Overbite, overjet, midlines, & a clicky jaw - Ghotieyes

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#16 Post by Jesslzz »

Congrats on your progress, ghotieyes. That overjet is reducing fast and the progress on your lowers is awesome. Keep us posted!

Full metalmouth!

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#17 Post by ghotieyes »

Oh man, my mouth is SO tramatized!

Today was my big switch from ceramics to Damons (see post from 1/8/07), and let me tell you, getting debraced is NO fun at all! Well, it's not even so much the clipping of the brackets or popping those molar bands off. It was wrenching those darned expanders off that killed me! When one giant piece held together with springs is attached to 4 different teeth, they all suffer! Getting the top one taken off was painful, but bearable. But when it came to the bottom, I was in tears by the time my ortho finished. He felt really bad cuz he could've numbed me up a bit, but he was already halfway through when it got really bad and I just wanted him to finish it up ASAP! The roof of my mouth and the gums at the back of my bottom teeth felt odd -- cold/drafty and sensitive. The assistant likened it to peeling off a bandaid you've had on for a while, and I totally agree with her!

Even though the debanding part was so painful, I got to enjoy about 5 minutes of freedom and admire my naked teeth. It felt odd not seeing my crooked incisor and seeing how smooth and round my top teeth looked. My bottom teeth aren't quite as crowded any more, but I could definitely see the overjet (or underjet, since it's the bottom? :? ) So now that I've gotten a preview, I'm looking forward to getting my teeth completely where they should be. I can say my K's and S's now, but I have to relearn NOT to stick out my lower jaw and stick out my tongue to compensate for the funny sounds I'd otherwise make w/ the expanders in.

As for the Damons themselves. I was surprised at how quickly and easily the assistant popped those gates closed and sent me on my way. I'm not crazy about the look of the metal, but I'm SO happy my wretched appliances are out. I hope I NEVER have to go through that ever again! I do like the thought that I won't need ligs and thus won't need to worry about staining. All my teeth hurt now, probably because of all the pushing and pulling, and the new wire. It even hurt to chew bread =P But at least I don't have enough food trapped in my appliances to feed a small country and my tongue won't get caught in my wire ties when trying to coax out food.

*sigh* it's been an emotional day. I'm going to sleep and posting pictures later...

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#18 Post by joney »

Sounds traumatic but good that you don't need the expander. I hope that a couple of days down the line you're feeling a bit better. Your progress so far has been really good, fingers crossed for an early release for your big day.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#19 Post by eternitybc »

Hello Ghotieyes! Congratulations- both for your teeth and your weedding :)

I have a similar situation to you- overjet, overbite, class2 malocclusion of my molars- I was told I would likely need jaw surgery to fix the overjet, though. Was this ever told to you? Do you know how much they're goign to correct the overbite?

Also one other thing- the Damons! Are they really 6 months shorter?? I keep reading (mostly on this board lol!!) that any good orthontist can get the same results with regular braces, and the fact that they're faster is just hype. I'm sure I'm misinformed- I hope it keeps goign as good as it is for you!

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#20 Post by eternitybc »

Hello Ghotieyes! Congratulations- both for your teeth and your weedding :)

I have a similar situation to you- overjet, overbite, class2 malocclusion of my molars- I was told I would likely need jaw surgery to fix the overjet, though. Was this ever told to you? Do you know how much they're going to correct the overjet, when it's finished?

Also one other thing- the Damons! Are they really 6 months shorter?? I keep reading (mostly on this board lol!!) that any good orthontist can get the same results with regular braces, and the fact that they're faster is just hype. I'm sure I'm misinformed- I hope it keeps going great!

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#21 Post by eternitybc »

Sorry eternitybc, couldn't pass that one up!

What can I say, late night and a wonky computer! Notice the double post too- tsk tsk!

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#22 Post by ghotieyes »

Are those my teeth? No, really.... MY teeth??? 4 weeks after my super strong rectangular wire got put on, and about 2.5 months after I got switch over to Damons, here is what my teeth look like. First picture is from 16 weeks ago into treatment, and second one is 35 weeks in. Amazing!

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I can't say there's as much progress on my bottoms. I hope they catch up soon though.
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My ortho mention at my last adjustment that I have to decide if I'm happy w/ the progress as is, or if I want further reduction of my overjet via 4 extractions. Part of me wants this done and over with, and part of me thinks I should do it right if I'm going through this ordeal. But then again if I really NEEDED extractions to get the flatter/straighter profile like I said I wanted in the beginning, I wish he just told me to go ahead and get them pulled instead of waiting 9 months into my treatment. I guess it's a matter of whether having more of an overjet as opposed to less will affect my oral health in any way other than cosmetic.

Eternity, I don't know if my ortho's pulling my leg about getting done quicker, but it sure as hell seems like the Damons are making more progress than the ceramics+expanders. Also, one ortho I talked to during my consultation phase did say I may ultimately need oral surgery to fix my overbite/jet. That was a scary thought. She also said that I definitely needed 2-3 extractions. The ortho I ended up with said extractions, but didn't mention surgery. That's one reason I went with him.

