I started my braces adventure
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- Posts: 6
- Joined: Wed May 04, 2022 11:40 pm
I started my braces adventure
Having a shame about my crooked smile, I decided to have braces some time ago. It will be a process of 2 years, one gap year and then probably 2 to 4 years again. The gap year is to look what my teeth will do, since I don't want to have a permanent retainer. The top braces are placed already
feels tight but good. Will try to find a way to upload a photo!

- Posts: 6
- Joined: Wed May 04, 2022 11:40 pm
Re: I started my braces adventure
Don't have the privileges to upload a photo yet. Will try to describe my current teeth situation: I have a diastema, which does not really bother, but the rest of my teeth are just not straight enough to make it a pleasant look. My arches are a bit thight, they probably be broadened during the proces and I have a deep bite. Therefore they have to move up my front upper teeth by a few millimeter before they can place the bottom brackets. Otherwise I could bite them off. They also offered to place some brackets behind the front teeth, turbos they're called if I remember correctly, but that would affect my speech they say. It would drop half a year of treatment though, but since I have some years to come, I prefer it this way.
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- Joined: Wed May 04, 2022 11:40 pm
Re: I started my braces adventure
The braces are metal by the way, without colored elastics unfortunately!! They are a new kind, self closing, which is kinda cool. They have some colored spots on them, but that will wear off the ortho said.
Re: I started my braces adventure
How are things going? I had self-ligating braces as well, I loved them.
Metal Damon braces on 3/27/2019 - Sentence 24-30 months - Class II overbite, crossbite. Braces removed 2/10/2022 (34.5 months), positioner since 3/2/2022. My story: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=54263
Re: I started my braces adventure
Hi sebasbrink, wishing you well with your braces journey! Looking forward to updates! Cheers!
Re: I started my braces adventure
Congrats on getting started with your braces journey! I got mine this year in February.
Re: I started my braces adventure
Great that you got braces and hope your journey goes well! I got my braces 6 months ago, for the first time at 42.
Re: I started my braces adventure
Do you have an update?
Re: I started my braces adventure
Greetings All! I’ll soon be starting my second time wearing braces! I’ve three appointments booked in March, first with my hygienist, one for impressions for a bite plate, and finally the one for braces- metal upper and lower, along with the aforementioned bite plate of course. I know why the bite plate is needed, I have a deep bite and it’s to prevent my top teeth from hitting on my lower brackets. Any suggestions on how to deal with a bite plate- I’m not sure if it will be fixed or removable! Anyways, in about three weeks I’ll be a metal mouth- again! I’ll keep everyone updated, stay tuned! Cheers!!
Re: I started my braces adventure
Hello all, I’ll be getting braced March 29, only a week from now! Metal brackets top and bottom, as well as a removable bite plate. I’m telling myself it’s no big deal wearing braces as an adult, but I’m wondering what it will be like going to work with my new ‘bling’. Only one way to find out...
Re: I started my braces adventure
Greetings! Today’s the day- braces day! Feeling a bit apprehensive, I keep telling myself braces as an older adult are no big deal. Two hours to metal braces. Then- bring your bling and smile!!!
Re: I started my braces adventure
Hello, well it’s official, I’m now a metal mouth!!! Went with coloured ligatures, alternating red- yellow-green top and bottom! There’s no hiding these braces! They put in spacers for bands on my molars - wonder why that wasn’t done when I got impressions taken for my bite plate. Bite plate gives me a slight lisp, but not bad. All in all not painful, but probably later on tonight? And my lips are dry, dry dry, lip balm will be my friend I’m sure. Going to work tomorrow with this bling could be interesting ! As the saying goes, bring your bling and smile! Carry on-
Re: I started my braces adventure
Greetings All, it’s now three monhs since braces day! Time flies, doesn’t it? I’ve recently had my archwires changed for the first time. A few things I’ve learned: lip balm is a necessity! My lips get really dry, perhaps due to me having my mouth slightly open most of the time, my lips are most comfortable when they are perched slightly on top of my metalwork. Also annoying, food constantly stuck in my braces during and after eating. Every single time. Two foods giving me grief are salad and bread- breadcrusts to be specific. My bite plate doesn’t help. I tell my wife I’m going to ‘polish the silverwear’ after eating ha ha! Overall it’s been surprisingly low pain so far! Currently rocking orange, blue and yellow ligatures alternating top and bottom. Can’t cover up a metalmouth, so why not go for the show? Lots of people stare, but very few say anything! Anyways, so far so good-
Re: I started my braces adventure
Hello fellow brace faces! Just over four months into my journey, had my second archwire change yesterday. My orthodontist was happy with my progress, she says my teeth are moving just as she wants them to. New ligature colours are orange-green-purple! My choice, not hers! Pain has been minimal, but I know there are elastics and powerchains on the horizon. Still using plenty of lip balm, I expect that will be for the duration of my treatment! Hope everyone is doing well with their treatment-
Re: I started my braces adventure
Greetings All! Six months in metal braces today, as well as my trusty bite plate. New square archwires last trip to Dr. K., new ligature colours purple- pink- gold! Next appointment will be more interesting, bracket repositioning, power chains and possibly elastics! We shall see! So far so good, my orthodontist is pleased with my progress- if she’s happy, I’m happy! Remember, bring your bling and smile!!!
Cheers you lot!
Cheers you lot!