Dooby555 - braces saga (w/pics

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Dooby555 - braces saga (w/pics

#1 Post by dooby555 »

Hey Everybody,

Newbie here!!! I figure after a couple weeks of obsessing over this website it's time I come out from lurking in the shadows and tell everyone my story. This will be my journal of events throughout this process, so hang with me and come along for an eventful ride. :-1

I guess first things first - allow me to introduce myself ~ I am 28, mother of two beautiful girls, work full time and live in Toronto, Canada. Over the last few weeks I've been religiously been on trying to convince myself of what to do with the smile I've never liked and have always put up with.

Like everyone else here, (I'm sure....I've read everyone's stories) I'm still on the fence on whether I'm really ready to make the committment to correct my smile/bite. I know it is definitely the right thing to do to promote better health and wellness for my teeth - but there's something in my head that tells me not to go through with it. With a brand new house and bills coming out the wazoo - it really will be an added expense for the next couple years. My hubby's insurance will cover a portion of it (the amount to be determined). So, I figure to help me really make up my mind it'd be best to speak with a few orthodontists - so I have taken a few referrals from my dentist and booked a few introductory consults with orthos in my area. The first will be tomorrow morning at 9:45am - (I've all of a sudden just got the butterflies!!!!). I'm really anxious and excited to hear what he will have to say....

Here you will see a few pictures I've attempted to post to show you the jumbled mess on my lower arch. NOTE how square and narrow it I see an expander in my future???? I've read a few horror stories :oops:

For all who are interested in following my story - I will keep this diary updated as often as I can with pics and lots of commentary. Tomorrow the adventure begins - I'll let you know how everything went for my first consult.

By the way, sorry if these pictures don't turn out too well - it's my first time posting pics on a mssg board - I promise I'll get better.

Good Night!!
Last edited by dooby555 on Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by Michal »

Welcome! I hope all turns out well with your consult. Your bottom teeth look almost like mine. So I'll keep you up to date on how mine go.
Good luck!

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
Debraced 20 Apr 2007, 15 months total in Braces

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#3 Post by Kell »

Welcome and good luck with everything.
See my WWW link below.

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Location: Toronto, Canada

#4 Post by dooby555 »

Well I'm back at work after my first consult and might I add, I am not too pleased :x

I arrived at the dental office, was given a couple forms to fill out with the usual ?s. Filled them out and then went back to meet the ortho. I was quite surprised to find out that the doc was a woman - I just assumed the name was a male doctor. Anyways - so I anxiously hop in the chair for her to examine my mouth, she pulls up her rolling stool and asks why I'm there and what I think is wrong. I tell her about the crowding, my narrow bottom arch and the relatively small gap I would love to close. I open wide for her to take a look around and right off the bat she tells me that I will have to have my first bicuspid on both sides of my lower arch extracted....ok no sweat - I kinda planned on losing at least a couple of my healthy teeth!!! Then she explains how my crowded teeth will migrate to close the gaps of the extractions - fine, no problem. Then she moves to the top arch - tells me to smile big, she looks at my bite from the sides and underneath the overbite etc. I'm getting ready to here her say that she will have to pull the same two teeth on the top arch but she says my top arch looks fine and that she doesn't think anything will have to be extracted. Great news I'm thinking, right! But, then she says that she can't close the gap in my front teeth - I mean it's not a huge space, but I think if I'm going to have braces on top and bottom they should actually be doing something. I mean why continue to get food stuck in there if it can be fixed!! And then she proceeded to tell me that she also didn't think that she'd be able to correct the overjet/overbite- she said "we will try, but I cannot guarantee it". From that point I was like this woman is crazy - Why would I seek her help and pay her for doing a complete job to only get half the results. I think from that point I decided I was definitely not going to be using her.

The whole exam of my mouth took about 5 minutes - then of course she spent the remainder of the 20 minutes discussing whether I had insurance coverage and about the fees she charged. My mind was just in a different place - I really didn't want to even have to talk about it. She explained that she charged $4500 for full top/bottom braces and retainers. They require $1500 up front and then the balance split over 18 months - $167/month. She said that the extractions and xrays will be covered by our insurane - atleast that's good!! I told her that I thought I'd be covered for 50% - and from that point she was so anxious to find out what kind of coverage I have. Not even knowing if I was going to be using her services she made the receptionist call the insurance company to confirm. She was very disappointed when we found out that the coverage is for dependants only!!! (so was I - cuz now that meant I'd have to foot the whole bill myself). After that moment the discussion was cut short and she was like if you have any questions or decide to go ahead give her a call to make the arrangements.

After driving away I realized that there was no mention about a records appt - taking molds, pictures etc. She only mentioned needing 12 xrays. She didn't even acknowledge my narrow arches or the use of an expander. I think she's mainly a regular family dentist that dabbles in orthodontics. She just didn't seem that knowledgeable - I'm really disappointed :cry:

Oh well, I guess this is why we meet with a few orthos before making our decisions. Next ortho consult is on Feb. 15 - hopefully I won't be disappointed again.

p.s. apologies for the long post

till next time,

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#5 Post by Lin »

Hi dooby! Welcome... like you, I am just starting out here.

