My Journey thus far...
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My Journey thus far...
Thought I'd share this for anyone who is interested in my story--I'll start from the beginning (I'm turning 28 soon btw)
I had a consultation with my orthodontist on February 7th (I had been given a referral from my general dentist and decided to go for the free consultation--what harm could it do?). I went in the back, took pictures and x-rays, then I was sent back to the waiting room for a few minutes for someone to take me on a tour of the place. The building looks small from the outside, but it's quite HUGE on the inside. I must've driven by this place over 1,000 times in my lifetime since it's right down the street from my house. Never in a million years did I think I'd ever be getting treatment there (since, you know, I never wanted braces or anything...)
After the tour I was taken to the treatment coordinator's office. She was super nice and explained everything to me, including the treatment process for my case. Unfortunately, the word "extractions" was mentioned and I think I nearly died. I had read the horror stories about bicuspid extraction for orthodontic treatment, and I was scared to death. I was 100% expecting them to take my wisdom teeth since I've never touched those, but I wasn't prepared to lose these extra teeth as well. However, one of the other ladies who was there that day (another treatment coordinator who I think is only part time now) explained to me that she had the same procedure when she was 26 and has never regretted it (I would put her somewhere in her 50's today). So then my coordinator goes to grab the ortho.
Enter Dr. G (the ortho). Right off the bat, he seemed super chill and down to earth. He shook my hand, then began to go over the treatment plan. He also did a quick (but thorough) examination of my mouth. He saw my malformed teeth and evidence of tooth grinding (which was apparently worse than I thought), then he explained all that was going to happen--full braces top and bottom, traditional ortho treatment, 18 months total. Since I was still out of it from "extractions", I didn't really ask any questions this day. I was then given a referral to an oral surgeon and we scheduled a consultation right there in the TC's office for February 21st. I was nervous as all get out, but I had an appointment with my endodontist on February 8th for my last followup from my Apicoectomy from February 10th 2017. I thought I'd ask her opinion because she knows my teeth and I trust her very much.
Enter Dr. S (my endo). I had told the assistant that I wanted to ask her something important, so she took my x-rays and then brought in Dr. S. She sat down and said, "What did you want to talk about?". I told her that I had a consultation with an orthodontist because I was thinking about maybe getting braces, and that extractions were brought up. Dr. S was very calm about it, and she did proceed to tell me how very common bicuspid extraction was. She also told me that I personally would see positive changes in my profile--this made me feel better, and I do trust her. When she asked who I saw for my consult, I told her I saw Dr. G, and she immediately said, "Oh yeah, he's very knowledgeable. You can trust what he says." This may have sealed the deal for me to go on and take the plunge, but I still had to meet with the oral surgeon for my final consultation.
That next week, Monday February 19th (President's day, so I had the day off work), I called my general dentist, Dr. R, to tell her that I was going to go forward with Orthodontic treatment and get the braces. Of course, she was ecstatic for me, since she had been trying to get me to the ortho since I started going to her in 2016 (my childhood dentist, Dr. C, had moved to the desert in January of 2016 and I got knocked off my parent's dental in March when I turned 26--luckily I got a job for a school district in May, and the benefits couldn't be beat). Anyway, I told Dr. R that extractions were brought up, and she says, "Yes, I figured that would be the case because you have quite a bit of crowding," -__- Thanks Dr. R!! I told her that I would be going to the oral surgeon for my extractions since I had to get wisdom teeth out too and Dr. R doesn't do wisdom teeth (side note: my TC called Dr. R and asked her who she used for her referrals, and that's where I was sent). So Dr. R said go and get that taken care of and I would see her at my next appointment (April 23rd to be exact--I had gotten a deep cleaning in January and I now have to go in every 3 months or so).
I walk into the oral surgeon's office on February 21st with referral in hand, check in with the receptionist, and take my seat. I filled out the paperwork on line so I didn't have to do that in the office. I waited for a few minutes, then the nurse, V, comes out to take me to do x-rays. Then we go into one of the treatment rooms in the back and she brings up my x-rays on this huge flat screen TV, which was really cool. She asked me my music preference (they have THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR.), and we listened to classic rock as she's getting things together, then she goes to grab the surgeon for me (after we talked about my job, where I work, and what I do).
