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Kiki Braces Story ( Pic included )

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:15 pm
by LaDii_Kiki


Let me start off i was supposto to get braces when i was 14 but i hated the fact of metal in my mouth. Even though i hated to smile and i wouldnt like how i came out in picture. Now at 17 i decided to get through with it since i enroll in College and people are not as imature as in high school. I went back to my Ortho and i was Estimated 18 months. I decided to go through with it. I'm currently been 2 months with the braces and i love how my smile turning out. Even though i fell it taking FOREVER, time gose by and each day is a day closer to get to that " super star smile "

I was nervous the first day, i remeber not being able to sleep and i couldn't picture how i would look. When i got to the Ortho he sat me down within 15 mins waiting. i was about an hour in the process finally looked in the mirror and ...


I looked soo young. It felt incredibly uncomfortable and i HATED how they looked. Anyways time goes by....

1 Adjustment


2 Adjustment <- most recent

Notice a change?
So far i gotten over the fact i have braces cause my smile is alot nicer. Even though i'm still HOPING to take them off early.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:12 pm
by Granola
Wow, LaDii_Kiki, you have had some incredible movement there. Your teeth are looking fantastic! You must be so excited to see so much progress in only two months. What color ligs do you have (they look silver)?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:58 pm
by Kell
Wow, they are looking great. That is amazing progress.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:35 pm
by LaDii_Kiki
Hey thanks guys, i appricate the inspiration... I posted up the picture because alot of people tell me the same that my teeth move quickly. I think the key is to keep clean, i brush almost 100x's a day and i floss every night. I heard from a someone that if your teeth are clean they move better.

P.s - Yea my ligs are silver


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:24 pm
by Amy Complainy
First off, I just have to say THANK YOU! When I first read what you said I was amazed--my reason being that I am in almost the exact situation as you are. Granted, my teeth are far worse (believe me!) but it's the same general idea. I'm seventeen, going to college next year and terrified of people seeing my hideous teeth! But seeing how much imporovement your teeth have shown in that relatively short time gives me hope. Hopefully my teeth will have straightened a fraction of that amount in six months. So thank you!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:54 pm
by Flora2006
This is AMAZING progress in just over 2 months!!!! I wish my teeth were moving that fast!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:16 pm
by belmikry
oh wow! what fantastic improvement in such little time! I can only hope my teeth look that grea! :O

you are a great inspiration to us all- especially for me, I know how young I feel right now, especially when in college and I see all of these people running around with perfect teeth from years of braces in grade school o_o...

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:21 pm
by j.swanson
yea i see a [b]HUGE[/b] difference

gOod luck with the rest of your treatment!! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:07 pm
by mm92280
As the others have said, you have made a lot of improvement in only 2 months. You can really see the wires straightening out over the course of your treatment.


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:50 pm
by polkadotbabe101
Those look great and that was such a great improvment♥ i have not got braces yet i am turnin 13 in may but i am gett in them Feb. 22. 05 in like 6 days and i am sooooo nervous i have no idea what to think i am kinda exited♥ but at the same time i hear a lot of thing like they hurt and it makes me so nervous and im afraid of like what colors 2 get cuz i dont want it lookin worse than it already will i want blue and purple but i dont know :?: ♥ i will tell when i do get em but plz give advice on if they hurt cuz i am so nervous right now u have no idea if ya can it would be a big help thanks♥

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:16 pm
by M1k3y
How do your teeth look now?