My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
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My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
It is so hard to find information on the Carriere! I am just past the 48hour mark with this apparatus on, so I thought I would start this little blog.
I have a 9mm overbite with severe gaps on my top and mild overcrowding on the bottom. I don't know all the lingo yet, but I have really bucked teeth and when I close my jaw, my bottom front teeth touch the roof of my mouth, not my top teeth.
I had the Carriere placed on June 21, but was told not to put the elastics on until 24 hours after. The Carriere is basically a curved bar with two brackets on each end. One end attaches to the 1st molar, the other to the canine. An anchor bracket is on my bottom 1st molar. I have to wear elastics from a hook on my canines, down to a hook on the bottom 1st molar. I also have to wear a clear retainer on my bottom teeth 24/7. I guess this is good, because it means I can finally kick the habit of biting my nails.
I was super concerned the night before I got this on because I finally took the time to google this apparatus. The ortho did a SH*T job of explaining my treatment to me, and I had ZERO idea that I had to wear elastics or a retainer. I was kind of pissed that no one took the time to explain things past "we will place a little bar on your top teeth".
The ortho said he is anticipating 12-16 weeks of this appliance. This was music to my ears, because originally I was told 6 months. At my consultation (2 years ago with a different ortho) I was told this would be followed by 24 months in braces, and that I wasn't a candidate for invisalign. This ortho looked in my mouth and told me that he isn't ruling out invisalign yet. So fingers crossed that at the end of the Carriere stint, I will be a candidate for invisalign. I am in the military, and because my orthodontic concerns are of a functional nature (not just cosmetic), they are footing the bill 100%. So bring on invisalign!!!
Sleep has always been difficult for me, so I was super scared to have all this crap in my mouth. Given that I also have a 6 week old newborn, sleep has been spotty at best. I am happy to report that I have no seemed to lose any sleep because of the Carriere yet.
The pain is moderate at this point (I have been taking leftover T3s at night though). By the time 4pm rolls around, my jaw feels achy and exhausted and my teeth throb. Like REALLY ache. To the point where both days I have questioned whether I really want to do this or not. I mean, I am married to a man who thinks my smile is beautiful without going through all this pain and hoopla. He is being my cheerleader though. He keeps reminding me that this pain won't last the entire time, and that it is just my jaw and teeth getting used to all the apparati. I don't know much about elastics, but the ones I have say 1/4 inch x 6oz. (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??)
My appetite is almost nil right now. Every time I eat anything or drink anything other than water, I have to go through the chore of taking the elastics off, and taking the retainer out. The catch is, the more time I spend out of the elastics, the less effective the treatment will be. Needless to say, my drink of choice has been water (although my hubby just whipped out a bottle of my favourite Valipolecella that I can't say no to!). I eat my meals quickly, and rush to brush my teeth and put my elastics (and retainer) back on. I look forward to the break, but I don't want to be in these things any longer than I have to. Snacking is now non-existent because it is such a chore to take everything out, eat, brush teeth, clean retainer, put it all back in and re-apply wax. OH YES - the wax. These damn hooks on my canines have cut up the inside of my lips and cheek pretty good. Hopefully the cuts will heal soon and they'll be a little tougher.
If you are reading this and have experience with this particular torture device, please comment with your story. I could really use some reassurance that the pain and ache get better.
I have a 9mm overbite with severe gaps on my top and mild overcrowding on the bottom. I don't know all the lingo yet, but I have really bucked teeth and when I close my jaw, my bottom front teeth touch the roof of my mouth, not my top teeth.
I had the Carriere placed on June 21, but was told not to put the elastics on until 24 hours after. The Carriere is basically a curved bar with two brackets on each end. One end attaches to the 1st molar, the other to the canine. An anchor bracket is on my bottom 1st molar. I have to wear elastics from a hook on my canines, down to a hook on the bottom 1st molar. I also have to wear a clear retainer on my bottom teeth 24/7. I guess this is good, because it means I can finally kick the habit of biting my nails.
I was super concerned the night before I got this on because I finally took the time to google this apparatus. The ortho did a SH*T job of explaining my treatment to me, and I had ZERO idea that I had to wear elastics or a retainer. I was kind of pissed that no one took the time to explain things past "we will place a little bar on your top teeth".