Enter Dr. D (the oral surgeon). He seemed like a fun guy to hang out with. His personality was very upbeat and it brightened the room. He looked up at my x-rays and said, "Wow, you've got a small mouth!!" XD We then begin to talk about why I'm here. I asked him if it was possible to maybe save my other teeth, he said let's take a look and find out. He examines my teeth, sees the problems, nurse V takes notes of everything, and then Dr. D says he agrees with Dr. G's diagnosis. Well, this was disheartening, but Dr. D is the oral surgeon. He does this on a daily basis, so I was almost inclined to trust his word. I scheduled my surgery date for Friday March 16th, since I would be on spring break by this time and would have an entire week to recover. I still had time to back out and pull the plug on the whole thing...
Fast forward to March 14th, last day of school. I had scheduled a meeting with Dr. G to ask the questions I didn't ask him the first time (I tried to get the after hours appointment, but the next available was for March 26th and my teeth were scheduled to be removed on the 16th, so it had to be before then--had to settle during regular hours which meant I didn't get a lot of time with him). Anyway, I went to my appointment, checked in on the computer, and since the system knows my birthday is this month, the screen said "Happy Birthday!" when I signed in. I thought that was a nice personal touch ^_^ As I was going to take a seat, I looked at the white board on the wall--one for new patients and one for freedom patients--and my name was on the new patients board (OMG, IT'S REAL NOW XD). My TC came out to greet me, and we went into her office and talked for a minute before she went and grabbed Dr. G. Since we didn't have too much time, I asked him the questions that most concerned me, and he answered them all ( I was told that they were all really good questions too ^_~). We probably spent 10-15 minutes, then he went back to the treatment room to take care of the patients outside. Meanwhile, my TC answered any more questions that I had. I then went over the contract and the paperwork to get my brackets bonded the next day, Thursday the 15th. Went in on Thrusday, put down my down payment, then I was taken to the treatment room by technician D, and she prepped my teeth for bonding. I have crowns on my front top two teeth and left lateral incisor, so she had to kinda scrape down the crowns so that they can be properly prepped for bonding. It felt weird, but since they're crowns and not my real teeth, it didn't hurt. Once my teeth are prepped, Dr. G comes over and starts bonding the brackets on ( I opted for the ceramic ones). Once that was all done, I had to brush my teeth (it felt SOOO WEIRD DX) then I came back to the chair and we made an appoint to get my arch wires for Thursday March 22nd (a week after my oral surgery). Technician D then gave me my travel pack of orthodontic goodies and went over everything (it was red too, and red is my favorite color ^_^). I then got to take a picture with Dr. G because all new patients get to take a picture with him (he also gave me a pink rose to take home). All that was left was my extractions on Friday the 16th.
Friday morning comes. I had a 9am appointment. I was ok when I woke up, but as I started getting ready and the time drew near, I got nervous. Then I got scared and started crying because I knew what was about to happen. My mom said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'll be right there," and we headed to the office. We sat in the car for a few minutes before getting out and going upstairs, and I was still crying. Got inside, checked in, paid, picked my Jamba Juice smoothie for after, then waited. Then assistant J came out and called me back. He was very nice. He walked us to the surgery room and began setting things up. Nurse V also came in and started talking to me and cheering me up. We put classic rock back on (can't go wrong with classic rock), then V walked out for a bit and left us with J. When I was a bit more calm, he began to administer the nitrous oxide. I was told to breathe in deeply, hold for a few seconds, then exhale through my mouth. I established a rhythm, then got very drowsy. Dr. D came in and my mom was escorted out to the waiting room. I heard Dr. D and the nurses talking about the lyrics of the song that was playing (Heat of the Moment by Asia ^_^), then they started looking for the vein in my arm to place the IV--found it in my left arm. I felt the needle go in, but I didn't feel pain, if that makes any sense. Then everything went dark. Next thing I know, I'm off to recovery and my mom is there waiting. It was a little hard to wake up, and they had put blankets on me because I was cold. The recovery nurse, M, was very nice and explained the after care procedures to my mom. Dr. D also came in and talked to her, said I did really well, and explained what to do if I got dry socket. Nurse M comes back with the wheelchair to wheel me outside to the car (she loves my mom's Mini Cooper Countryman ^_^) Then mom called dad and said we were on our way home.
