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~*angelxdevil*~ getting braced feb/8

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:32 pm
by angelxdevil
Well i have been lurking on this site for a while now awaiting to strt my journey into braces, and thought i would set up my braces story page hehe even though im nt getting them fo a lil while still but hey!.
well i have had consultation and molds nd X-rays done and so far this is my story to strt to tell;
i have crowding on my lower front teeth; an increased overbite; spacing around my top front teeth; my left upper lateral incisor tooth has xtra projection of enamel on its inner surface which has to gradually be shaven down some how not sure hw tht really works. This was all quoted out of a letter i recieved from my orthodontist, so im nt really totally up with how it is all going to be done.
i have been told tht i will have braces for about 18-24 months arghh now thts a scary thought :lol:
well thats about all i can tell you at this stage, the next time i write will probly be when i get my spacers which is feb/2 well tata for now hope yah enjoy reading my posts!
heres a couple of pics, sorry there not to good



Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:48 am
by Lin
Looks like we'll both be starting out at around the same time! I haven't had my molds taken yet, how did that go for you?

Good luck!!!! :)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:13 pm
by angelxdevil
hmmm i'll have to say that getting the molds was a rather interesting experience lol, the putty they used was rather of putting and gross it felt like i had mud in my mouth i guess but without the flavour, but as soon as it was done i got to rinse my mouth, getting the bottom one was rather funny, the mold had set so the assistant tried to pull it of but it wouldnt come off, she kept tugging it and it felt like she was going to rip some of my teeth out hehe but it came out after alot of tugs and then i got to rinse my mouth out again thankfully :o... sorry Lin if i put you off getting the molds done they really arent tht bad just keeping thinking about hw much closer you are to having perfect teeth!... well good luck to you and keep me posted on how you go!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:28 pm
by angelxdevil21

well even though my username is different its me angexdevil, i have had to set up a new account becuz my computer went bung but i will continue to post on this thread my progress! i am getting my spacers tomro which is rather freaky im nt looking forward to thm, because of all the stories that people have posted about them, but never mind they will only be on for 6 days so im sure i will cope.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:36 pm
by Lin
Good luck tomorrow, angelxdevil21!! The spacers aren't fun, but, in my experience, they were mostly uncomfortable and not painful the whole time.

Eat a big tasty dinner tonight and let us know how it goes tomorrow for you! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:40 am
by angelxdevil21
well i have had my spacers in since 1pm and its now 10pm so thats about 9 hours and i havnt felt any pain yet, they just feel really weird and like i have alot of food stuck in my teeth, i cant help playing with them with my tongue :lol: oh and it feels strange to eat food with them too! well i shall keep you all posted and let you know if they start to hurt :?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:19 pm
by angelxdevil21
wel i have to say my teeth are getting a little sore but only when i eat on them so im sticking to soft food or trying to eat with the teeth tht dont hurt....which is proving to be rather hard lol :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:35 pm
by Leslie022
Good luck! Be sure to take lots of pictures and keep us updated on your progress!