Krwhite777's Story

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Krwhite777's Story

#1 Post by krwhite777 »

Let us begin...

Since I was young like 5 or 6 have been told that I have a perfect smile, perfect teeth, and perfect spacing. That was until I met adulthood at age 21. I met that little problem called stress with a little habit called Grinding. Needless to say it and I wrecked havoc on my Perfect Smile, with the perfect teeth and spacing. Unannounced to me my mouth was sore all the time as was my jaw. So came into play my Dentist. Went in for my cleaning in October of 2005 and updated my history, as it had been quite a while since my last cleaning. Dr. asked me if I had had any changes in my bite or any pain in my jaw and I told him yes. He scheduled me for an Occlusal Guard fitting in a week. He told me to journal about when and where the pain was, AM/PM Etc. Journaling for a week and then went for the guard fitting. He prescribed a day guard since I am conscientious of when I guard and cinch. Got my guard in a week, wore if all the time for the first week or so. I then got a coupon for a free evaluation at the ortho which included x-rays and dr. exam. I took heed and scheduled an appointment for December 23 2005.

On the morning of the 23 I woke up early, not just because of my 8:30 appointment but because I was feeling nervous and was wondering if my teeth were really that bad. I got to my appointment early to have them double check my paperwork and get signed in. They knew I was nervous and they really put me at ease. Everything that day was painless except for popping my Occlusal Guard in and out about a million times for the orthodontist to check various planes in my mouth. He said that my mouth wasn’t the worst he has seen nor was it the best. He told me originally in the chair that I would only need tops but later decided that bracing the bottom instead of relying on my Occlusal Guard to protect my teeth was a better idea…for who me or him????

On the morning of my appointment I was again up early and again nervous. But thanks to their no down payment policy I was more at ease knowing I was going to be able to earn some more “extraâ€

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#2 Post by krwhite777 »

So far my braces have been on for three weeks. It has proven to be an adventure. Lets see...

Brushing- Brushing used to take me an average of thirty seconds, now i am averaging two-three min. for the morning when i get up, and 8-10 min before i go to bed at night
Flossing- Hmmm I have always been lucky as a kid to never have to worry about flossing until now. First off flossing the teeth that always had been able to be flossed prior to being braced IE my fromt 8 now have become a wire jungle gym for floss. I have found it very interesting to floss and now keep my scissors in the bathroom in case the floss snags on one of my tie wires. I have a stubborn bite at the current moment and cannot bite down on the right side one moment and then it switches sides like a maniac. WTH My mouth needs to make up its mind and settle on a decision for me. Ortho Appointment is on March Third and am hoping for my elastics by then

Life- As a twenty-three year old who already has a baby face, braces just make it that much worse. I get carded for everything and by people who have been selling me my smokes for the past 3 years. i think they do it just to tick me off. Job hunting has now increased to full speed ahead. I am a medic and a firefighter who wants to find her dream EMS job before i turn 24 in May. My major is Law Enforcement and a minor in Public Safety. I will be testing for Porter county Sheriff's Dept in May and Testing For Jasper County as Well as Newton County.

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#3 Post by Fireangel »

Its good to see another person my age with braces and my interests! I am also a firefighter/EMT. Good luck with testing for the sheriff's office. I know how much of the government testing is a pain. I tested for EMT postion with Baltimore County, Maryland. Sucks it takes so long! Oh by the way good luck with the brushing and flossing situation also. Mine has gotten harder since my adjustment on Wed due to the new powerchains on the bottom and a spring between two teeth.

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#4 Post by krwhite777 »

Ok today has been a rather uncomfortable day. One of my canines decided that under the force of the tie wire that it wanted to move... Not that i dont mind. But the day I have a rather big dinner that i wanted to enjoy...NOT FAIR...

But Salt water rinsing has helped

I have an adjustment in a week so I keep everyone updated

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Krwhite777 update

#5 Post by krwhite777 »

Ok pretty uneventful week i am finding that mouth ulcers are a pain in the rear, i have found that every day my bite changes more and more. my midline is now very off center and baginning to cause me some difficulty in biting down completely (my top teeth are hitting my lower brackets) maybe i think i will try and get turbos installed at my next appt march 2 (happy happy joy joy) as well as getting help for my habit, Grinding and Cinching

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Oky doky

#6 Post by krwhite777 »

Stick with the salt water rinses to aid the healing process of cuts and abrasions caused by the brackets/wire, but in addition be liberal with the wax to the offending brackets/wire so that you give the abrased area time to form a protective layer to heal.
I didn't have a ulcer from my brackets I got it from sucking on somthing and it got lodged behind my wisdom tooths former location so it took a week of listerene to fix it.

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First Adjustment

#7 Post by krwhite777 »

Ok y'all had my first adjustment today and my was it fun!!! (NOT) Arrived about 7 min early and let them know my parents were going to help me with my bill for them, they let me know that it would be a few min. until a chair opened up. A chair opened up and the receptionist handed me my chart and i hopped right up. Dr. Came right over and said "Bite" So I bit. He told the tech to check my front two incisors ties because he said the wire didn't engage like he thought it did when i was first laced 6 weeks ago. He perscribed a new upper archwire and told me that this one would be more than likely my next to last wire for the top teeth before moving me to a square wire to finish things up. Also with the new wire came new ties on all the top, plus a "social six" powerchain... finally i have some color to my metal, the tech was going to put a clear one on but i asked if they had colors and yeah.... they did, so i chose my fav color BLUE.

My wire change came six weeks after having my braces put on. I am not having any discomfort with the upper wire change like i thought i would. not too bad. No Bite Turbos This will be addressed on Saturday, when i meet with a friend who is a ortho and likes using them.

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#8 Post by krwhite777 »

So i havent been keeping up with my story, Been busy working and suchso i will be posting more in the next week

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#9 Post by krwhite777 »

Hey ya'll it has been a little over two year since i have been in this site. I thought I would let you know that braces are going back on in a few weeks.

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Uppers BAck ON

#10 Post by krwhite777 »


Braces went on at 10 AM today, so far not bad well it is only about 2 hours later.!!

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#11 Post by krwhite777 »

Hey All, I know you all like to be in the loop but between my leaving for the military and coming home from the military there was no free time.

So quick update teeth are on the move again, two days in and had to go get my wires trimmed already!!!

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