Today is day 3 in recovery and I don't feel too bad. I was expecting recovery to be a lot harder on me and I had prepared for it, but the pain has been very minimal (not at all like after my Apicoectomy XP). My cheeks are still swollen a tiny bit, but that's about it. The bleeding that first day was RIDICULOUS, but it had finally gotten under control by bedtime. I've just been trying not to dislodge these blood clots >_< Started Peridex and salt water rinses yesterday, and I've been taking my medications as well. But I think I'll be alright now. The hard part is over. Now I'm just waiting for my arch wires on Thursday.
I had a consultation with my orthodontist on February 7th (I had been given a referral from my general dentist and decided to go for the free consultation--what harm could it do?). I went in the back, took pictures and x-rays, then I was sent back to the waiting room for a few minutes for someone to take me on a tour of the place. The building looks small from the outside, but it's quite HUGE on the inside. I must've driven by this place over 1,000 times in my lifetime since it's right down the street from my house. Never in a million years did I think I'd ever be getting treatment there (since, you know, I never wanted braces or anything...)
After the tour I was taken to the treatment coordinator's office. She was super nice and explained everything to me, including the treatment process for my case. Unfortunately, the word "extractions" was mentioned and I think I nearly died. I had read the horror stories about bicuspid extraction for orthodontic treatment, and I was scared to death. I was 100% expecting them to take my wisdom teeth since I've never touched those, but I wasn't prepared to lose these extra teeth as well. However, one of the other ladies who was there that day (another treatment coordinator who I think is only part time now) explained to me that she had the same procedure when she was 26 and has never regretted it (I would put her somewhere in her 50's today). So then my coordinator goes to grab the ortho.
Enter Dr. G (the ortho). Right off the bat, he seemed super chill and down to earth. He shook my hand, then began to go over the treatment plan. He also did a quick (but thorough) examination of my mouth. He saw my malformed teeth and evidence of tooth grinding (which was apparently worse than I thought), then he explained all that was going to happen--full braces top and bottom, traditional ortho treatment, 18 months total. Since I was still out of it from "extractions", I didn't really ask any questions this day. I was then given a referral to an oral surgeon and we scheduled a consultation right there in the TC's office for February 21st. I was nervous as all get out, but I had an appointment with my endodontist on February 8th for my last followup from my Apicoectomy from February 10th 2017. I thought I'd ask her opinion because she knows my teeth and I trust her very much.
Enter Dr. S (my endo). I had told the assistant that I wanted to ask her something important, so she took my x-rays and then brought in Dr. S. She sat down and said, "What did you want to talk about?". I told her that I had a consultation with an orthodontist because I was thinking about maybe getting braces, and that extractions were brought up. Dr. S was very calm about it, and she did proceed to tell me how very common bicuspid extraction was. She also told me that I personally would see positive changes in my profile--this made me feel better, and I do trust her. When she asked who I saw for my consult, I told her I saw Dr. G, and she immediately said, "Oh yeah, he's very knowledgeable. You can trust what he says." This may have sealed the deal for me to go on and take the plunge, but I still had to meet with the oral surgeon for my final consultation.
That next week, Monday February 19th (President's day, so I had the day off work), I called my general dentist, Dr. R, to tell her that I was going to go forward with Orthodontic treatment and get the braces. Of course, she was ecstatic for me, since she had been trying to get me to the ortho since I started going to her in 2016 (my childhood dentist, Dr. C, had moved to the desert in January of 2016 and I got knocked off my parent's dental in March when I turned 26--luckily I got a job for a school district in May, and the benefits couldn't be beat). Anyway, I told Dr. R that extractions were brought up, and she says, "Yes, I figured that would be the case because you have quite a bit of crowding," -__- Thanks Dr. R!! I told her that I would be going to the oral surgeon for my extractions since I had to get wisdom teeth out too and Dr. R doesn't do wisdom teeth (side note: my TC called Dr. R and asked her who she used for her referrals, and that's where I was sent). So Dr. R said go and get that taken care of and I would see her at my next appointment (April 23rd to be exact--I had gotten a deep cleaning in January and I now have to go in every 3 months or so).
I walk into the oral surgeon's office on February 21st with referral in hand, check in with the receptionist, and take my seat. I filled out the paperwork on line so I didn't have to do that in the office. I waited for a few minutes, then the nurse, V, comes out to take me to do x-rays. Then we go into one of the treatment rooms in the back and she brings up my x-rays on this huge flat screen TV, which was really cool. She asked me my music preference (they have THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR.), and we listened to classic rock as she's getting things together, then she goes to grab the surgeon for me (after we talked about my job, where I work, and what I do).
