NAHKY's Long Bracial Journey - New Pics Pg 16

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#121 Post by Caroline »

All the best to you, Nahky! Hope all goes well, and keep us posted...
Top braced January 7, 2005
Bottom braced February 4, 2005
Tops off July 10, 2006!!!
Bottoms off August 15, 2006!!!

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#122 Post by josephine »

You will have lots of us here thinking good thoughts for you on the big day (and thereafter), nahky!

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#123 Post by hannah164 »

Good luck! :D KEep us posted! :thumbsup:

~Hannah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
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Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#124 Post by nahky »

Thank you are so so much. Just a quick update

The operation was a success

Im home now recovering, went in at 1pm, waited to 5pm, surgery finished at 2:30 i think, my monther dad and sisters came to visit. They came 30 minsutes after surgery. I didnt want them to stay long

Was picked up at 10am to go home by my brother and sister and mother

I ahve been eating well, drinking is fairly easy and eating soup aswell

It was very fustrating at the start, first couple ours after surgery. I was fully alert, my throat was soar and nose was blocked, was hard to breathe.

underbite is gone. I cant bite down now, im too swollen. My cheeks have puffed out so much. I look like a hippo. Or a person wearing a fat suit, it is quite funny.

thankoyu all for all your support.

My family is supporting me heaps and very empaethic, even though i am scaring my little nephew, he doesnt wanna be near me at all, lol.

i'll my a orthognathic surgery diary soon enough including pics.

til next time. thankyou all

Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 2635
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Location: emerald city, oz

#125 Post by lionfish »

Glad to hear you've come out the other side safely, Nahky. It sounds like you're doing well post surgery, which is great.

Look forward to updates.

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Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#126 Post by nahky »

Thankyou Kiwikren, Linda, and everyone else giving me support.

Today was the 3rd day, and by far the most difficult. Thw swelling is peaking. I feel like im carrying two very heavy sacks in my cheeks.

I felt quite depressed today at times. But then thought about my normla bite i wil soon have.

I tried my best eat as much as i could. im so suproised by this sweling, i cant keep my lips closed at all. constantly open ajar, so things get dry quick. This is by far the most challenging thing ever i ahve ever encountered.

Im trying to stay positive and remeber all the advice. thanks everyone. I'll try tto get more indepth next time. im getting a bit tired sitting here now.

sidenote: my mum and sister have been the best, caring for me, they ahve been very patient.
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 234
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Location: Montreal, Canada

#127 Post by Caroline »

Great to see that you have such a great support system within your family! Don't worry, if you say the swelling is at its peak today, it will start diminishing as of tomorrow. I have not gone through OS, but did have facial surgery 4 years ago, and day 3 was definitely the worse for me. It's all uphill from here!

Best of luck!
Top braced January 7, 2005
Bottom braced February 4, 2005
Tops off July 10, 2006!!!
Bottoms off August 15, 2006!!!

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Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#128 Post by nahky »

I couldnt sleep properly tonight. Constantly waking up. I just cant get comfortable. Only the hospital bed was accomodating enough.

I really hate this. the pressure i feel in my head is so immense. I cringe eveytime i see thr mirror. I scare myself. i look sub-human. I dont think i've peaked yet. Its worth it in the end. But at this point, i dont think i'd do it again if given a chance. this is a gory horrible experience.

my breath stinks, i eat by letting my lower lip hanging over the rim of the bowl and use and spooon to slurp it into my mouth. Every slight movement of my head, i feel blood rushing to my cheeks.

Im strating to bruise all over my neck. and my lips r HUGE, now with bruising.

i hate this.

AL worth it in the END!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 210
Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:56 pm

#129 Post by josephine »

If you find yourself getting discouraged or depressed, remember that all the bad parts are entirely temporary. Also you may be getting mood effects from a) aftereffects from anesthesia (very common), b) drugs you're taking, and/or c) crazy sleep patterns that are necessary at first. Just pamper yourself as much as you can and wait it out and you'll do fine! Make everyone take extra good care of you!

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#130 Post by lionfish »

I feel for you, mate, but I'm sure in a few days you'll start to feel better. Your attitude is great, keeping the long term goal in mind.

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Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#131 Post by nahky »

Hey thanks guys

I think today is the peaking day of my swelling. day 3 - 4 . I feel ok

THe swelling will subside i tell myself. Its quite comical my appearance. I could be the double for big momma in big momma's house.

I had a good nap today in the afternoon.

Im soldiering on! just kickin back now and listening to some tunes. then might have a bubble bath later. it can only get better from here

things that are keeping me in perspective

*no more underbite!

* I have an even, symetrically face now, althought it is baloon-like currently

*the wait has ended, its over and done with. the hardest bits are over and i survived!

until next time...

"If its bitter at the start, then its sweeter at the end!" (Madonna)
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

Posts: 2635
Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 4:16 pm
Location: emerald city, oz

#132 Post by lionfish »

I can tell you're feeling better - your humour is back!

Enjoy the bubble bath, it's the right kind of weather for it too.

Take care.

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Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:31 pm

#133 Post by smile »

Just wanted to say, hang in there Jason! It's all downhill from here I'm sure.

Feel better soon!

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#134 Post by alexa »

Glad you're starting to feel a little bit better....the swelling will go down soon, so don't stay too discouraged!

I'm sure the end result will totally be worth it!
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
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#135 Post by chrisk »

Congratulations, nahky on getting through your surgery and those difficult first days, and try and stay positive. (And you are GREAT at being positive) Just think, you are post-surgery when there are so many of us still waiting for surgery or for a date. At least, you can now concentrate on your recovery - and the next thing you will be working towards will be braces removal day.

Your journey to surgery day was a long one, so take every day as it comes and before you know it you'll be back to normal (with a great profile and bite).

I've been told that the first 10 days after surgery are the hardest - you have swelling, you're getting the anaesthestic out of your system, and your body is recuperating so give yourself the rest that you deserve. It sounds like you have a fantastic support system so take it easy and before long you'll be back to your best.

Take care

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