"special" diet before sugery

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"special" diet before sugery

#1 Post by rockymountaingal »

Hi all-
Just wondering if anyone has been on any type of "program" to try to gain weight before their surgeries? I know that might sound like a silly question, but I lose weight very easily( not a good thing) , but can barely gain weight at all. Thats a concern for me seeing as you cant eat much after having jaw surgery.
Any input would be welcomed....
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#2 Post by HighandLo »

Hi rockymountaingal,

I had the exact same problem! I exercised and took supplements before surgery, as well as eating right, but did not manage to gain any weight.
I was afraid I would be weak with the liquid diet and I did, indeed, lose weight post-op.

I didn't feel better until I was eating mashed potatoes and smushed-up foods 5 days post-op. Luckily, my OS had told me to eat soft foods "as tolerated." The ice cream shakes with protein didn't do it for me - the sweet taste more than once a day was too much. I was trying everything cut into very small pieces and smashed. Only then did I feel human again. It was a happy day when I could eat a sandwich again :P!

I hope the weight gain works for you. You would be better off if you could manage it beforehand.

Take care.


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#3 Post by HighandLo »

No offense taken, Meryaten. I didn't mean to suggest that that's all I had to eat. I did try blending everything at least once. And I had the Boost shakes, etc. I do know we need the nutrients for healing, even more so after surgery.


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#4 Post by ohmyjaw »

I don't really understand why you would need to put on weight before surgery - what benefit does it have? Any variation in your weight after surgery is going to resolve itself after a few wekks anyways, so why the big concern?

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#5 Post by HighandLo »


I only worried a little about my weight, because I was on the low side before surgery and losing too much weight after surgery is counterproductive to healing (I had a hard time gaining 5 lbs. in the last year to get to my best weight and post-surgery I didn't gain it back :(). However, I feel strong and my surgery didn't physically weaken me that I know of. It's just a matter of doing everything you can pre-op to help your body heal post-op.

Most people will bounce right back and gain the weight back - as they should. It's something to ask your particular doctor about if you have wieght concerns. Everyone is different.


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#6 Post by rockymountaingal »

wow, thanks everyone for the input. Maybe Im jumping the gun, seeing as I have not even met with my surgeon. Im just going on my past history of weight gain and weight loss. I currently weigh about 115. I know when Im sick, such as with a cold or flu, and dont have an appetite, I tend to lose a few pounds. I dont think I gain them back.
Im just concerned that with everything Ill be facing after surgery, Ill drop weight and not be able to gain it back . I want to have a "buffer",so to speak, so that if I lose it and dont gain it back, Im ok. Just my own personal paranoia, I guess.
What are the deciding factors as to whether you get wired or banded? Ive read that they just dont do wiring anymore because of the inconvenience, but then I read posts here where people say they got wired shut for 6 weeks!! OMG!
Anyway, Ill just do my best to make sure Im eating right and getting plenty of good stuff in me before hand, things I should be doing ANYWAY.....
again, thanks everyone.
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#7 Post by Mikatgeo »

I had the same concerns pre-surgery as well. And I also weigh in at 115. I tried to bulk up beforehand but was so totallly stressed I couldn't even eat. I'm almost 2 weeks post-op now and I did lose about 5 pounds the first week but I'm right back to 115 now. I just didn't feel like eating with the splint in but when it was removed at my first post-op I felt more adventurous. I'm still all liquid but I've relied on blending real food instead of supplement drinks. For example last night I had what would be for me a normal portion of roast chicken, potatoes and carrots with chicken broth and added protein powder and ground flaxseed all blended until smooth and spiced up a bit and it was beyond yummy and very satisfying.

I think the weight loss/gain thing has a lot to do with how different your diet is pre and post surgery. I'm a bit of a nutrition freak so my diet was very good by American standards. I'm not a burger/fry person so the contrast for me wasn't as extreme as it might be for others.

My advice for what it's worth is to try to stay as close to real food as possible and use Ensure and other protein drinks as suppplements. And don't worry! I think most of the people who've been through this feel it all evens out in the end. Good luck.

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#8 Post by rockymountaingal »

hahaha, its really quite funny to read about all the foods that are being "blenderized".
How creative we can be when we need to.... :wink:
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#9 Post by lethonflowers41 »

I totally know where you are coming from with the weight issues. I, too, can lose weight really easily. Prior to my surgery, I put on about 15 pounds (of course it took me almost six months to do.) However, I can tell you that the first 5-10 days after surgery, the excess 15 pounds came off entirely. I've lost more now in addition to those 15.

Also I'm one of those sad people that you all had mentioned, the ones who are wired down for longer periods of time. I've been wired now for 50 days and still have a while to go. I can't get many pureed foods in, they are just too thick no matter how thinned down I try to get them, it's just the texture of pureed that is so not fitting through the holes in my mouth. However, I will note that the High Protein Boost is a godsend, so I highly reccomend it. There is also a Boost Plus that helps you maintain your weight. This too is perfect!!

In short, I would think that putting on weight before the surgery even if done right (with a nutritionist) isnt' going to help much after the surgery as your body is going to shed the excess (bad weight) quickest. At least, it seemed that way for me. But good luck.

I'd like to be able to tell you what the weight does after it's all over, but seeing how I still have at least 20 days wired, I have no answers. Sorry on that part.

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#10 Post by ohmyjaw »

I am 110 lbs and I was wired for 10 days. I don't have a scale but I am guessing I lost maybe 5 lbs? I got back to normal pretty quick after I was unwired.

I agree that putting on weight before surgery would have minimal benefits. Taking care of yourself afterwards is what counts.

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