Enter Dr. D (the oral surgeon). He seemed like a fun guy to hang out with. His personality was very upbeat and it brightened the room. He looked up at my x-rays and said, "Wow, you've got a small mouth!!" XD We then begin to talk about why I'm here. I asked him if it was possible to maybe save my other teeth, he said let's take a look and find out. He examines my teeth, sees the problems, nurse V takes notes of everything, and then Dr. D says he agrees with Dr. G's diagnosis. Well, this was disheartening, but Dr. D is the oral surgeon. He does this on a daily basis, so I was almost inclined to trust his word. I scheduled my surgery date for Friday March 16th, since I would be on spring break by this time and would have an entire week to recover. I still had time to back out and pull the plug on the whole thing...
Fast forward to March 14th, last day of school. I had scheduled a meeting with Dr. G to ask the questions I didn't ask him the first time (I tried to get the after hours appointment, but the next available was for March 26th and my teeth were scheduled to be removed on the 16th, so it had to be before then--had to settle during regular hours which meant I didn't get a lot of time with him). Anyway, I went to my appointment, checked in on the computer, and since the system knows my birthday is this month, the screen said "Happy Birthday!" when I signed in. I thought that was a nice personal touch ^_^ As I was going to take a seat, I looked at the white board on the wall--one for new patients and one for freedom patients--and my name was on the new patients board (OMG, IT'S REAL NOW XD). My TC came out to greet me, and we went into her office and talked for a minute before she went and grabbed Dr. G. Since we didn't have too much time, I asked him the questions that most concerned me, and he answered them all ( I was told that they were all really good questions too ^_~). We probably spent 10-15 minutes, then he went back to the treatment room to take care of the patients outside. Meanwhile, my TC answered any more questions that I had. I then went over the contract and the paperwork to get my brackets bonded the next day, Thursday the 15th. Went in on Thrusday, put down my down payment, then I was taken to the treatment room by technician D, and she prepped my teeth for bonding. I have crowns on my front top two teeth and left lateral incisor, so she had to kinda scrape down the crowns so that they can be properly prepped for bonding. It felt weird, but since they're crowns and not my real teeth, it didn't hurt. Once my teeth are prepped, Dr. G comes over and starts bonding the brackets on ( I opted for the ceramic ones). Once that was all done, I had to brush my teeth (it felt SOOO WEIRD DX) then I came back to the chair and we made an appoint to get my arch wires for Thursday March 22nd (a week after my oral surgery). Technician D then gave me my travel pack of orthodontic goodies and went over everything (it was red too, and red is my favorite color ^_^). I then got to take a picture with Dr. G because all new patients get to take a picture with him (he also gave me a pink rose to take home). All that was left was my extractions on Friday the 16th.
Friday morning comes. I had a 9am appointment. I was ok when I woke up, but as I started getting ready and the time drew near, I got nervous. Then I got scared and started crying because I knew what was about to happen. My mom said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'll be right there," and we headed to the office. We sat in the car for a few minutes before getting out and going upstairs, and I was still crying. Got inside, checked in, paid, picked my Jamba Juice smoothie for after, then waited. Then assistant J came out and called me back. He was very nice. He walked us to the surgery room and began setting things up. Nurse V also came in and started talking to me and cheering me up. We put classic rock back on (can't go wrong with classic rock), then V walked out for a bit and left us with J. When I was a bit more calm, he began to administer the nitrous oxide. I was told to breathe in deeply, hold for a few seconds, then exhale through my mouth. I established a rhythm, then got very drowsy. Dr. D came in and my mom was escorted out to the waiting room. I heard Dr. D and the nurses talking about the lyrics of the song that was playing (Heat of the Moment by Asia ^_^), then they started looking for the vein in my arm to place the IV--found it in my left arm. I felt the needle go in, but I didn't feel pain, if that makes any sense. Then everything went dark. Next thing I know, I'm off to recovery and my mom is there waiting. It was a little hard to wake up, and they had put blankets on me because I was cold. The recovery nurse, M, was very nice and explained the after care procedures to my mom. Dr. D also came in and talked to her, said I did really well, and explained what to do if I got dry socket. Nurse M comes back with the wheelchair to wheel me outside to the car (she loves my mom's Mini Cooper Countryman ^_^) Then mom called dad and said we were on our way home.
