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Flora's "progress" with pictures

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:43 pm
by Flora2006
Okay I finally decided posting some pics...I am in my 5th Week. I had my first adjustment last monday and changed my ligs from clear ones to silver ones. Although you may notice that my silver ligs are practically clear/white...i love them. If you see any kind of progress, please let me know because I see nothing at all!!

My teeth are not that yellow...I don't know why they appear that way.
As you can see, I have a pretty important crossbite on my canine. I also have an adult tooth coming down. My lower brackets are still not on. To even my surprise, I can't believe how uneven my teeth are. Without the braces, my teeth looked levelled,or at least I thought they were...I didn't think they were SO uneven! lol.

So just to let you all know, I have a dental crossbite, my top alignment is tipping to one side and moderate crowding on the bottom...that was my diagnosis.

Also, sorry my pics are so big...I have no idea how to make them smaller

Day 1
Week 5

Day 1
Week 5

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:20 pm
by belmikry
great pictures flora! and they are perfect size! :)

and no worries- your teeth aren't white, its because of the white background on the forum that makes any natural white pigment look different :) look at mine- i promise mine aren't that yellow either!! :lol:

come on tooth! don't you love those impacted teeth? you just want to tell them who's who! :) i'll be rooting for ya! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:56 pm
by ssfw
Hi Flora2006,

Yes, I see changes in your teeth and in such a short time too - that's great. I think it's difficult for some to see changes in their own teeth because we tend to look at our teeth several times a day.

Keep us posted.


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:56 am
by Marzipan
There IS change. It is subtle but it's there. I definitely see it.

I've had a rubber band for only one month to drag a tooth forward and in comparing old photo to how it looks now, it IS moving. Again, it's subtle, but it's happening. I had to look closely because at first I kept thinking that nothing was happening, but then I realized I was incorrect.

So keep up the good work - things are happening. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:39 am
by Flora2006
Thank you all so much for replying. It's good to know that you guys see change even though I don't see it. Keeps me going ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:28 pm
by wiredinLA
Hi Braces Buddy!

I DEFINITELY see a change. There is movement in your canine for sure.
I'm jealous! Hahah j/k

Glad you decided to finally post some pics and glad you like those silver ligs! ;)

Talk to you soon.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:38 pm
by Flora2006
Okay so I had my second adjustment this past monday. I am not seeing much progress but my ortho is saying that my teeth are doing good. The tooth next to my canine crossbite is moving back so now my lower tooth is hitting that tooth...very annoying. My front tooth on the side of the crossbite is also moving forward a bit...I really hope it doesn't get worse! lol.

My ortho gave me a little lecture on coming in-between adjustments to get the wire cut off at the ends...that it was unncessary for me to be in pain and discomfort...otherwise, he said that I am good at not staining my ligs too much and that I am keeping my teeth clean :)

I have light silver ligs again, I love them because they aren't too noticeable; very similar to the clear ones, but they stain less.

Let me know if you see movement :) It keeps me going! ;)

2nd Adjustment: 1 month 3 weeks.

1st day in braces:

2nd Adjustment: 1 month 3 weeks.

2nd day in braces:

I am so sorry if those pics are really big...I have no idea how to make them smaller :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:51 pm
by chrisd
there is definatally progress. things are looking great.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:19 am
by Flora2006
Thank you KK and Chrisd :)

I can't wait for that canine to get aligned so my ortho can do more...a few more months :)

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:36 pm
by Flora2006
Oh goodness, I think that the tooth next to my canine crossbite is slowly getting into a crossbite position as well!!! I don't want that to happen!!! I keep hitting it now with my lower tooth. My ortho said that it has to move back a little so the canine has room to come forward but I don't want it to to get into a crossbite position. I want my ortho to stop that!!! :shock: :shock:

I'm hating this lol, ok, I just needed to say this :cry:

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:14 pm
by belmikry
flora: mine is doing the same- but no worries! once it picks up the slack it will be much better! :) just think: you are one step closer to that canine coming out of its hiding spot! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:55 am
by caryca
Flora there is deffenitly a movment happening there. Do not worry, you still do not have bottom braces...which means that your lowers are in not the planned position:-) btw sometimes it get worst before geting better, and sometimes your ortho needs to move things in wrong postion to make some space to move things to a ... good position:-)

good luck

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:12 pm
by Flora2006
I figured I would post some pictures just because I feel like I am finally seeing some movement. Earlier on, I could feel a difference but now I can actually see some movement so it's very exciting. I have circled in the last pic where my canine is's getting closer. It used to be WAY in the back but now I can see the bracket and everything. Very exciting :)

Jan 10:

March 20:

Jan 9:

March 20:

My ligs look pretty bad in these pics, they aren' that visible though. I've never had them THAT stained but I've been drinking soooo much coffee since my last adjustment. I really hope I'll get brave sometime this summer and try the purple ligs...they look so beautiful on others that i've seen pictures of.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:50 pm
by Flora2006
Oh sorry, this is the comparison I wanted to my crossbite has moved since Jan 9.

Jan 10:


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:53 pm
by belmikry
oh wow flora! your canine has made a ton of progress this month!!! congrats!! [throws confetti] I wish mine would look that great [mumbles] :P