The ortho said he is anticipating 12-16 weeks of this appliance. This was music to my ears, because originally I was told 6 months. At my consultation (2 years ago with a different ortho) I was told this would be followed by 24 months in braces, and that I wasn't a candidate for invisalign. This ortho looked in my mouth and told me that he isn't ruling out invisalign yet. So fingers crossed that at the end of the Carriere stint, I will be a candidate for invisalign. I am in the military, and because my orthodontic concerns are of a functional nature (not just cosmetic), they are footing the bill 100%. So bring on invisalign!!!
Sleep has always been difficult for me, so I was super scared to have all this crap in my mouth. Given that I also have a 6 week old newborn, sleep has been spotty at best. I am happy to report that I have no seemed to lose any sleep because of the Carriere yet.
The pain is moderate at this point (I have been taking leftover T3s at night though). By the time 4pm rolls around, my jaw feels achy and exhausted and my teeth throb. Like REALLY ache. To the point where both days I have questioned whether I really want to do this or not. I mean, I am married to a man who thinks my smile is beautiful without going through all this pain and hoopla. He is being my cheerleader though. He keeps reminding me that this pain won't last the entire time, and that it is just my jaw and teeth getting used to all the apparati. I don't know much about elastics, but the ones I have say 1/4 inch x 6oz. (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??)
My appetite is almost nil right now. Every time I eat anything or drink anything other than water, I have to go through the chore of taking the elastics off, and taking the retainer out. The catch is, the more time I spend out of the elastics, the less effective the treatment will be. Needless to say, my drink of choice has been water (although my hubby just whipped out a bottle of my favourite Valipolecella that I can't say no to!). I eat my meals quickly, and rush to brush my teeth and put my elastics (and retainer) back on. I look forward to the break, but I don't want to be in these things any longer than I have to. Snacking is now non-existent because it is such a chore to take everything out, eat, brush teeth, clean retainer, put it all back in and re-apply wax. OH YES - the wax. These damn hooks on my canines have cut up the inside of my lips and cheek pretty good. Hopefully the cuts will heal soon and they'll be a little tougher.
If you are reading this and have experience with this particular torture device, please comment with your story. I could really use some reassurance that the pain and ache get better.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
DAY 5 UPDATE - Pain getting manageable
So, my mouth is definitely getting used to everything. My mouth isn't making as much saliva, and my speech with the retainer is back to normal. The cuts on my cheeks from the hooks have healed slightly, so I am not putting wax on them to try and toughen up my cheeks. By the end of the day, my jaw is still a little sore - but it isn't the same "I regret putting this crap in my mouth" kind of pain.
I might be going crazy, but when I take my retainer out to eat, my bite already feels different. Like they aren't lining up anymore. The molar on the bottom with the anchor feels "taller". I wonder if it being pulled up by the force of the elastics?
I did some research on these elastics and they are equivalent to the Carriere Force 1 elastics. My first check-up was supposed to be Aug 16 - which is almost two months. The Carriere patient information pamphlet says Force 1 elastics should be worn for the first month, and then go to Force 2 after that (3/16 x 8oz). I don't want to be in this thing any longer than I have to, so I moved my appointment to July 27 (three weeks early) and hope he will give me the Force 2 elastics then.
I am really missing being able to enjoy sipping on coffee. Now, to drink a coffee or a glass of wine I have to take the retainer and elastics out and pretty much down it.
So, my mouth is definitely getting used to everything. My mouth isn't making as much saliva, and my speech with the retainer is back to normal. The cuts on my cheeks from the hooks have healed slightly, so I am not putting wax on them to try and toughen up my cheeks. By the end of the day, my jaw is still a little sore - but it isn't the same "I regret putting this crap in my mouth" kind of pain.
I might be going crazy, but when I take my retainer out to eat, my bite already feels different. Like they aren't lining up anymore. The molar on the bottom with the anchor feels "taller". I wonder if it being pulled up by the force of the elastics?
