Tongue thrusting

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Tongue thrusting

#1 Post by Mark01GT »

Well I'm mark, 23 years old. I'm really ugly and I have just found out that one reason why my face is so F'd up is because my tongue thrusts forward when I swallow and moves my top teeth out, giving me a bad overbite. I hate my lips and I think they are formed wierd because of the way my teeth are. I wish to correct all this so I can actually find a girl and get married and all that good stuff. I plan on getting braces to move the teeth back, but unfortunately I'm a tongue thruster so once the braces come off, the teeth will get moved again. Is there anything I can do about this? I enclosed some pictures so you can see what I'm talking about. Please be gentle though. I've gotten made fun of enough in my life.


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#2 Post by nimo »

Not that anyone on Earth has the right to make fun of anyone else simply based on how they look, but I can't imagine someone on THIS website making fun of someone because of their teeth. Seriously, dude, we're all in the same boat here. Some people are worse off than others (I have pictures on my own thread viewtopic.php?t=9363&start=15 if you want to check out my own scary grill) , but we're still all hanging out at the orthodontist's office, fantasizing about the perfect smile.

That being said, only an orthodonitist can make an accurate assessment of what can be done to fix your problems. There are all kinds of appliances that fix all kinds of teeth. No matter how bad you think your teeth are, more than likely there is a way to make them look the way you want them to. And once you start taking those steps, there are a zillion threads on this website on just about every aspect of orthodontics that you can throw out there. The web is a really good resource in general, too. You can google your way through finding an orthodontist, finding recipes for food to eat when your teeth are sore, and finding out exactly what the doctor is talking about when they throw out a term and you forget to ask them what they were talking about.

I got married before braces and the day before my 25th birthday, so I'm here to tell you that your teeth shouldn't keep you from a decent relationship. My husband loves me either way, and he knows that I'm getting all this work done for my own sake. As lame as this sounds, anyone worth your time isn't going to give a crap about how you look.

Good luck!!!
Braced on 17 Feb. 2006.
Five teeth extracted on March 9, 2006.
Canine exposure: February 7, 2007
lefort 3 March 7, 2008
TPA April 22, 2008
2 years 7 months in braces
braces off September 17, 2008

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#3 Post by jcdamon3 »

I'm really ugly and I have just found out that one reason why my face is so F'd up is because my tongue thrusts forward when I swallow and moves my top teeth out, giving me a bad overbite.
I don't think you are ugly. In fact I think you are quite good looking even with your teeth the way they are! I am not trying to discourage you from getting braces, I think you should do it because it will make you feel better. But you are definitely NOT ugly.

Don't worry about the tongue thrust thing. Your orthodontic can tell you what to do about it. Worst case you wear your retainer at night for the rest of your life. Alot of us on this board know that retainers are forever. They can also put permanent retainers on your upper teeth so they are being retained during the day.

Don't worry! Everything will work out. And some sweet babe is going to love you braces or not!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#4 Post by MusicIsMyLife »

You don't look bad at all. I tongue thrust as well and my face is more "f'd up", IMO. (don't expect me to post pics though—I hate my profile)

Have you talked to an ortho yet? You might have to wear a tongue crib.
Or you could go the speech therapist route.

Good luck.
Braced Sep. 29 '05
Tongue crib inserted Oct. 6
Tongue crib removed April 5
Estimated treatment time: 20 mths

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#5 Post by Mark01GT »

hey... thanks guys. Glad to hear noone thinks I'm ugly, but hey then again i wasn't expecting complete honesty from such nice folks as yourselves. So does anyone know how much I can expect to pay w/ out insurance for this deal? I'm kinda scared to find out because I'm only 23 and I live by myself, paying bills is hard enough already. But it has to be done sooner or later. better doing it at 23 than 43 right?


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#6 Post by godawgs »

i agree with everyone that you are definitely not ugly. but i'm sure you'd be thrilled with the results of fixing your teeth. i kind of feel lucky that i can finally correct the aspect of my physical appearance i hate the most...getting braces seems easy when i think of it that way. some of my friends say my teeth are cute and make me look "japanese" and don't want me to change.

i live in the sf bay area (one of the more expensive for orthodontics) and got price quotes ranging from $5K to $7K for estimated time of 18-24 months. i'm also paying out of pocket and i'm a grad student with no income! but with flexible spending, payment plans, etc. it's manageable. i'm using savings for now until i start my job in november to finish up the payments.

good luck!

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#7 Post by Mark01GT »

OUCH! that's a lot of money. What do you ladies think? Think I should go for it?