Today is day 3 in recovery and I don't feel too bad. I was expecting recovery to be a lot harder on me and I had prepared for it, but the pain has been very minimal (not at all like after my Apicoectomy XP). My cheeks are still swollen a tiny bit, but that's about it. The bleeding that first day was RIDICULOUS, but it had finally gotten under control by bedtime. I've just been trying not to dislodge these blood clots >_< Started Peridex and salt water rinses yesterday, and I've been taking my medications as well. But I think I'll be alright now. The hard part is over. Now I'm just waiting for my arch wires on Thursday.
Re: My Journey thus far...
Well it happened. I broke a bracket early this morning in my sleep. When I felt the crack, I thought it was my tooth breaking, but nope, just the bracket popping off. Luckily, I don't have my arch wires yet, so it's not setting back my treatment any. My appointment for arch wires is tomorrow, so I'll just get the bracket replaced when I go in for my wires.
On another note, my bottom teeth have been hurting lately. Maybe they're just more sensitive now with the brackets on, but I don't know. I also have a dull ache on my right side under my ear. Don't know if that's related (it's not a deep throbbing pain like dry socket, and I've been checking to make sure all my clots are still there and healing--and they are), but I'm not too worried about it--I think I'm out of the "danger zone" since it's been 5 days since my surgery, and I've been taking my antibiotics every day as prescribed. My sutures in the back are a bit annoying now, though -_- Anyway, I start flushing with my syringe today, so hopefully things can start speeding up now with the healing.
Well it happened. I broke a bracket early this morning in my sleep. When I felt the crack, I thought it was my tooth breaking, but nope, just the bracket popping off. Luckily, I don't have my arch wires yet, so it's not setting back my treatment any. My appointment for arch wires is tomorrow, so I'll just get the bracket replaced when I go in for my wires.
On another note, my bottom teeth have been hurting lately. Maybe they're just more sensitive now with the brackets on, but I don't know. I also have a dull ache on my right side under my ear. Don't know if that's related (it's not a deep throbbing pain like dry socket, and I've been checking to make sure all my clots are still there and healing--and they are), but I'm not too worried about it--I think I'm out of the "danger zone" since it's been 5 days since my surgery, and I've been taking my antibiotics every day as prescribed. My sutures in the back are a bit annoying now, though -_- Anyway, I start flushing with my syringe today, so hopefully things can start speeding up now with the healing.
Re: My Journey thus far...
Hello, just wanted to pop in and say congrats on starting your journey! 

Re: My Journey thus far...
Thanks ^_^
I'm getting my arch wires in about an hour, so fingers crossed XD
I'm getting my arch wires in about an hour, so fingers crossed XD
Re: My Journey thus far...
Got my arch wires on today and Holy Crap!! I instantly felt the pressure as the technician is sliding on the wire and placing the bands (I picked the color Cobalt and it looks pretty good even with the ceramic brackets ^_^) Speaking of brackets, I got the broken one replaced, and then the technician broke another while she was setting my top wire, so got that one replaced as well. I wasn't expecting my ortho to be there today because I was told when I scheduled this appointment that he would be giving a lecture, so I was going to be seen by his partner ortho. However, I guess the lecture was earlier or cancelled because of the rain (not likely) because my ortho was in the office today.
I've been home for about an hour and a half, and I am definitely feeling some burning in my bottom teeth. Top ones are fine for now, but I'm expecting some pain later. I ate some canned peaches and some Mac & Cheese. We'll see how I feel in a bit.
I have to say that now that I am fully braced, the braces become "me" ^_^ I don't feel weird or awkward. I actually kinda like them a bit. But it's still very very early in my treatment. Next scheduled visit is May 16th.
Got my arch wires on today and Holy Crap!! I instantly felt the pressure as the technician is sliding on the wire and placing the bands (I picked the color Cobalt and it looks pretty good even with the ceramic brackets ^_^) Speaking of brackets, I got the broken one replaced, and then the technician broke another while she was setting my top wire, so got that one replaced as well. I wasn't expecting my ortho to be there today because I was told when I scheduled this appointment that he would be giving a lecture, so I was going to be seen by his partner ortho. However, I guess the lecture was earlier or cancelled because of the rain (not likely) because my ortho was in the office today.
I've been home for about an hour and a half, and I am definitely feeling some burning in my bottom teeth. Top ones are fine for now, but I'm expecting some pain later. I ate some canned peaches and some Mac & Cheese. We'll see how I feel in a bit.
