics I have seen on this site..but still i find I'm self conscious about it...Never thought i'd be wishing away the summer but I am...

story update & question

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:59 am
by decisionmade
Every morning I jump out of bed and head for the mirror..I think the space may have closed up the very slightest bit but could be wishful thinking...I am getting very used to the expander though and sometimes ALMOST forget it is there... I'm not experienceing any pain and only occasional dicomfort as my bite tries to find itself...I've set up all my upcoming appointments for September including my one extraction and teeth cleaning apointment before banding day. ..5 appointments in all but for August I just have to hang in there and wait...eating has coninued to get easier and I have gained back a little of the initial weight loss but am still 7 lbs down...I had gained 8 lbs in preparation for this process as my ortho had advised and now anmor reamining weight I lose willb e a good thing...Others with expanders...Are you comfortable resuming your exersise routine with it in..Can running affect the stabilization process? or is you breathing affected while you exercise? I'm afraid if I don't begin exercising more I'm going to lose some muscle tone along with the weight...

Overall I am extrememly happy with this process so far...everything has been less awful than my surgeon and ortho had prepared me for..I am more exicted than scared of my braced days to come:)

decisionmade's before pic..finally

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 7:59 am
by decisionmade
Here is my before pic at long last..I hope this works!