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#8 Post by Joanna20 »

Hi! First of all:
You're not ugly at all! Actually you are good looking and you'll probably get a lot of girls during/after braces. Your teeth will look wonderfull! I also have tongue trhusting and thumb sucked till the age of 12 and I'm really to get braces. My teeth look a bit like yours and everybody told me I was really pretty before. I was completely unaware of my flaring fangs!!! So in my opinion I think you should do it, not to please anyone but yourself. If you don't feel confortable with them go for it! I was ignoring my problem for a while but now I've realised how important it is for me.
- Your ortho. will probably stick a retainer on the back of your teeth once you are done so that it is impossible for them to stick out again. Plus a retainer at all and you'll be great!
I trully wish you the best!


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#9 Post by Mark01GT »

What is a retainer? Can anyone explain how it works? If it's in my mouth permanently that might be a tad bit annoying, no? Man I can't wait to get my teeth straightened up, I realize I have gorgeous eyes, but the lower portion of my face needs to be fixed big time. I have a receeding lower jaw, that should be corrected too after braces right?

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#10 Post by Flora2006 »

Mark01GT - Don't be so down on yourself. You are not ugly at all. Getting braces is a good idea, it's a pain in the ass for the time you have them on, but look at the big picture: you will have beautiful teeth and so proud that you went for braces.

I am 22 and in University so getting the braces was a huge deal and I am still extremely self-conscious of them, BUT I will be so happy at the end. Seeing changes and movement is exciting and that is what keeps me going.

As for the retainers, they are used once your braces are off, to keep your teeth from moving back into their initial position. Usually a retainer on the bottom teeth is a piece of wire cemented onto the back of your front teeth, and for the top teeth, you may get a permanent retainer just like the one on the bottom or a temporary one where you will have to wear it for a few years all the time, and will consist of a wire going along your teeth...

Good luck with everything and seriously, you are not ugly so don't be so down on yourself. ;)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#11 Post by Mark01GT »

Thanks, but does anyone know how to correct my receeding lower jaw?

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Location: California

#12 Post by godawgs »

try going for a consult with an ortho (most are free). i saw 6 orthos, all for free and no commitment. they did nothing but look at my teeth, take photos and sit down to discuss all my questions for 30 mins (no xrays or molds). but it was so helpful to get all my concerns addressed and also to get a feel for what sort of person he/she is. i was worried about how orthodontic treatment might change my profile/appearance and their answers helped to reassure me.

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#13 Post by presencia »

Let me say a few things to you from my perspective. I am a 50+ year young mother/grandmother in braces myself. I also deal with tongue thrust. I imagine it will be much easier to retrain the tongue at your age than mine :) My tongue is a more than a little confused by all the hardware in my mouth!
You have the most intriguing blue eyes. It is said that eyes are the window to the soul, and if that is true, I see a gentle, sensitive, although slightly vulnerable soul within. I am so sorry you have been hurt by uncaring people. Were you my son, I would encourage you to pursue orthodontics. Perhaps your family's income or circumstances did not allow it as a teen, perhaps their love for you just looked past a few crooked teeth without realizing the pain it caused you. I am sorry it caused you to feel so badly about yourself. You can't change the past, but you can change the future. I do know that if you can learn to love yourself, others will too, regardless of how your teeth look.
And what's not to love? You are a very handsome young man. Yes, fixing your teeth would improve your appearance - so go for it! Even at my age, that is what I finally decided to do. (Wish I had not waited so long, but oh, well..) But don't let your appearance dictate to you who you really are. We can all tell you that you really are good-looking, and you are, but it won't help you until you believe it for yourself. You have to believe that you are worth the time and money it will take to straighten your teeth.
You may feel even more conspicuous/self conscious for a while when the braces first go on, but that gets easier as you remind yourself (often, for me) why you are doing this.
Just don't do what I did - i spent too much time feeling sorry for myself and not enough time doing something about it. That is my biggest regret in life. You are young, handsome and have a future full of possibilities in front of you.
YOu can find a lot of support here - like the other post said - we are all in the same boat here.....good luck!

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#14 Post by Missingorigin »

Dude I see nothing wrong with you. You kinda look like tom cruise. LOL. Anyways. your teeth dont like nothing bad.

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#15 Post by Mark01GT »

haha, that's only the 2nd time i've been called tom cruise, but hey, he's a good looking famous actor - so I guess I can take that as a compliment! But yeah my teeth arn't perfect, and I'm obsessed with perfection, my dream has always been to model, but I don't see that happening anytime soon unless I make some drastic changes.


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