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That Girl With Braces...My Journey Begins

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:53 pm
by thatgirlwithbraces
So beginneth my second journey into the Realm of Braces...

I haven't been in this land in a decade, I thought to myself as I slid into the olive green dental chair. The friendly assistant told me what she was going to do. Of course, I have been through all this before...

As I bit into the warm pliable wax, I had a flashback. As she removed the hardened wax, she said it would be used to determine my bite for my molds. I prayed my experience would be different now that I was older and wiser and braver.

Next the assistant had be pick a flavor of goop that she would use to make the actual molds of my teeth. As usual it took me a minute to decide. Watermelon smelled nice. She spread the pink goop into the tray and pressed into my mouth and down on my teeth. The sharp edge of the tray was forced hard onto my jaw bone behind my teeth and tears came to eyes as I tried not to wince.

The woman never realized she scratched the heck out of my mouth. I didn't want to alarm her. I'm not a baby anymore. I'm 20 years old for Christ's sake!

After she did my upper mold, she grabbed spacers and a weird metal tool. I knew what was coming...and knew that it hurt like the dickens. Surprisingly and thankfully, it only took her a few minutes to put in 8 spacers. Nothing to it.

I paid my 150 dollars and left. Last time I left somewhere with blue things in my teeth, my mom gave me tylenol in the car and drove me home. Didn't happen that way this time...

That was Monday. It's now Wednesday and my spacers are killing me. But that's where my Hydrocodone leftover from my wisdom teeth removal comes in handy!

Though my pain is alleviated by medicine, actualy chewing is still VERY difficult. I had Taco Bell for lunch and managed to masticate it a bit before swallowing it, but it was agony.

I think I'll have soup and some jello or pudding for dinner.

Meanwhile, methinks it's time for a nap. These pills make me drowsy.

Only five more days until I get braced! Tuesday, November 15th, at 9am...I can hardly wait!

The little blue bricks are a pain in the tooth :!: :cry:

Here's some pics:

Notice that my teeth are uneven. I used to grind them as a child and I might to it now when I'm stressed...hopefullywhen my bite is corrected I'll stop grinding period.
As you can see, I have a slight overbite...or buck teeth. I'm kind of self-conscious about it, but I still smile all the time anyway.
This what really needs to be fixed. My lowers are pretty crowded and yellow.[/img]

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:05 pm
by hannah164
Congratulations thatgirlwithbraces on getting started again! I enjoyed reading your story! You're a very good writer! I hope you soon feel better and are able to eat normal food again!
I get bottom braces on November 16, 9:10! I'm nervous but excited! I look forward to following your progress! :D




Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:31 am
by thatgirlwithbraces
One my spacers came out yesterday. Not bad...I'm going to the ortho to get it put back in today. On a happy note, the spacers don't really hurt anymore. That means my teeth have moved to make space the little blue bricks. Eating solid food has been easier too. I even ate some chips and salsa last night.

I sure am to get my braces on!! I've always been impatient... :D

I think I'll buy some of much-needed cleaning supplies while I'm in town today...

Already have a Sonicare check that off my list...

These spacers are making my bite off..feels strange...

Hopefully I won't have anything else to report until I get braced.

The dreaded spacers

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:29 am
by Loopy Laura
I am getting my spacers put in today, my teeth are really close together so I think it will be sore getting them in. I am so scared!!!!

Well done for being so brave, I think I will end up screaming in the dental chair. :FeelSick:


Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:07 pm
by thatgirlwithbraces
My bite feels completely off. It was not correct to begin with, but it feels even worse. I guess it's the spacers? *shrugs*

Eating fine mostly. I eat what I want to and deal with it.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:41 am
by thatgirlwithbraces
Been eating everthing I can't or shouldn't eat with my braces on....

I'm starting to get really sick of Cheetos and the like.


Ugh...I just ate a bunch for breakfast.

I should have known better.

Ah well, on to the Hershey Kisses, which are allowed with braces! Woo hoo!

I bought some soft foods yesterday. Apple sauce is a big favorite...especially the cinnamon flavored kind. Yum!

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:23 pm
by Dadio
Well, big hello and welcome! My daughter and I are 5 weeks into our braces adventure. Yes, the 'blue bricks' as you call them were the worst week I've had so far. I ate everything I could think of that I'd have to give up the week before spacers. Take care!

I'm braced

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:34 am
by thatgirlwithbraces
I've got my braces on!

Top: Ceramic with tooth-colored ligs.

Bottom: Metal with tooth-colored ligs

I'll post pictures soon!

So far, I don't feel any pain. The assistant was very gentle when she put my molar bands on...thank goodness! I could've kissed her for that! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:20 pm
by hannah164
Congratulations Thatgirlwithbraces!
Thats awesome you don't have any pain! Hope you can get some pictures up soon! I go in tommorrow for bottom braces! I'm actually pretty nervous. :!:



Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:21 pm
by thatgirlwithbraces

Well, here's my new smile.[/img]

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:24 pm
by hannah164
THat looks awesome Thatgirlwithbraces! They look very nice! I really like your lip gloss too!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:48 pm
by wiredinLA
That looks great Thatgirlwithbraces! :-#)

How does it feel so far??

Hope to join you in a couple of weeks myself. I have an appt on Thrs for molds, x-rays and all that jazz.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:43 pm
by chrisd
wow, looks great. amazing just how unnoticable those upper ceramics really are
good luck

No pain, no gain

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:38 pm
by thatgirlwithbraces
Pain has all but disappeared. Feeling good now!

My teeth have definitely moved a little bit. My lowers are very tight. I can't even floss between some of them. Woo hoo.

I gotta get the pokey wires clipped ASAP. They're sticking out just enough to be painful. I've been putting wax on all four ends. If I had little wire cutters, I'd just do it myself...ortho probably wouldn't like that though...

Eating is still a chore, but since I love food, I'm just dealing with it and cleaning my teeth accordingly.

I ate chocolate caramels and cheetos. Bad, bad, bad...but nothing is broken.


Re: No pain, no gain

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 12:20 pm
by arnette
thatgirlwithbraces wrote:Pain has all but disappeared. Feeling good now!

My teeth have definitely moved a little bit. My lowers are very tight. I can't even floss between some of them. Woo hoo.

I gotta get the pokey wires clipped ASAP. They're sticking out just enough to be painful. I've been putting wax on all four ends. If I had little wire cutters, I'd just do it myself...ortho probably wouldn't like that though...

Eating is still a chore, but since I love food, I'm just dealing with it and cleaning my teeth accordingly.

I ate chocolate caramels and cheetos. Bad, bad, bad...but nothing is broken.


Hey there! I was reading your thread and I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I had braces years ago in my early teens but want to get them again (hopefully ceramics) to fix all the shifting over the years. What kind/color of ligs did you get and how has the response been to your new smile?? After seeing your pic there's really no way I would have known you had some hardware on your teeth without it being on a braces forum. That's great! Makes me a little less nervous about getting ceramic braces for myself.

Good luck! Oh, are you worried about staining at all? And how the heck do you floss around the wires?