Maryjays STORY - 11 Wks Post Op - *BRACES ARE OFF!!!* PICS

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mighty mo
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#31 Post by mighty mo »

maryjay, Well done for coming through your surgery with such a positive attitude. :jump: No wonder you are healing so well! I'd love to see before and after pictures once your swelling has completely gone.

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#32 Post by maryjay »

Hi Meryaten,

once again you have made me feel better! As far as im concerned if i feel comfortable eating scrambled eggs or whatever, i dont see why i shouldnt try, im not going to ruin everything by eating anything crusty or chewy as you say, as i know i couldnt handle that right now, but i am feeling pretty confident with the soft chew stuff, I treated myself to a slice of bread and butter yesterday (with the crusts cut off) and it was fine!

I have been looking in the mirror alot, but to be honest ive been doing that constantly for the past year, my teeth have improved so much! i LOVE the way they look now!... MY JAWS MATCH UP!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
my boyfriend laughs at me, as im always looking in the bathroom mirror grinning at myself and checking out my profile!

Patricia S.
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#33 Post by Patricia S. »

Hi Maryjay, I just read your story, I feel bad for you. :( The only surgery I have had is my wisdom's, and that was bad enough.

I know what you mean about staring in the mirror. I'm just on day two and my boyfriend has been laughing at me. :D

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#34 Post by maryjay »

Hi Patricia

dont feel bad for me, apart from my OS discouraging me from trying to eat, i feel really happy about everything,... i am coming to the end of my two and half year treatment, and i can see the finishing line in the distance, my teeth have improved dramatically since this all began, and any pain and discomfort i have felt along my journey has been totally worth it, i LOVE the position my teeth are in now, i can no longer stick my tongue out when i have a closed bite, which i was able to do up until 3 weeks ago!

im looking in the mirror all the time, because i can imagine my teeth without braces in the position they are in now, and im so excited, im going to love them, and im so so glad i have had the courage to go though with all of this rather than living the rest of my life with teeth i hated.

onwards and upwards!!! :-)

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#35 Post by nvcarissa »

Let me second Meryaten. Let's see some more pics! I can't wait to see what you look like now that your swelling has gone. Must be fabulous!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#36 Post by maryjay »

Check out my pics, this is me, before and after surgery,
my overbite has gone!!! and i am so happy that i did this, no regrets at all!

below, before pictures, thats me just a week before surgery, so ive already been braced for 2 years to get to this point,
but look at the after pics.... the alignment speaks for itsself!
you can see my bottom teeth now they have come forward, they are no longer hiding in the shadows!

below profile, again the 1st pic is a week before surgery, my jaw looks shallow and gaunt, too thin and weak,
2nd pic, my face is sooo big, felt like it had swelled to the size of the moon!
3rd pic awesome! just right .... very happy :-)

below, again, awesome 3rd pic!

the profile changes arent as big as the teeth alingment, but, thats what i wanted to change,
my horrible horrible teeth, you can really see the change in the teeth position, and this is what ive always hoped, only a couple more months of being braced!
i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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#37 Post by smile2006 »

Your results looks wonderful. You must be so pleased. May I ask what you had done. Lower, upper, both??????

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#38 Post by maryjay »

Thanks smile2006 and KK,

Ive been dreaming of having straight teeth for nearly 20 years, i cant believe i have a bite that lines up! i never thought it would happen. i only have a couple more months of being braced, and i know im going to love my teeth!... i already do!

i was meant to have upper and lower jaw surgery but my OS changed his mind a couple of months before my op, he said the last 2 years of being braced has fixed and aligned my upper jaw enough to no longer need surgery on it.

I wish i could find a decent picture of my teeth pre braces, as you can see from my pre op bite above my top teeth are all you can see, and my bottom jaw is in the shadows,... before i was braced it was much worse, all you could see were my two front teeth, they stuck out a mile, and i wasnt able to close my lips together in a natural position, my teeth just hung out (yuk) i am so glad i decided to get braced and have surgery, i have no regrets at all :-)

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#39 Post by maryjay »

I went to see my ortho a couple of days ago, the first time since my surgery 8 weeks ago, and he said that my teeth and jaw look great and he sees no reason why i should be braced any longer!
he made an apointment for 3 weeks time when i will be having my braces removed!!!!!!!! :banana: :-)o :jump:

im so happy! cant remeber what it must feel like to have teeth without braces, and what its like not to get everything you eat suck between your teeth, i just cant wait, in a way i wish he hadnt told me, as i am counting down the days, i feel so lucky!

im not telling my boyfriend or friends either, i cant wait to see their faces on the day... hopefully they will notice!

ive been braced for 26 months now, it seems like forever, but i dont regret it for a second!

SDFD TSchott
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#40 Post by SDFD TSchott »


As the doc says, you have awesome results we shall have those braces removed shortly! :D

Congrats on the awesome results.



Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

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#41 Post by nvcarissa »

Wow! That is just amazing! My ortho is so conservative with regards to my muscles and such. It's just so interesting how every ortho has a different way of doing things. Congratulations!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#42 Post by maryjay »

My braces are coming off tomorrow morning!!!

This is a picture of me today, my last day in braces, I cant wait to see how i look tomorrow, i havent told my boyfriend or friends, i hope they notice at least! ;-)


above, my teeth after being braced for 2 years and 3 months

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#43 Post by GracieG. »

Congratulations maryjay! You must be so incredibly happy! I just read through your postings and I must say you have come a long way! Your teeth look incredible! I am sure your boyfriend and friends will notice..they'll probably fall out of their chairs! Best of luck for tomorrow...I can't wait to see the After pics!!!

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#44 Post by alexa »

Your teeth look great! Congrats on your debanding!
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom

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#45 Post by Happysmiler »

Congratulations Maryjay,

Your teeth look amazing - you have probably been debraced by now and I'm sure you are enjoying every minute!!

I'm sure it make this long journey so worthwhile...... looking forward to seeing your debraced pics.

Best wishes



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