I have to say that now that I am fully braced, the braces become "me" ^_^ I don't feel weird or awkward. I actually kinda like them a bit. But it's still very very early in my treatment. Next scheduled visit is May 16th.
Re: My Journey thus far...
I thought I was going crazy, but now I know for sure that my bottom right central incisor has moved overnignt! As a result of my trauma back in 2010 (the one that damaged my upper front teeth), the bottom 4 teeth became chipped some kind of way. The two bottom central incisors bot kinda chipped at an upward sloping angle so that the tips kinda looked like a peak. However, it was an even kinda slope, so the teeth were still flush with each other. Well, turns out my right central incisor moved UP a bit so that it is now slightly higher than the left central incisor o_O
Anyway, night #1 with braces wasn't too bad. I am a side/stomach sleeper for the most part (though I often end up on my back), and I thought I wouldn't be able to lay on my face with the full braces on. It wasn't a problem for me at all. Also, I haven't had to use any wax yet since no brackets or wires have cut or even irritated me. Just the pressure of the teeth moving (bottom ones are on fire). My 800mg Ibuprofen hasn't seemed to help much, but what can you do except grin and bear it. Beauty is pain as they say.
I thought I was going crazy, but now I know for sure that my bottom right central incisor has moved overnignt! As a result of my trauma back in 2010 (the one that damaged my upper front teeth), the bottom 4 teeth became chipped some kind of way. The two bottom central incisors bot kinda chipped at an upward sloping angle so that the tips kinda looked like a peak. However, it was an even kinda slope, so the teeth were still flush with each other. Well, turns out my right central incisor moved UP a bit so that it is now slightly higher than the left central incisor o_O
Anyway, night #1 with braces wasn't too bad. I am a side/stomach sleeper for the most part (though I often end up on my back), and I thought I wouldn't be able to lay on my face with the full braces on. It wasn't a problem for me at all. Also, I haven't had to use any wax yet since no brackets or wires have cut or even irritated me. Just the pressure of the teeth moving (bottom ones are on fire). My 800mg Ibuprofen hasn't seemed to help much, but what can you do except grin and bear it. Beauty is pain as they say.
- Posts: 476
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:01 am
Re: My Journey thus far...
Glad that you are seeing movement so fast! My bottom incisors moved quickly too. I had one lateral incisor that was lower than the others and tipped to one side, and that one straightened up in no time.
I always feel more pain in my lower arch after adjustments. My ortho tech. said that this is very normal. My top arch rarely gets sore, and I haven't seen as much movement there, even when they put on some thick, rectangular wire. My left upper incisors are very happy where they are, thank you, and do not want to move. Not sure why they are so much more resistant to moving than the lowers!
I always feel more pain in my lower arch after adjustments. My ortho tech. said that this is very normal. My top arch rarely gets sore, and I haven't seen as much movement there, even when they put on some thick, rectangular wire. My left upper incisors are very happy where they are, thank you, and do not want to move. Not sure why they are so much more resistant to moving than the lowers!
Re: My Journey thus far...
I actually need my top right incisor to move because it's so far behind by front teeth (this makes it look like the whole right side of my mouth/teeth cave in when I smile, hence the braces). However, it looks like the wire isn't set inside the bracket anymore. I popped it back in with tweezers, but it just popped itself right back out, like it doesn't want to set. I don't know if it was already like that or not. Since it's only my first wire and it's very thin, I'm going to leave it for now (since I feel like I just shifted all my top teeth trying to fix this wire >_<) I'm thinking it'll get back on track as things keep moving, especially since it's still held in place by the ligature. If it doesn't correct itself in a few days and I get concerned, I'll call the ortho office to see what they have to say.EmilyTravels wrote: ↑Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:20 pm Glad that you are seeing movement so fast! My bottom incisors moved quickly too. I had one lateral incisor that was lower than the others and tipped to one side, and that one straightened up in no time.
I always feel more pain in my lower arch after adjustments. My ortho tech. said that this is very normal. My top arch rarely gets sore, and I haven't seen as much movement there, even when they put on some thick, rectangular wire. My left upper incisors are very happy where they are, thank you, and do not want to move. Not sure why they are so much more resistant to moving than the lowers!
End of day 2 ^_^
p.s. Did I mention that it hurts to floss? DX
Re: My Journey thus far...
