Miss Smiley: the packing does make it so much better, but I can tell you, I don't enjoy going into the oral surgeon every two days and having the stuff re-done!
jt2lang: yeah, dry sockets definitely suck. I was impressed at how fast the packings made it feel better, though today it was a little different story, which I will elaborate on shortly.
Rainy: I'm glad that I figured it out too, otherwise I'd still be sitting here aching and whining about how miserable my life is. Not so much fun... I think things will be much better in short order.
KK: The dry sockets certainly are nasty, though I think I'd rather have the dry sockets than having an infection, if given the choice. I'm just glad they're feeling better, and I don't really need the heavy-duty pain meds anymore.
seriously: Thanks for the well wishes (and thank you to
everyone for the well wishes!) I really am feeling better and I'm glad I got it taken care of *almost* right away. And it really is a joy to see my little guy talking and babbling up a storm! Dada is his second word, his first was mama. Now he's added 'naa naa' and blah blah' as well.
metalmom: it is really fun to hear my son learning to say his first words. I look at how big he's gotten and sometimes I get sad! But he brings so much happiness to my heart and joy to my life, I feel so lucky to have him. He always makes me smile, and he definitely has been keeping me cheered up throughout this whole ordeal -- I don't think I could do this without him!
cwatt1: I didn't really have much of an idea on how dry socket was treated either; it was rather a rude awakening when I found out what actually had to be done! A friend of mine had had it, and she mentioned something about having to go visit the OS several times and have gauze-y stuff put in her mouth... that's how she described it. Looking back, I'm glad she didn't tell me the details or I probably would not have returned to the OS when I was having difficulties!
So... today was my second visit to the OS to treat the dry sockets. This appointment was far less pleasant than the first, probably for several reasons, which I will explain in greater detail in a moment.
I got to the office five minutes late (oops!) and was called back about a minute after I checked in at the desk. When I went in two days ago to get things checked out, the guy who took out my three bicuspids in March was the guy who saw me. (He was much nicer this time, and he talked to me even!) When he put in the packings, he was very gentle, and I hardly felt a thing. Today my appointment ended up being with the guy who took out my wisdoms and final bicuspid last week- and he was much more aggressive while re-dressing the wounds!
He came into the room saying, "So you got dry sockets, huh?" --And me: "...that's what I was told..." He said a few other things that weren't important to me, then said something about my son being quite the content little guy (he's always very happy, even while strapped in his car seat sitting in the corner of the room at the OS's office), and then he set to work in my mouth. **I hope that last bit didn't sound as bad as I think it did.*
Anyway, he went in with a sort of foreceps and dived right into my open wounds -- ouch, and yuck! He pulled out the dressings that were in there, which was gross, as they came out warm and tasting rather like blood. (are you all puking yet?) I didn't expect that getting new dressings would be any different from the first time, so I wasn't too worried; but when he took out the existing bits of gauze he was hurting me! After those were out, there was a quick rinse directly to the incision/extraction sites, then suction, and after that comes the part where I was totally violated.
He grabbed a couple of fresh pieces of medicated gauze stuff -- I guess it's not really gauze, but more like a thin muslin-like material in small strips about 1/4 inch wide and 1.5 inches long, roughly, and soaked in what looks to be iodine or betadine, orange-yellow in color. Anyway, he took the little strips and went to put one on one side of my mouth. He put the end of it into the hole where my wisdom tooth was extracted, and then proceeded to jam the rest of it in more violently than I would have expected.
Granted, it wasn't really violent, and I'm exaggerating a bit, but he certainly was rougher than the first guy who did this for me, and it was painful. He went in and out of the wound, stuffing the cloth/gauze into the socket with quite a bit more zeal than I would have liked. The whole time I was whimpering and clutching the armrests for dear life, wanting to die right then and there. (Not really that last part, but I was definitely whimpering and clutching.) Oh yeah, and then he did it on the other side too.
Not cool.
Since I was first treated for the dry sockets, my jaw had been feeling much better, but it started aching again this morning. By the time I arrived at the OS's office at 3:05 this afternoon, it was mildly achy, but not too bad. But by the time I left about 10 minutes later, I wanted to rip my jaw off! It was hurting so bad. I got into the car and I was in a state of perma-wince, you know, like when your neck is out of alignment and you kinda hunch up your shoulders a bit and turn your head downward slightly, and refuse to move -- it was like that. I did not want to drive home, I felt so crappy, but I had little choice in the matter, as I was by myself save for Felix, and he can't even sit up in the seat, let alone reach the petals or drive.
I drove home cautiously and whining and complaining out loud to myself the whole way home. My jaw was really hurting me. All I could think about was 'pain killers, pain killers, pain killers..." I made it back home safely, brought Felix in to his crib, popped a couple of pills, then climbed into bed with the covers pulled up to my chin and the lights out - I really felt like &#!%. I slept for an hour, and luckily Felix let me do so. When I woke up I felt much better - the pain had subsided.
So overall, today's experience was considerably worse than Wednesday's. The only thing is -- my next appointment, which is scheduled for Monday - will be with the guy that was mean to me today. I hope it doesn't hurt nearly as much next time. I'm counting on it, because hopefully the wounds will be a little farther along in the healing process by then. If not, well, let's just not think about 'if nots'.