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Lower braces just fiitted

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:49 am
by Louise
Hi iam Louise and ive just discovered this site. I think its great because ive always wanted to talk to other adults who have braces as i feel iam the only one.

So iam 22 yrs old, live in Scotland and i work as a nurse.

I have had my upper braces fitted for 7 months now and very pleased with the progress so far. When i was 14 yrs i went for a routine checkup at my dentist when the subject of braces came up. He said that my teeth were very overcrowded and I had an overbite. I said no way am I getting fitted with a brace. I was scared of becoming a geek and looking silly. That was the end of subject.

Then throughtout the years i started to hate my smile after seeing photos of myself and thought my dentist was right about braces. I really started to regret not going through with it. A year ago after alot of thinking, I approached my dentist about it and he referred me to an orthodontist. I went for my initial consultation in May last year and by July I was fitted with upper braces by July. I didnt need any extractions of teeth which I was very surprised about.

Now 7 months on my teeth seem so much straighter but my orthodontist says i have to keep the brace on for two years in total. I dont really feel self conscious about the braces as they dont look that bad. They actually look quite fashionable. I know that they serve a good purpose and it will be all worth it in the end.

Yesterday i just got my lower brace fitted which is a bit uncomfortable but soon i won't notice its there!

I would love to show you some pics but i don't have any at the moment. Hopefully in the future I will have some available.
Speak to you soon. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:51 am
by belmikry
hi there and welcome to the forums!
great to hear you are loving your braces- like me, I totally said "NO WAY" to braces in highschool, even though I couldn't afford them, my mother was willing to assist, but to me it wasn't worth it- it is now, definately! :)

glad to have you aboard- hope to see some progress pictures from you! :)
"fashionable: I like that- I was told to say I have a "grill" :lol: but I prefer fashionable 'bling' any day ;)