Braces again!!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:05 am

Braces again!!

#1 Post by gendy »

I already had braces recently and they were removed a year ago and I missed them a lot. I went back to the dentist recently to do a dental cleaning taking advantage of some discounts that I had (it came out free) at another dentist and I asked if I could visit the orthodontist with the slightest hope that he would detect something wrong and wear braces again and to my surprise he told me that the lower midline was totally deviated and that he had an overbite. I couldn't believe it! On Monday I am going to have the 3 cavities that I have fixed and on another visit I will look for cavities and in that same appointment they will do the x-rays and everything to start with. They gave me a budget of 2,800 euros to fix the cavities and the entire orthodontic process, which I think is quite good, lasting a year and a half with metal brackets up and down (if it were up to me, I would take it all my life, but I don't know). how to tell my dentist) haha. I have also been told that I am going to have to wear a lot of elastics to correct the midline. I'm still excited about the idea of ​​seeing them on the first day, I don't care anymore, even if I work in front of the public, I would like something very striking in terms of the colors of the brackets? (I'm a guy) any suggestions? I would also like to ask you if the elastics could also be colored! I have proposed to write here my journey towards the perfect smile with all kinds of details about my feelings towards them if you like and with images of the process. I'm wishing to start!!

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Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:05 am

Re: Braces again!!

#2 Post by gendy »

I had a visit to the dentist yesterday for the budget issue to see how we can solve it, I decided to pay 411 euros for the extractions and cavities at once and then finish the rest of the treatment, which is 2,400 in 12 months in orthodontics
I thought that yesterday they would remove 3 of the 4 cavities but they did nothing on Friday and on Monday they will remove the cavities and already on May 10 I have the orthodontic study the extraction of the wisdom teeth will be later apparently. I can't wait, I'm very nervous to see my smile in the mirror and see my braces on. I'm still in doubt about the color, I don't care if they're noticeable, I want something striking, I'm about to put several colors, any recommendations?

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Re: Braces again!!

#3 Post by Dunnyet »

Hi, I’ve recently got my braces on, metal upper and lower. I’m a male adult, and surprised my orthodontist by picking out bright colours for my ligatures: alternating red- yellow-green! At my latest appointment I switched to black- pink-green colours! Can’t hide metal braces with these colours!! Bring your bling and smile!!! Cheers!

Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:05 am

Re: Braces again!!

#4 Post by gendy »

Pink is a girly color? Or is popular in boys too?

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