I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m Claire, I’m 23 from Leicester, UK. I’m a student studying Aquatics at college (would love to work in a SeaLife Centre one day!!) I also work weekends at a Garden Centre/Aquatic Shop, and it’s with this money that I’m paying £3000 to get my teeth straightened. Something I’ve always wanted but only now had the guts to actually go through with it!!
I was going to have orthodontic treatment when I was 14 on the NHS, but the waiting list was 3 years long so I backed out, although really I was looking for an excuse to back out as I was bullied at school so the thought of having braces scared me as it would just be another excuse to get picked on!!
Gradually I have gained confidence over the years and finally decided to get straight teeth. I’ve always hated my teeth as they are wonky due to overcrowding and my upper jaw sticks out giving me a 6mm over jet because I have an ‘under developed’ lower jaw. I’ve always hated looking in the mirror and having my photo taken and always dreamed of having straight teeth. Being able to smile without worrying about how bad my teeth look will be fantastic!!
The first thing I had to do was find an NHS dentist (hadn’t been for 2 years…eek). Then I was referred to a ‘private’ orthodontist. (the treatment can’t be done on the NHS coz it’s not considered important enough – I say no more!). Luckily I only had to have one filling as I now really look after my teeth after having had about 8 fillings and a crown previously at my old dentist!!
I had my first consultation at the orthos on December 2006 and then molds and x-rays in January 07. My treatment plan is to have upper and lower ceramic braces for approx. 12 – 15 months, wearing elastics for part of the treatment to decrease the over jet and having some of my back teeth narrowed to make room to pull the teeth back. Then it’s a fixed retainer for 5 years!! Out of all that, what was I most scared of – having to have an extraction!! Arghhh….There is a reason I didn’t go to the dentist for 3 years, I knew I needed a tooth pulled and I was so scared to get it done!!
Anyway, amazingly I went through with it and had the extraction at the dentist in February to remove a tooth from my lower jaw that was ‘behind’ all the rest due to the jaw being so small. I was a healthy tooth but I was soooo glad to see the back of it because of where it was positioned, and instantly felt so much more confident knowing it was gone. I’d always wanted it pulled but I’d been far to freaked out to ever book the appointment. The extraction didn’t go smoothly, I’d got so nervous about it that I fainted straight after he injected the anaesthetic!! It was really embarrassing at the time, but I’ve seen the dentist since and we just laughed about it!! Following the extraction I had 2 weeks of toothache

I had my teeth ‘cleaned’ at the dentist on the 20th March and had Spacers at the orthodontist on the 21st. I needed 8 spacers so the ortho could put bands around some of the teeth. They were not as bad as I expected, I’ve heard bad stories about spacers, but they didn’t hurt when she put them in or for the rest of the day. The next day my teeth were aching and I couldn’t eat anything hard or chewy. But compared to the extraction toothache, it was nothing. The ache only lasted for a day and the only problem I had after that was being able to chew on hard foods. Oh and they did move my teeth into even worse positions so there’s no way I could back out of having braces.
I was finally braced on 26th March - yay!! I wasn’t nervous; in fact I was quite excited. I think I was more scared of that extraction than anything else. She put bands around 2 of my upper and lower molars and put a ceramic brace on my bottom teeth. She decided not to do the top as well as she thought it would be too much pain in one go.
Anyway…It’s been 24 hours since the brace was put on and I’m really feeling it!! I can’t eat much at all. My teeth ache, my mouth is sore because of the brace rubbing and the banded teeth have a huge metal thing sticking out and rubbing inside my mouth (the bit that is used to adjust the wire). Sorry I still don’t know the terminology!!
So right now I’m feeling a bit down coz I can’t eat properly. I love food and I really love chocolate!! – I can’t wait to be able to eat what I want again, surviving on pasta at the minute. My mouth really hurts and the top brace isn’t even on yet!!
Oh well….think positive….straight teeth YAY!
I will upload some photos and post them here very soon. Before and after spacers and brace pics!!