I can always remember my lower left canine being turned at almost a complete 180. Flossing this tooth is a pain. I am a bit concerned on how they will put a bracket on this one. I have a bad habit of pushing it with my tongue, which has made that side stick out more, I also do this to my front teeth. My ortho said I push them when I swallow too, which has caused a slight overbite. The last baby tooth I had was my top right canine, but once it fell out, my new tooth never came in. I was in high school by the time it came down, and unfortunately not all the way. Unless I smile really wide it looks like I am missing a tooth, not attractive.

Like many others here, my family couldn’t afford braces, although I begged and pleaded. So finally I fixed my finances saw a few ortho’s, had sticker shock, especially since my dental insurance doesn't cover adult braces and have to pay out of pocket. But alas, found a wonderful ortho and am taking the plunge. Not soon enough, I am sooo anxious to get them on. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster!! I feel exited, then worried, then I think about the outcome, then I think about the pain. In the end I keep telling myself, “just wait!â€