I did some research on these elastics and they are equivalent to the Carriere Force 1 elastics. My first check-up was supposed to be Aug 16 - which is almost two months. The Carriere patient information pamphlet says Force 1 elastics should be worn for the first month, and then go to Force 2 after that (3/16 x 8oz). I don't want to be in this thing any longer than I have to, so I moved my appointment to July 27 (three weeks early) and hope he will give me the Force 2 elastics then.
I am really missing being able to enjoy sipping on coffee. Now, to drink a coffee or a glass of wine I have to take the retainer and elastics out and pretty much down it.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
3 WEEK UPDATE - Is this thing on?
All pain has subsided for quite some time now, and I honestly don't even know this thing is in. My cheeks don't get cut anymore and the elastics feel like they can't possibly be working because I don't notice them pulling at all. But they ARE working. The space between my lateral incisors and canines is getting bigger. I hope this is easily correctable, because I already have monstrous gaps to begin with.
Wearing the Essix retainer on the bottom was one of the things I was most concerned about when I found out I had to wear it as part of the Carriere appliance. So, for anyone worried about it, listen to me. I had so much anxiety about wearing a retainer that I almost discontinued treatment. I have now on two separate occasions taken out my elastics to brush my teeth, and then started brushing my lowers with retainer still in... that's how little I notice it now! I have on numerous occasions started eating with the retainer still in and then realize I can't chew with it in haha.
I have had no headaches like others have with this appliance, and have been ridiculously compliant. My next appointment is on July 26, which will be 5 weeks with this appliance on. I think I am going to be moving up to Force 2 elastics (3/16'' x 8 oz). I imagine I will probably go back to being a whiney patient for a few days after, but at least now have the confidence of knowing it indeed does get better.
All pain has subsided for quite some time now, and I honestly don't even know this thing is in. My cheeks don't get cut anymore and the elastics feel like they can't possibly be working because I don't notice them pulling at all. But they ARE working. The space between my lateral incisors and canines is getting bigger. I hope this is easily correctable, because I already have monstrous gaps to begin with.
Wearing the Essix retainer on the bottom was one of the things I was most concerned about when I found out I had to wear it as part of the Carriere appliance. So, for anyone worried about it, listen to me. I had so much anxiety about wearing a retainer that I almost discontinued treatment. I have now on two separate occasions taken out my elastics to brush my teeth, and then started brushing my lowers with retainer still in... that's how little I notice it now! I have on numerous occasions started eating with the retainer still in and then realize I can't chew with it in haha.
I have had no headaches like others have with this appliance, and have been ridiculously compliant. My next appointment is on July 26, which will be 5 weeks with this appliance on. I think I am going to be moving up to Force 2 elastics (3/16'' x 8 oz). I imagine I will probably go back to being a whiney patient for a few days after, but at least now have the confidence of knowing it indeed does get better.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
5 Week Update - First Check-up
I seriously wonder if my posts are visible, because most other threads get at least one reply lol. I had my first check-up with the ortho today and was complimented on my progress! I guess my ridiculous level of compliance has paid off, because the right side of my bite is completely corrected!!! I only have to wear elastics on that side at night from now on, to maintain their placement. GO ME!
As for my left side, I was given smaller (tighter) elastics (3/16'' x 6 oz) to wear 24/7. So heavy on the left side full time, light (1/4'' x 6oz) on the right half-time. Considering how much I was ready to give up on day one, I am pretty freaking proud of myself. When the ortho said the right side was done, I actually asked her if she was sure haha! It didn't seem like I would get off that easy. I told her that my retainer was probably messing up the view and I should take it out, and she said "nope, your teeth are exactly where they need to be on that side."
So, now I have only one elastic in and... boy does it feel weird. It is amazing the difference 1/16th of an inch makes - because these elastics are WAY smaller. I am sure that my left side will be sore and tired for the next couple days, but at least now I know it goes away!
Next appointment is in 7 more weeks, on Sept 27th. Ortho said I should be close to being done, if not done with the carriere by then and we can schedule an appointment to get the braces on
I seriously wonder if my posts are visible, because most other threads get at least one reply lol. I had my first check-up with the ortho today and was complimented on my progress! I guess my ridiculous level of compliance has paid off, because the right side of my bite is completely corrected!!! I only have to wear elastics on that side at night from now on, to maintain their placement. GO ME!