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#23 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

Wow awesome changes :banana:
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

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#24 Post by platinum »

My ortho mention at my last adjustment that I have to decide if I'm happy w/ the progress as is, or if I want further reduction of my overjet via 4 extractions.
I have same problems as you do. One ortho told me taht I need a surgery. He said also that exractions would do it also, but my teeth would end up slanting backwards... does not loook good.

Now I have a treatment with ortho who did not mention a jaw surgery or extractions. I am a little bit sceptical that my overjet will go away. Overjet was not my main concern; deepbite caused me facial and teeth ache. So, I do not care if I am left some overjet.

How much overjet did you have in the beginning? I had 6 mm.

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#25 Post by ghotieyes »

9 months into treatment, and 4 of my bicuspids are now gone.

I just came back from the oral surgeon and I now have 4 fewer teeth. I was pretty nervous when they were prepping me for my novocain shots but managed to calm down when they stepped out to let the anesthetic take effect. OS came in, told me to open wide, and 5-10 minutes later, he was done. I didn't feel a thing. In fact, I still can't feel my tongue, lips, chin, or nose! The bleeding has stopped on 3 of the 4 extraction sites and I'm biting on some gauze for the 4th one. Hopefully it'll stop soon. I'm not supposed to brush/rinse the first 24 h, but this is kinda gross. I'll figure something out as soon as I regain feeling in my mouth again.

Thursday, I get my archwires replaced, and ortho said it's another 12-14 mo from there on out. Let's see how right he is.

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#26 Post by ghotieyes »

Thanks for the well wishing. I'm excited, but nervous at the same time. Like Meryaten said, I'm gonna see some biiiiig changes and I really hope it's for the better. My profile will definitely be changing because my overjet will be shrinking and I've read posts from people who are unhappy w/ the "sunken in" look. My parents still don't understand why I'm getting braces and why I'm pulling out perfectly good teeth. It makes it just that much more stressful to try to explain to them the reasons why, when they keep telling me how good my teeth were and and I'm doing this for nothing.

I'm hoping the gaps close quickly because I keep staring at myself in the mirror now and all I see are these big holes in my gums. At the same time I'm hoping they don't close SO quickly that I get a pokey archwire because I'll be out of the country for 3 weeks and won't be able to get it clipped if it pokes. Must remember to ask ortho to take some preventive measures...

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#27 Post by sifumacho »

My parents still don't understand why I'm getting braces and why I'm pulling out perfectly good teeth. It makes it just that much more stressful to try to explain to them the reasons why, when they keep telling me how good my teeth were and and I'm doing this for nothing.
haha..i'm pretty sure your parents will understand when you'll be debanded..maybe for them your teeth look perfect..but only the owner knows it better,is it? :HugeGrin:


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#28 Post by ghotieyes »

It's been a while since my last update, back in May. My extractions have healed up no problems at all, and one gap is making surprising closure. I think it's because I have a wisdom tooth that is making its way out on that side. Things have been pretty uneventful with my teeth. Or maybe it just feels that way because I've been so busy with work and family life. I have a rotated wisdom tooth that FINALLY decided to start moving 3 days before my last adjustment on Thursday. It only took about 7 weeks. =P I got fitted with my very first powerchain too. I was anticipating a lot of pain since all 14 of my top teeth are all hooked up to try to close my extraction gaps. My front teeth were super tender, but at least I could chew with a few selected teeth in the back. I'm pleasantly surprised that I could already feel my wire poking out with my tongue and some smaller spaces are tightening up already, 2 days after the powerchain went on. Although my ortho is out for 3 weeks vacationing in the homeland, so I hope the poking wire doesn't get TOO long...

35, 49, and 56 week progress pictures. It's weird seeing my missing teeth...
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I had 3 brackets repositioned on the bottom teeth 2 adjustments ago, and 1 more the most recent adjustment. I guess my ortho is trying to rotate another molar, and level some front teeth. He also switched me back to a light round wire and left my backmost teeth unattached. I'm not sure why. Maybe because he knows that with the light wire extending out and cinched at the ends, they poke into my too-small mouth and he's just waiting for the next rectangular wire to hook them up, because those, he can cut flush to the bracket.

Again, 35, 49, and 56 week progress pictures.
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Random thought to end my update: there's a bug buzzing around in my room, bumping into my light fixture. Must ignore, or attack...

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#29 Post by Killaking »

are you still getting the surgery or just going to get your teeth fixed, i have popping too no pain and can live with the popping.

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#30 Post by hannahwebbo »

Hi ghotieyes

Ive just read your story and you have really made great progress. Congratulations on your engagement by the way. :-88 I think you made the right decision on getting your teeth removed as it will reduce your overjet even more which is what you initially wanted.

My story is fairly similar to yours. Ive got an 8mm overjet and deepbite with some crowding. I also will be having four teeth taken out. Im not to bummed about losing perfectly healthy teeth as long as it will help improve my bite and smile.

Good luck with the rest of your treatment, ill definatly be keeping track on your story.

Hannah x

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