I just got my braces on about a week and a half ago and I know what you mean about it hurting to floss! I couldn't believe the pain that could go along with putting a tint string between your teeth. The pain goes away really fast, though. I'm eating normally again already, and flossing doesn't hurt anymore. Hang in there! And I love the idea of cobalt bands with ceramic braces, I bet it's super cute!
Re: My Journey thus far...
First day back at work today. I have to admit, it didn't even feel like I just had spring break. My alarm went off at 6am, and I woke up to it way too easy after a week of sleeping in -__-
As soon as I got to work (I failed to mention that I work for a school district in another city, about 30 minutes from where I live, running a computer lab in a k-5 school), I was stopped by one of the 5th grade teachers, Mr. S. Mr. S and I like to talk about SPAMS and nerdy stuff, and he had caught me watching youtube videos just before spring break and asked me what I was watching. I told him I was getting braces, so of course when I'm walking to the staff lounge this morning to put my lunch away and he's walking back to his classroom, he stops me and says "Let's see 'em!" 4th grade teacher Mrs. L also commented on my braces when I saw her class first thing this morning and we talked about them for a while. A few of the kids noticed and commented on them, but it's only Monday. I'm sure more comments will come as the week goes on ^_^
Anyway, I dusted off my old waterpik last night (bought a table top tank one a few years back to use around my crowns in the front when I was afraid to floss them for fear that I'd pop one out accidentally--I don't have that fear anymore). It's been 4 days now and I think I'm used to having them in my mouth. I haven't had to use any wax yet, and it still hurts to bite/chew anything, but the braces are a part of me now. I finally announced to my friends on Facebook with pictures, and my cousin who I haven't spoken to or seen in over 10 years commented and said he's going to do it now--I know he's wanted braces for a long time but he thought he was too old XD He's only a few years younger than me, so I encouraged him to do it if it's something he really wants (and I know he does).
So far I have no regrets (other than not being able to chew, but I can eat solid--yet soft--food now), even with the extractions (the small holes in the back where my impacted wisdom teeth were are a bit annoying though -_-). I can kinda visualize what the final results will be, and it's exciting. But like I said, it's still early. Not even a week yet. But since there's no going back in time, I just gotta look to the future ^_^
First day back at work today. I have to admit, it didn't even feel like I just had spring break. My alarm went off at 6am, and I woke up to it way too easy after a week of sleeping in -__-
As soon as I got to work (I failed to mention that I work for a school district in another city, about 30 minutes from where I live, running a computer lab in a k-5 school), I was stopped by one of the 5th grade teachers, Mr. S. Mr. S and I like to talk about SPAMS and nerdy stuff, and he had caught me watching youtube videos just before spring break and asked me what I was watching. I told him I was getting braces, so of course when I'm walking to the staff lounge this morning to put my lunch away and he's walking back to his classroom, he stops me and says "Let's see 'em!" 4th grade teacher Mrs. L also commented on my braces when I saw her class first thing this morning and we talked about them for a while. A few of the kids noticed and commented on them, but it's only Monday. I'm sure more comments will come as the week goes on ^_^
Anyway, I dusted off my old waterpik last night (bought a table top tank one a few years back to use around my crowns in the front when I was afraid to floss them for fear that I'd pop one out accidentally--I don't have that fear anymore). It's been 4 days now and I think I'm used to having them in my mouth. I haven't had to use any wax yet, and it still hurts to bite/chew anything, but the braces are a part of me now. I finally announced to my friends on Facebook with pictures, and my cousin who I haven't spoken to or seen in over 10 years commented and said he's going to do it now--I know he's wanted braces for a long time but he thought he was too old XD He's only a few years younger than me, so I encouraged him to do it if it's something he really wants (and I know he does).
So far I have no regrets (other than not being able to chew, but I can eat solid--yet soft--food now), even with the extractions (the small holes in the back where my impacted wisdom teeth were are a bit annoying though -_-). I can kinda visualize what the final results will be, and it's exciting. But like I said, it's still early. Not even a week yet. But since there's no going back in time, I just gotta look to the future ^_^
Re: My Journey thus far...
Maybe I'll post some pictures after the first week to see the progress (there has been some, but I'm hoping to see more in the next few weeks) ^_^lindz74 wrote: ↑Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:36 pm I just got my braces on about a week and a half ago and I know what you mean about it hurting to floss! I couldn't believe the pain that could go along with putting a tint string between your teeth. The pain goes away really fast, though. I'm eating normally again already, and flossing doesn't hurt anymore. Hang in there! And I love the idea of cobalt bands with ceramic braces, I bet it's super cute!