As for my left side, I was given smaller (tighter) elastics (3/16'' x 6 oz) to wear 24/7. So heavy on the left side full time, light (1/4'' x 6oz) on the right half-time. Considering how much I was ready to give up on day one, I am pretty freaking proud of myself. When the ortho said the right side was done, I actually asked her if she was sure haha! It didn't seem like I would get off that easy. I told her that my retainer was probably messing up the view and I should take it out, and she said "nope, your teeth are exactly where they need to be on that side."
So, now I have only one elastic in and... boy does it feel weird. It is amazing the difference 1/16th of an inch makes - because these elastics are WAY smaller. I am sure that my left side will be sore and tired for the next couple days, but at least now I know it goes away!
Next appointment is in 7 more weeks, on Sept 27th. Ortho said I should be close to being done, if not done with the carriere by then and we can schedule an appointment to get the braces on

- Posts: 476
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:01 am
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
Sounds like you are making great progress! I know you must be pleased.
I was happy to read about your Essix retainer experience as I'll be getting my braces off soon, and it's good to know that even if the retainers are incredibly distracting and possibly painful at first, they soon become a non-issue. I've had the same experience with my "heavy" class 2 elastics. Almost every meal I sit down to eat before I remember to take them off now. They're painful the first few days, then no problem.
Good luck moving forward!
I was happy to read about your Essix retainer experience as I'll be getting my braces off soon, and it's good to know that even if the retainers are incredibly distracting and possibly painful at first, they soon become a non-issue. I've had the same experience with my "heavy" class 2 elastics. Almost every meal I sit down to eat before I remember to take them off now. They're painful the first few days, then no problem.
Good luck moving forward!
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
8 WEEK UPDATE - sort of ouch
I have had the smaller elastics on my left side for 3.5 weeks now. I must say they did not hurt at all switching over. In fact, I didn't notice much of a difference at all. Until about 2 weeks after I started using them, I noticed my canine is quite tender and the teeth on that side of my mouth feel loose. There is a now a space between my left front incisor and the lateral incisor, which I think is weird because those teeth aren't part of the carriere system.
My gums on both the top and bottom are really tender to touch. I am getting a little sick of the retainer on bottom. I would LOVE to just pop something in my mouth and eat it without taking out all the crap in my mouth. I am actually looking forward to braces for this purpose. The clear acrylic retainer is a little difficult to keep clean. I have found the best way to clean it is to drop a couple tabs of denture cleaner in a glass and stick the retainer in. Leave for 5 mins and brush it like hell with a retainer brush. Then clean with hand soap. It is very tempting to use toothpaste to clean it.
4.5 weeks until next appointment!
I have had the smaller elastics on my left side for 3.5 weeks now. I must say they did not hurt at all switching over. In fact, I didn't notice much of a difference at all. Until about 2 weeks after I started using them, I noticed my canine is quite tender and the teeth on that side of my mouth feel loose. There is a now a space between my left front incisor and the lateral incisor, which I think is weird because those teeth aren't part of the carriere system.
My gums on both the top and bottom are really tender to touch. I am getting a little sick of the retainer on bottom. I would LOVE to just pop something in my mouth and eat it without taking out all the crap in my mouth. I am actually looking forward to braces for this purpose. The clear acrylic retainer is a little difficult to keep clean. I have found the best way to clean it is to drop a couple tabs of denture cleaner in a glass and stick the retainer in. Leave for 5 mins and brush it like hell with a retainer brush. Then clean with hand soap. It is very tempting to use toothpaste to clean it.
4.5 weeks until next appointment!
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
I had the Carriere appliance too! I wore it for six months though so you're super lucky (I had a ton of crowding on top). I wrote about my experience here if you want to read it: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=52790
I haven't checked the forum in a while because my braces aren't really doing anything too exciting. Lol I will say that my least favorite part of the Carriere is the retainer. I was so freaking sick of it by the time that the appliance came off I said "absolutely not" to Invisalign. I got ceramic braces on top and metal on the bottom and I'm really happy with it.
