Thanks for the support, everyone

I am indeed pleased and excited with progress thus far, even if it's been only 3 weeks!
Karen and
TI: I'll try and remember your comments if I feel self conscious about the staining of the silicone bumpers! Actually now that I look at the pics and compare them to my reflection in the mirror, I think they stand out more in the pics and are not that noticable -- at least to me -- in "real life"! By the way, for those who have overbites like I do and who've had both upper and lower arches braced, the silicone bumpers are pretty nice -- they're quite comfortable, and do a good job of lessening the likelihood of chipping an upper incisor on a lower bracket.
JT: Thanks for the kudos re the brackets. I'm pleased myself with their aesthetic appeal -- not that I consider them a fashion statement, mind you, but for metal braces they look pretty good!
Cinnamon: I'm going to have to remember the "roller coaster" metaphor! I think that's very appropriate, and I'm glad the hills and valleys are smoothing out some

And thanks for the comment regarding the springs -- I hadn't noticed that before, but you're right -- I think they're starting to do their work. That bicuspid that extends inward at a 45 degree angle wasn't bracketed on my b-day, but I see that my other bicuspid and first molar are starting to cooperate in making some room for him to line up! Hopefully at my first adjustment he'll get his prison garb too! Maybe I'll call him "Weird Willie" -- after all he's been the oddball of my lower arch for years and years
Amybetty: I looked at your own blog and I agree that our teeth, especially our lower arches, look very similar. We'll have to be sure and compare notes as we progress in our respective treatments.
Levi, I absolutely agree that this is all going to be worthwhile in the end! I'm so glad I took this step, and seeing the movement in this short a time is a real motivator!
I'm still feeling good -- certain foods seem to cause me to bite my cheeks more than others, but the further along in treatment I progress the more I'm able to deal with that.
Interesting phenomemon happened to me yesterday -- brushed my teeth after lunch as I always do, and when I brushed under the archwire my upper incisors felt a lot of increased pressure. For a moment I thought maybe I'd bent the wire, but it doesn't appear that's the case. The feeling subsided rather quickly afterwards. I've noticed that my uppers are loosening up, and I think it's related to that, but has anyone else experienced a weird sensation like that during brushing?
I've got to say that all of you are tremendous motivators! I don't know that I've ever found a website that is frequented by a nicer bunch of people.
Till later...