The bend in the wire is creating a gap between my front teeth!! It closed the gap between my first and second incisors on my right side (your left), this? Oy. Click on image for larger picture.

As far as my recovery, I am completely elastics free, have about 31mm ROM now. That is still far less than I had pre-surgery, but it's slowly but surely improving.
Eating is getting better as well, as I get used to the location of my teeth. Still having issues with really chewy food and I am not at all comfortable with things like tortilla chips or anything hard. Again, slow but steady improvement. My muscles get tired when I have to chew chewy food, and I find myself wanting to avoid it, but I know I need to chew to get my jaw strength back.
My numbness is getting better as well. The left side was the worst and still is, but the feeling is coming back. It's quite odd as it feels like my numbness is layered with areas of sensation. I don't know how else to describe this.
Anyhoo...I see my oral surgeon tomorrow for another follow-up visit.
On edit - with regards to the chip in my tooth. My ortho and I pretty much agreed yesterday that I will need bonding post braces to fix that.