It's nice to see that this appliance is being used! I never heard of it before my treatment and it definitely is tough to find information on it.
I haven't checked the forum in a while because my braces aren't really doing anything too exciting. Lol I will say that my least favorite part of the Carriere is the retainer. I was so freaking sick of it by the time that the appliance came off I said "absolutely not" to Invisalign. I got ceramic braces on top and metal on the bottom and I'm really happy with it.
It's nice to see that this appliance is being used! I never heard of it before my treatment and it definitely is tough to find information on it.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
OMG - Your story is the one I faithfully read through word by word before getting this thing on! You gave me the courage to go through with it! I am with you on the invisalign now - I will opt for the ceramic braces on top like you. It is SO annoying to never be able to just snack, or have a drink of something other than water without taking out the damn retainer. NO THANKS.lindz74 wrote: ↑Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:17 pm I had the Carriere appliance too! I wore it for six months though so you're super lucky (I had a ton of crowding on top). I wrote about my experience here if you want to read it: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=52790
I haven't checked the forum in a while because my braces aren't really doing anything too exciting. Lol I will say that my least favorite part of the Carriere is the retainer. I was so freaking sick of it by the time that the appliance came off I said "absolutely not" to Invisalign. I got ceramic braces on top and metal on the bottom and I'm really happy with it.
It's nice to see that this appliance is being used! I never heard of it before my treatment and it definitely is tough to find information on it.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
Oh my gosh I'm so happy my posts were helpful! I really like my braces. I don't think I would have fared well with Invisalign. I can't be held responsible for my own treatment! Lol
The first couple of weeks with braces were fairly painful, but since then it's been smooth sailing. Even after adjustments I only have discomfort for a couple of days so you have already done the hard part! I hope you continue to have a good journey!
let me know if I can be of any more help at all.
The first couple of weeks with braces were fairly painful, but since then it's been smooth sailing. Even after adjustments I only have discomfort for a couple of days so you have already done the hard part! I hope you continue to have a good journey!

Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
Okay, so now my teeth have more gaps than my freeloading brother's employment history. Even my front four teeth are spacing out more. The ortho assured me that all these gaps will close up once we start reining in the flared out front teeth. I am a little disheartened because my left side is still not where it needs to be, whereas the right side got where it was going in only 5 weeks. The ortho said that my right side had a 70% head, because only had to move back by 1/3rd of a tooth, whereas the left side has to move back a full tooth. It has about half a tooth to go.
They upped my elastics to these thick ones that are nearly impossible to get around the hooks on the carriere and anchor. I have really cut up my cheeks on the inside trying to grab the elastics and getting my cheek skin caught up too. They are 3/16'' x 8 oz. I think this is equivalent to Carriere's Force 2 elastics. I honestly don't notice a difference as far as tightness or sensitivity, but maybe my teeth are so used to the trauma by now that it doesn't hurt anymore.
Next appointment is in 5 weeks, and ortho thinks I could be done with the Carriere by then. I am still ridiculously compliant with my elastics, even though I only have to wear the right side at night to keep them in place. I can't WAIT to just have braces. I LOATHE the Essix retainer (which I wear 24/7). It doesn't bother me when it is on, I don't even feel it. But I have to take it out EVERY time I eat anything. And now with the elastic being so hard to get on, I have to really, REALLY want to eat in order to take everything out. So basically, I have to ask myself if eating is worth it - which for a snack, it often isn't. I can't wait to just be able to pop a cherry tomato in my mouth, or have a slice of toast without going through to hoopla of taking off elastics, taking out retainer, rinsing retainer, cleaning retainer, brushing teeth, replacing retainer, hooking monster elastic.
Did I mention I have a newborn? He loves to get really fussy when I am trying to clean the retainer, or hook the elastics. It's like he knows.
Tee Minus 5 weeks
Okay, so now my teeth have more gaps than my freeloading brother's employment history. Even my front four teeth are spacing out more. The ortho assured me that all these gaps will close up once we start reining in the flared out front teeth. I am a little disheartened because my left side is still not where it needs to be, whereas the right side got where it was going in only 5 weeks. The ortho said that my right side had a 70% head, because only had to move back by 1/3rd of a tooth, whereas the left side has to move back a full tooth. It has about half a tooth to go.
