If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.
I know I shouldn't be doing this right now; I have a bunch of reading to do for school tomorrow. I just wanted to start this anyway [because I'm feeling a bit lazy].
My treatment started in early October. I got my spacers around October 10, 2006 I'm guessing? Then, I got my brackets on two weeks later. Something was wrong with the glue, because the upper ceramic fronts kept falling out. My orthodontist, who is a sweet sweet man, told me there was nothing to worry about; it wasn't my fault and he'd be sure to call the company later. I had 4 extractions done after that. Finally, my arch wire came on in mid-December. My estimated treatment time is 2 years.
I'm 6 months in. My next appointment is June 11, so that's probably when I'll update next. Here are some pictures for now.
Anyway, I'm a bit shaken today because I crashed the van into a tree while attempting to make a right turn. And it was my first lesson....not even 5 minutes in. I'm guessing that's a record.
My family hasn't said anything about it yet. My dad, right after, said not to worry about it; just learn from it. My mom didn't say anything when she came home. I was reading Great Gatsby in my room when everybody came home, so I haven't been teased yet. Knowing my brothers and the rest of my family, I'll be teased soon enough.
Anyhoot, this is about my braces, right? I'm glad things are getting straightened out, but I just wish that these gaps would close.
Sorry that I haven't been updating! After my monthly appointment, I was busy with stuff for band and finals.
Anyway, I got blue donuts (about the same hue of blue as the blue on the site) and I just had my first cleaning yesterday (no cavities!).
Unfortunately, I'm getting lazy with the floss, waterpik, and PreviDent Gel. I was getting tired of spending so much time in the bathroom at night. But hey, it's never too late to revert to the diligent teeth cleaning days, right?
I'm also looking for a laptop. I mentioned that I was thinking of getting an hp to my friend because it's affordable and out other friend has a new attractive hp, but she says "Don't get an hp. hps SUCK. Get a Gateway" (she has a Gateway). Anyway, I've had a Gateway desktop before and I wasn't too fond of it. Plus, her laptop is big and chunky while I want something light and easier to carry around. Anyway, I could live with a SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM or an hp. I also want it to have large memory space and easy media keys (Vaios seemed nice, but they don't have media keys). Oh, and no Compaq. We used them in elementary and I'm using one now and it's SLOW! So, can anybody refer a great laptop to me?
Oh, and those gaps that I was hoping would go away? They have worsened and multiplied. But I guess it's okay. I mean, I'm only six to seven months in and my senior pictures came out just fine.
Okay, I know I haven't been active, but I'm here now!
There are two orthodontists, one male (Let's call him Dr. M? for privacy purposes), one female (Dr. F). I've seen Dr. M for all of my visits until my wire was attached. He was always pleasant, telling me what was going on, very nice about what would hurt a bit. When I got my wire, Dr. F gave it to me and she wasn't as nice. I didn't know what in the world was going on inside my mouth. There was only a "Bite. Open. You're bleeding, brush harder." Way to be sympathetic? After that, I've always had her maybe minus once or twice. I never even knew about the tooth colored donuts until I finally had Dr. M and he told me about it (2 or 3 months in). Oh and also! The tooth colored donuts she gives me are more yellow than tooth colored, so it stands out from my ceramic braces. I'll upload a picture tomorrow or something to show you the difference. Anyway, my friend has the same orthodontists and told me that she felt the same way about the two. Her mom came in and said "Where's Dr. M?" and from then on, she always had Dr. M. I was nervous about that because, well, it's kind of mean to say that and let Dr. F know that I didn't like her that much. THANKFULLY, I made a quick change and had my appointment one week earlier (yesterday) and Dr. M was the only one there. I was so relieved. Then he told us when he was available for next time, so YAY!
Also, very exciting news: Yesterday I got a power chain on my bottoms! I heard him tell his assistant, "10 a-chain" and I thought "...that's weird. I've only had at most a 4 a-chain." When he was almost done, it hit me that it was a power chain. He didn't change the uppers, so my donuts are still yellow-ish on top. The tooth colored on the bottom is waaaaaaay whiter. Maybe I'll get the uppers replaced before school pictures or something. I still haven't gotten rubber bands (I'm 8 months in). Is that weird, to have a power chain before rubber bands? I guess I'll ask when I'll need rubber bands next time. I'm just happy that my teeth are responding quickly. At least the bottoms are. The uppers seem to have rebelled.