Re: My Journey thus far...
Today marked 1 week in braces (2 weeks since I was bracketed). I feel accomplished ^_^ In fact, I ate pizza today and didn't have too much difficulty. The crust unfortunately was a little too crunchy, and my molars are still a bit tender so I didn't eat that part. Not as tender as they've been, which means I'm getting used to these braces. Pain level has probably been at a 3 the last few days.
Anyway, not too much happening. Just wanted to update the milestone.
Today marked 1 week in braces (2 weeks since I was bracketed). I feel accomplished ^_^ In fact, I ate pizza today and didn't have too much difficulty. The crust unfortunately was a little too crunchy, and my molars are still a bit tender so I didn't eat that part. Not as tender as they've been, which means I'm getting used to these braces. Pain level has probably been at a 3 the last few days.
Anyway, not too much happening. Just wanted to update the milestone.
Re: My Journey thus far...
I officially turned 28 today. If someone would've told me when I was 18 that I would have braces at 28, I would've said, "Nope!" Fast forward 10 years we are.
At least I'm investing in myself now rather than not out of fear or being uncomfortable (like not being able to chew--but it's getting better now. My molars aren't that sore anymore. Still afraid to bite anything though).
Sorry, not really an update, I just wanted to share ^_^
I officially turned 28 today. If someone would've told me when I was 18 that I would have braces at 28, I would've said, "Nope!" Fast forward 10 years we are.
At least I'm investing in myself now rather than not out of fear or being uncomfortable (like not being able to chew--but it's getting better now. My molars aren't that sore anymore. Still afraid to bite anything though).
Sorry, not really an update, I just wanted to share ^_^
Re: My Journey thus far...
Aro wrote: ↑Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:45 pm 3-31-18
I officially turned 28 today. If someone would've told me when I was 18 that I would have braces at 28, I would've said, "Nope!" Fast forward 10 years we are.
At least I'm investing in myself now rather than not out of fear or being uncomfortable (like not being able to chew--but it's getting better now. My molars aren't that sore anymore. Still afraid to bite anything though).
Sorry, not really an update, I just wanted to share ^_^
Happy Belated!

Re: My Journey thus far...
I can finally use my front teeth again to bite and tear food ^___^ Still feels a bit weird, but they're not sensitive anymore when I try to bite. They still hurt when I accidentally clank them on other teeth or on a metal fork (I was banned from using metal silverware for a while because of this and reduced to using only plastic silverware, but I've slowly switched back to metal). Still being careful though, because I'm not about to break any brackets with the arch wires on.
On another note, my right upper incisor has come out from behind my front central! Now I can see what looks to be the remnants of a filling that may or may not have fallen out some time ago...I'll find out for sure when I go to see Dr. R (general dentist) in a few weeks for my followup from my deep cleaning in January. Might be no big deal, since nothing has ever shown up on x-rays.
Also, I THINK my extraction gaps have gotten smaller (I THINK anyway, not sure). They look smaller to me, but those were some awkward-formed teeth to begin with so I don't know.
Waiting for progress is excruciating DX I'm checking the mirror every day at all hours looking for changes. There have been some, definitely, but I'd like to see more. It hasn't even really been a month yet...
I can finally use my front teeth again to bite and tear food ^___^ Still feels a bit weird, but they're not sensitive anymore when I try to bite. They still hurt when I accidentally clank them on other teeth or on a metal fork (I was banned from using metal silverware for a while because of this and reduced to using only plastic silverware, but I've slowly switched back to metal). Still being careful though, because I'm not about to break any brackets with the arch wires on.
On another note, my right upper incisor has come out from behind my front central! Now I can see what looks to be the remnants of a filling that may or may not have fallen out some time ago...I'll find out for sure when I go to see Dr. R (general dentist) in a few weeks for my followup from my deep cleaning in January. Might be no big deal, since nothing has ever shown up on x-rays.
Also, I THINK my extraction gaps have gotten smaller (I THINK anyway, not sure). They look smaller to me, but those were some awkward-formed teeth to begin with so I don't know.
Waiting for progress is excruciating DX I'm checking the mirror every day at all hours looking for changes. There have been some, definitely, but I'd like to see more. It hasn't even really been a month yet...