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Mr. Brace Face's Pictures

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:13 pm
by Mr. Brace Face

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:21 am
by Mr. Brace Face
Thanks KIWI -

Well it's official - I'm HOT WIRED and here is the lovely pic ... races1.jpg

I actually enjoy the purple and green ligs. The ortho asked me if I wanted colors and I said, "I have a mouth full of silver, what is the point of NOT doing colors?" :P

Well, now it's time to find out what I can and can't eat - wish me luck!

Oh oh oh and by the way - I'll take braces anyday compared to spacers! I was so happy to have those little blue pieces of evil extracted from my mouth!


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:11 pm
by Rebraced
Mr. Brace Face, I like your idea of colors. I just had my braces put on this morning and they are all clear with wire ties. I kinda wanted to put colors on the bottom but I was to chicken. Hopefully next time.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:12 pm
by radioqueen
Mr. Brace Face

Just wanted to pop in and say good luck!!! :-)o

Congratulations on starting your braces journey. You will find out soon enough that you will have days where you'll think, "what's everybody making such a big deal about?"; then there are the days when you just know that nobody on earth has suffered the pain you're suffering.

Eating can be a challenge-- one of the things I found unnerving during the first several weeks was that food did not taste the way it should. And I was really scared that it never would taste right :yuck: as long as I was braced! But I've noticed over the last couple of weeks that my oatmeal is tasting oatier and my pudding, puddier! :D
Keep us posted on your progress.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:34 pm
by mmgreco
Congrats Mr Brace Face!!!! I will be getting mine on in 9 days and counting....

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:26 pm
by Mr. Brace Face
Thanks for the encouragment guys - I'm really going to need it! Today I went to the local all organic restaurant and had chicken and rice with steamed vegetables. I thought this would be ok to eat, not much of a challenge - boy was I wrong - WAY WRONG! The vegetables were 100% perfect, if I was actually able to CHEW semi-raw vegetables. I'm finding out that if I'm going to eat vegetables, they need to be one step away from baby food!

The chicken was actually edible and chewable so no challenge there, but RICE...oh my...rice and braces are like oil and water - two things on this earth that should never and can never be combined.

My tounge now resembles something close to that of ground round from trying to pick out the pieces of rice and it getting caught, sliced and diced on the edges of the new found metal in my mouth. So I think I will stay clear of the tiny grain group for awhile until I can maneuver around these ginsu blades in my mouth.

All in all - it hasn't been that bad of an experience. I finally got my lip to cover them and close properly without looking like I had facial paralysis - so it's these small feats that I find very rewarding!

More updates (and pictures) to come...

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:07 pm
by Guppie51
Hey, I got my braces on today too! Its great isnt it...well I couldnt eat any solids though, and wont be for a while until the soreness goes away. But the bright side is that I dont have to pick food out of my teeth if its puree :wink:
I couldnt click the braced pic at school, but its working now and I must say...rad colors! I picked the booring gray, but no regrets here. Hey, are you getting the bottom arch wired?

Much Luck

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:22 am
by Mr. Brace Face
The bottoms will archwired in about 2 months. The ortho opted not to do them both because of my overbite. So just when I get used to the top set, I'll be getting the second set put on - Oh Happy Day!

I havn't put anything in a blender just yet. Trying to grin and bear it, but not sure how long that is going to last. My front teeth are SO sensitive I can hardly stand it. If my bottom teeth accidently brush against them, they feel like they are going to fall out - it's weird and I hope it's normal!

Thanks for the colors comment! I figured why try to hide a mouth full of silver? You'll have plenty of options to change and re-arrange, so dont' worry about going with plain ol' grey for right now, but they are lookin good! Congrats to you too!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:15 am
by CelestialVoices
I love your colors, good luck on your journey! :)

How do you get your mouth to close???

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:17 am
by Sarah68
Hello Mr Brace Face! I was just reading your postings and got to the bit where you write
I finally got my lip to cover them and close properly without looking like I had facial paralysis
Please, you have to tell me the secret! I look like a psychotic horse after I've smiled and relax my lips - the top one doesn't go down! And I'm convinced that when I get the lower brace on, I'll get the same problem the other way up! (By the way, I had the same problem with rice that you describe) Bye for now.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:00 pm
by Mr. Brace Face
I'm sure everyone has their own techniques and I'm sure if you have a small upper lip this may be easier said then done - but what I do is use my tounge to push out my upper lip. Kind of like trying to lick your upper teeth without opening your mouth. This is what works for me... Good Luck.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:42 pm
by Mr. Brace Face

I've already had a ligature pop off - this is crazy. It's not like I'm fussing with them, I don't understand it! If this is what it's going to be like until I get them off - it's going to be the LONGEST 18 months of my LIFE.

Thank goodness my ortho has late office hours tonight! Sheesh!


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:06 pm
by HollyDontSpend
Mr. Braceface this sounds like it's gonna be an adventure for you. That bites about your ligature popping off. Adding to your rice comment, I found that no one warned me enough it. I get rice between every space in my teeth when I eat it. I chew, swish water in my mouth and move on to the next bite. HA! Good luck!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:20 am
by Mr. Brace Face
Ok -

So I went to my ortho yesterday to have the ligature replaced and he said that I have a new type of brace called the "smart clip" and I basically don't need the ligatures and they should have told me this when they put them on. I'm like you're darn tootin' right you should have told me - half the fun of having braces is getting to choose between different colors and patterns (helps make the time go faster) I think! So he says the next time one falls off - just leave it off and we'll put new ones on at the next appointment if I really have to have them. Darn Right I Do!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:25 am
by Mr. Brace Face

It's day 3 and my mouth is finally feeling the hurt. My mouth for some reason feels EXTRA big today and the inside of my lips and cheeks are raw. My tounge has these things on it, which are very hard to explain, but I'm sure that everyone has experienced them at some point or another. I'm trying to hold off on the wax because I don't want to become dependent on it, but I think I may be giving in here shortly. And to top it off I have a cold sore. Life doesn't get much better then this!