I can see why your consult must have been frustrating... did she say why she couldn't close the gap in your top front teeth? In any case, I hope your next consults answer more questions for you so you can decide what feels best for you to do.

Good luck!! :D
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#6 Post by dooby555 »

Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement Lin and KK...people like you are the reason why this site is so helpful.

I have actually booked another consult on Feb. 2 at noon - so I will see what this ortho diagnoses for my treatment. This office only deals with orthodontics so I'm sure they will have something better to say.

I'll let you all know what happens.


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Consult #2

#7 Post by dooby555 »

Consult #2 update

Yesterday I had consult #2 - and I am very happy and almost 100% sure that my search may already be over. This is how it went....

Arrived at the ortho office about 5 minutes early. Opened the door and was sweetly greeted by an older woman receptionist. She pointed me toward a computer and showed me how to find my name and click off my name to show I was there...(pretty cool I thought). Then I sat down in the waiting room for a few minutes before I was called to go to the consultation room. I was escorted into the room my the "treatment coordinator" and asked to sit in the green chair. After I sat down Donna (treatment coordinator) confirmed my address and medical info. She explained briefly what the Dr. would be doing and what to expect going forward if I decide. (She was extremely nice :D ). She left the room for a couple minutes so I got to take a look around the room - there were many molds of his patients before and after braces. There were also molds with several appliances on them - cool to see what I could be in for.

After a few minutes of scoping out the room the Dr. came in and nicely greeted me with a handshake. He looked nothing like what I was expecting...he's kinda short, balding and very soft spoken. He started off by fully explaining what he was going to do for this first initial consult and explained that he would need to gather some medical history from me before doing the exam. We went through the usual questions - I answered NO to all of them and then we discussed what I want to do and what my "problems" are. We discussed my TMJ symptons and he asked me several very intuitive questions to try to gather more information. Afterwards he proceeded to look at my profile and smile and he wrote down his observations on a form.

Next we went on to the oral exam. He laid me back and I was told to open wide - he looked around with his mirrors and made his observations. He took a thin plastic ruler and made some measurements...he noted that all my wisdom teeth had come in and that they were very well aligned (which he said is a rarity!!! - one good thing going for me!). After what I think was a thorough check of my teeth and bite etc. he sat me up to discuss what he thinks should generally happen. He said I could definitely benefit from treatment and that he would love to look after me. He was very sincere and seemed to be very genuine about wanting to help - I loved that! He said he would like to close my gap - unlike the 1st consult where the doc told me she couldn't do anything! He would like to bring back my "eye" teeth (lower canines) - since it seems like they're trying to escape my mouth. (If not treated as I get older the gums may begin to recede leaving them no support to stay in my mouth). Straighten out the lower central and lateral incisors and hopefully widen my smile. He did say that at this point it is kinda hard to say whether I can escape having any extractions but that he didn't want to say for sure that I would have to have my perfectly good teeth pulled out - so I guess time will tell. Then without me even asking - the ortho asked if I think that I show a lot of gums when I smile. I was like "Oh my God - yes I do - is there something we can do about it?" He said he would love to help me accomplish everything I'd like. I think I found a God-sent!!! We chatted for a couple minutes and then he mentioned that if I decide to go forward with him the next step would be records and that Donna (treatment co-ordinator) will go over it with me. I thanked him and then Donna came in to discuss the next step. She explained each step of the records process - the fun molds with a "selection of flavours" and the series of photos and xrays. What I wasn't looking forward to was the charge - $300....ouch :? (I was prepared for it though). She asked if I wanted to do it right then and there, but I was on my lunch and had to go back to work.

I basically made up my mind on the spot that I was happy with the way they operated the office, the demeanour of the ortho and I wanted this bad enough - so I booked to do my records appointment on Feb. 14 at 12:00. The ortho needs a couple weeks to get the results and to make up a treatment plan so I will go back on March 7 to discuss what he has diagnosed for me. I walked out of the office feeling good about myself and excited that I was finally going to take the leap. Thank you staff at Braceland for making me comfortable and happy with my decision. :D

I will have to update my records experience on Feb. 14 (Valentines Day).

? - where can I start my own blog?

~sorry about the extra long post~

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#8 Post by Lin »

Great! That is super news, dooby!!!

I'm so glad you found an ortho office and ortho that seem to click with you. I definitely think that there is a lot to getting the "right feeling" about whomever will be offering you treatment. Your journey has begun!

Best of luck with your Valentine's records visit & keep us posted.
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#9 Post by Leslie022 »

I'm really glad you found this orthodontist! The first ortho. - the lady- didn't seem like she was too interested in treating you!!! My ortho. operates his office is much the same way. There's nothing like having an orthodontist that makes you feel like he wants to treat you!
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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Welcome to the club!

#10 Post by flygirlnextdoor »

You can get a free blog at
Upper braces on: January 9, 2006
Lower braces on: May 8, 2006
2 upper extractions: November 19, 2007
Full metal
Braces off: June 25, 2009
Upper Hawley and lower bonded retainers
3 years 5 months 2 weeks and 2 days in braces

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#11 Post by Flora2006 »

Your second consultation sounds like you have found a great ortho. Good for you :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#12 Post by dooby555 »

Thank you all for your kind words - I'll be sure to update you on my whole records experience. I'm really excited to finally get things going!!

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