They upped my elastics to these thick ones that are nearly impossible to get around the hooks on the carriere and anchor. I have really cut up my cheeks on the inside trying to grab the elastics and getting my cheek skin caught up too. They are 3/16'' x 8 oz. I think this is equivalent to Carriere's Force 2 elastics. I honestly don't notice a difference as far as tightness or sensitivity, but maybe my teeth are so used to the trauma by now that it doesn't hurt anymore.
Next appointment is in 5 weeks, and ortho thinks I could be done with the Carriere by then. I am still ridiculously compliant with my elastics, even though I only have to wear the right side at night to keep them in place. I can't WAIT to just have braces. I LOATHE the Essix retainer (which I wear 24/7). It doesn't bother me when it is on, I don't even feel it. But I have to take it out EVERY time I eat anything. And now with the elastic being so hard to get on, I have to really, REALLY want to eat in order to take everything out. So basically, I have to ask myself if eating is worth it - which for a snack, it often isn't. I can't wait to just be able to pop a cherry tomato in my mouth, or have a slice of toast without going through to hoopla of taking off elastics, taking out retainer, rinsing retainer, cleaning retainer, brushing teeth, replacing retainer, hooking monster elastic.
Did I mention I have a newborn? He loves to get really fussy when I am trying to clean the retainer, or hook the elastics. It's like he knows.
Tee Minus 5 weeks
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- Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:17 pm
- Location: USA
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
Thanks for posting such detail! One ortho proposed carrière and invisalign but I couldn't find much info online. The though of my canines getting long and loose freaked me out so much that I decided to go full metal braces route instead.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
Hi there!Meowmeowbeans2 wrote: ↑Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:27 pm Thanks for posting such detail! One ortho proposed carrière and invisalign but I couldn't find much info online. The though of my canines getting long and loose freaked me out so much that I decided to go full metal braces route instead.
The Carriere hasn't pulled my canines out any, and is actually reducing my treatment time overall by more than 8 months

Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
Are you using the hook tool to put on/take off your elastics? I was always able to finagle my elastics with that better rather than just doing it by hand.
I'm sorry it's a little slow going! Hang in there, it's gonna be totally worth it.
I'm sorry it's a little slow going! Hang in there, it's gonna be totally worth it.

Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
I totally lost the little tool. I am getting the hang of it, but the elastics are so thick that sometimes the hook pierces through them. I think I am going to be in these for another 6 weeks ish.
Re: My Carriere, retainer, ceramic braces journey at 31 y/o
18 WEEK UPDATE - Charging Ahead
I had an appointment today and was hoping to be done with the Carriere and moving on to braces. Well, good news and bad news. Bas news: I am not done with the Carriere. My left side still needs to move by 1/3 of a tooth. So I am to continue with the thick elastics on that side and the thin ones on the right at night just to keep them in place. Good news: in 4 weeks I am having my top front four teeth put in braces to start correcting the extreme overjet
The orthodontist said there is so much space up there from the Carriere that it seems silly not getting started on closing some of those gaps. Because I am opting to go with ceramic braces instead of aligners, this is possible. If I had've chosen aligners, I would have had to wait until the Carriere was finished completely before getting measured for aligners.
I am going to bet that my Carriere will come off in January (2 more months). My left side is just so slow moving, and to tell you the truth, these elastics are such a pain to get on that I don't change them as often as I used to - pretty much only when I eat, and I am certainly not jumping up from supper to get them back on.
I had an appointment today and was hoping to be done with the Carriere and moving on to braces. Well, good news and bad news. Bas news: I am not done with the Carriere. My left side still needs to move by 1/3 of a tooth. So I am to continue with the thick elastics on that side and the thin ones on the right at night just to keep them in place. Good news: in 4 weeks I am having my top front four teeth put in braces to start correcting the extreme overjet

I am going to bet that my Carriere will come off in January (2 more months). My left side is just so slow moving, and to tell you the truth, these elastics are such a pain to get on that I don't change them as often as I used to - pretty much only when I eat, and I am certainly not jumping up from supper to get them back on.