WiredInLA's story (with pics) Update 2/12/06 !

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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WiredInLA's story (with pics) Update 2/12/06 !

#1 Post by wiredinLA »

Hello everyone. After many years of thinking and a few weeks of lurking on this site, I have decided to take a HUGE step for me, my smile, and my self-confidence; I am getting braces in the next couple of weeks!!

Let me introduce myself: I am a 29 year old female in Los Angeles. My smile (yuck) has never really affected my social life or my career, but it is something that has constantly bothered ME.
My sister is 4 years older than I am and when she was 15 she got braces. By the time my parents were done paying for her treatment, they could not afford mine. And being the good girl that I am, I never asked them to try. I met my future husband when I was 19 and when I would tell my friends that I wanted to get braces, they'd say "What for? You're married already!"

I just never felt, pretty enough. I could be wearing the best clothes and have the nicest most flattering haircut, but without straight teeth, I never felt complete.

Two years ago, I separated from my husband and my new found independence has also inspired a desire to be the best I can be. This includes making my smile everything it should be! 8)

I had my first orthodontic consultation last Friday. Today I got a call from my clinic, they confirmed my price and I made an appt. for this Friday to go in for the initial visit where they will take casts of my teeth, x-rays and everything else. After this appt. I will schedule the day when I will finally get braced! I am so excited! Nervous, but excited!

I have to thank all of you for your posts. Your questions, stories and the support you show each other has really made me see that my decision is not some out-of-this-world thing. Knowing that I have this place to come to makes me feel safe somehow.
I look forward to reading your stories and sharing mine.

Here are a couple of pictures of my teeth -- YUCK. As you can see, I have crowding on my upper teeth (Can you say CANINES??) as well as my lower teeth. Estimated treatment time is 24 mos.

Talk to you soon!! :D


Last edited by wiredinLA on Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#2 Post by wiredinLA »

KK wrote:Hi and welcome wiredinLA!

Congrats on making a decision to do something for you that you know will make an impact on how you feel about yourself! :thumbsup:

Great that you've found this forum and hopefully you'll find plenty of support here. Good luck! :banana:

Thanks KK!

I can't wait to to give you all an update and start posting my progress pics. I regret not having done it sooner, but it's never too late!

I'll post after my appt. on Friday.

*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#3 Post by wiredinLA »

I had my first appt. today. They took molds, x-rays, pictures etc.
Pretty uneventful. I asked so many questions; they were impressed that I was so well informed. 8) -- I wonder where I get my info? Hmmmm... :wink:

My appt. to be braced is set for ***JANUARY 9th***
I was hoping to have my braces on sooner. But considering I waited years to decide, I can certainly wait another month. Gives me more time to enjoy the chewy, crunchy foods I will be deprieved of soon. :-9

Talk to you all soon. Thanks for listening! :D
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#4 Post by wiredinLA »

Oh My Goodness guys! Less than a week until I am braced and I must admit I am strating to get very nervous! I know that I WANT to do this. I'm ready, but now I feel unprepared somehow when even just a couple of weeks ago I felt completely confident and informed. I guess you could say I'm in the "but what if..." phase. :roll: :Questions:

Any words of wisdom/advice??
Thanks so much!!
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#5 Post by braceface1230 »

Hello wiredinLA, I'll bet you are nervous and excited. I think we all here can relate to that. Rest assured though that if you weren't ready in some way for braces, as far as your ortho is concerned, he/she'd let you know. I know for me, the first few days it was a little bit of a shock (and I do mean a little) to the system. The pain isn't overwhelming, but is a bit nagging. You'll be fine though... a few asprins should help some. For me though, the reality of "finally being in braces" was realized though, and the excitement of starting a journey I never thought I'd be able to take was really in motion. That really helped me look past the initial shock. I have a feeling you'll be able to relate, and I look foward to hearing about your experience. Good luck.

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#6 Post by wiredinLA »

Good Afternoon everyone -

Well, this morning I became an official member of the "Braced Club".
I'm so surprised at how you really cannot tell. Still getting used to the bulkyness. No real pressure yet, but I took 2 Tylenol just in case.

My ortho recommemded waiting until my first adjustment to bond the bottom braces, so at the moment I'm only top-braced. My next appt will be Feb. 22nd.

I chose silver colored ligatures (barely noticable). Next month I may try wire ties. I took a picture but I had to come into work after my appt and I did not have time to go home and upload it. I will post later.

I really am excited right now!! It feels soooo good to finally take this step!
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#7 Post by wiredinLA »

Here are those pics I promised:

I love my silver ligs. Next month I'll try wire ties. First pic was 5 mins after braces were put on (you can still see the placement "dots")



*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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Location: Los Angeles, CA

#8 Post by wiredinLA »

Thanks for your support KK!

As the day goes on I have begun to feel pressure, it subsides after 5 mins or so and then again... I get used to it, and then again, etc., etc.
I hope that means something :wink:

I have begun using wax on the canines. Because they are more elevated they are scratching the inside of my lips something fierce. Otherwise the sensation is not too bad.
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#9 Post by wiredinLA »

Thanks so much Mookyyzed!! I truly, truly appreciate your words of encouragement. You were absolutely right. The excitement over taking this step and beginning this new stage in my life is overshadowing any discomfort I might be feeling.
mookyyzed wrote:Hello wiredinLA, I'll bet you are nervous and excited. I think we all here can relate to that. Rest assured though that if you weren't ready in some way for braces, as far as your ortho is concerned, he/she'd let you know. I know for me, the first few days it was a little bit of a shock (and I do mean a little) to the system. The pain isn't overwhelming, but is a bit nagging. You'll be fine though... a few asprins should help some. For me though, the reality of "finally being in braces" was realized though, and the excitement of starting a journey I never thought I'd be able to take was really in motion. That really helped me look past the initial shock. I have a feeling you'll be able to relate, and I look foward to hearing about your experience. Good luck.
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


Posts: 1088
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#10 Post by Flora2006 »

those silver ligs really do look good...i think i might get them on my 1st adjustment :)

it's the same for me...i'll feel pressure for a bit and then it will go away...but so far i haven't experienced any real pain and haven't taken any advils or something like that...hopefully it stays like that :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#11 Post by wiredinLA »

Flora -

Are you and I brace buddies?? Did you just get yours yesterday as well?
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
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#12 Post by wiredinLA »

OUCH! OK....so this is what you guys were taking about when you said pain/pressure. Yes, definitely feel it now. When I woke up this morning it felt like I had been kicked right in the teeth. I'm trying to just not let my teeth touch together.
Will be eating only soft foods today for sure! Bring on the soup and ice cream Baby! I'm ready!
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#13 Post by Flora2006 »

same for me...i just put wax about 10 minutes ago and it instantly felt amazing!! I should have put some much earlier because i basically spent this whole day in pain :?


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#14 Post by wiredinLA »

Yes, wax is a wonderful, wonderful thing.
Linda and Flora -- Thanks so much for the tips and kind words.
I am making some mashed potatoes as we speak. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
I keep taking pics to see if I notice any movement. Perhaps it's too soon.... heheheh :oops: :wink:
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


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#15 Post by Flora2006 »

lol same for me...i keep taking pictures to see if there is a difference...i really was expecting some changes after a day!! funny me!


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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