KK, Sandista, and Wired Skull: Thank you for those reassurances, I'm glad to hear I haven't gone completely nuts! I feel better knowing that I am not alone in wanting to look at my smile every chance I get.
metalmom: Thanks for checking in on me and for the well wishes, I'll take all the luck I can get!
So -- today is the day - oral surgery number two! I get five teeth out this afternoon, bringing my total up to 8. Today the wisdoms will be removed as well as the upper right first premolar. (The three other first premolars were taken out on my birthday in March)
I am a little nervous at the idea of having stitches in my mouth. Oh, and getting raped in my sleep is always a concern.... (joking, if you didn't already know)
UGH! I can't believe I have to be at the surgery place in less than an hour! It's 12 noon here in MN right now. My surgery is at 1:15.
Yesterday I went in for one more quick visit to my ortho, just to prepare for surgery today. The wire was cut free from the tooth that will be extracted, and the bracket was popped off. (I had my first taste of what de-banding will be like!) The assistant scraped the excess glue off my tooth and I was free to go.
Here's a photo of my naked tooth and wireless right side.
I am SO not looking forward to this.
Lucky for me, both my mother in law and father in law are coming over to help with the little guy while I sleep and recover this evening.
The worst part about this surgery so far is how hungry I am and I can't eat! I haven't eaten since last night.

I'm sure by the time I get home I won't have any interest in eating anything anyhow, I'll probably just want to go to bed. Hopefully. Then I won't be thinking about how starving I am.