51 six months smile or not

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51 six months smile or not

#1 Post by GrantJ »

Hi, I have a consultation on Saturday morning and probably going with the sms? I have had a traditional consultation and was advised of 2 years treatment, I have a lot of fillings and feel my teeth are too weak for braces, is this a thing? I am quite nervous and unsure of what to do. Its really only my front teeth that concern me, any advice on the sms system would be appreciated.

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Re: 51 six months smile or not

#2 Post by Prometheus »

Hi Grant, If you search the board you will find a lot of negative options on SMS. SMS is offered by general dentists who take a weekend course to learn how it's done. Orthodontists have 3 years of post graduate training and board certified ones have passed a rigorous certification exam as well. I did a short course of invisalign based on recommendations from a general dentist. It didn't work out, possibly made things worse, and I ended up with a full set of Damon braces for three years at age 58 to get it right. I had a difficult case but the general dentist I went to had no idea that it was such a problem and gave me bad advice. They are your teeth, so its your call, but do consider the value of getting your advice from a real professional. -P
Lower braces on March 11, 2015, upper braces added July 14, 2015.
Damon, metal bottom / clear top.
Braces off March 26, 2018: Total time in braces: 3 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.
Hawley retainers top and bottom.

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Re: 51 six months smile or not

#3 Post by GrantJ »

Thanks for your advice, I have been reading a lot of stories and take on board examples like your own, I am going to have a couple of consultations and mull over whats best for me but yes it is a big decision and I want to get it right.

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Re: 51 six months smile or not

#4 Post by TCCZ »

I have had a traditional consultation and was advised of 2 years treatment, I have a lot of fillings and feel my teeth are too weak for braces, is this a thing?
Absolutely it's a thing, I had those very thoughts and concerns. The day after they put my brackets on I noticed a sharp pain in an upper tooth and low and behold I had a loose crown and had to have it recemented. As the Orthodontist and general dentist both said to me, don't worry about something going wrong, at my age expect it. We will just fix the problem if and when it comes up. The interesting part was the matter a fact way they both said it, like it was no big deal and I felt better after that.

As far as SMS goes, moving adult teeth is more complex than children so I chose an Orthodontist that works a lot with adult teeth and has over 30 years experience. It made me more confident to finally get it started and I do not regret my decision at all.

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