Pain in getting braces removed?

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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#31 Post by catbutt »

catbutt wrote:But that's all over and everything feels fine now!!
I take this back. I am totally sore now from wearing this retainer all day! And I feel like a football player or something with this huge retainer wedged in my mouth. I can't talk at all.

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#32 Post by catbutt »

thanks! but i just like to complain, hehe. i am actually totally happy about getting my braces off. completely worth the pain :)

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#33 Post by payoki »

i had four removed to extract my biscups and didn't feel a thing...
mother of one.

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Removal pain

#34 Post by Cindy »

My removal process (last month) was the most painful part of all. I had ceramic brackets and several sensitive teeth, so the pulling, popping, and grinding was very painful. I was in tears, and the assistant had to stop several times to give me a break from it. I felt like such a wimp as a full-grown, thirty-something woman crying in the chair. A couple of brackets were very stubborn, and the ortho herself had to step in to remove them. She apologized several times for my discomfort, and said it was unusual for it to be so painful. I don't think most people suffer that much, but it's not a painless procedure for everyone.


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#35 Post by Pear »

Hi all, I got my braces off today and discovered this forum today also. Wish I had found it sooner I have to say. I didn't know any other adults with braces and it would have been nice to have a chat with someone in the same situation. Its not too common for adults to have them here (Ireland) I think.

So today.. Cindy I can identify with you. I had ceramic on the top, metal on bottom. I found it incredibly painful. Not wishing to scare those who have it ahead of them but it was by far the worst part of the last 3 years. Felt like my teeth were going to snap, and getting the metal wraparound thingies off the back teeth felt like I was getting the teeth pulled without anaesthetic. There were tears and I had to stop a few times.

My ortho was lovely, no fault on her part and I know she was as gentle as she could be. Would def recommend couple of painkillers beforehand.

Have the essix retainers in now which are hurting my teeth. Is this normal those in the know? Pain goes away after they come out for half an hour or so.

Anyhoo nice to meet you all.

Ps have lovely smooth straight teeth and is worth it, i keep trying out smiles in mirror.

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#36 Post by JumpTheDitch »

I think Meryaten hit the nail on the head; your level of discomfort or pain must surely be related at least partly to how much your teeth have been moved just prior to debanding. Think how sensitive your teeth get after some adjustments and imagine your brackets and bands being squeezed, pulled or tugged off the next day! :soremouth:

Debanding hurt. Quite a bit. I think this was due mostly (if not entirely) on the fact that my teeth were very sore from having been "squeezed" the night before. My ortho has a strange (and as far as I can tell, unique) ritual for debanding eve that he calls a "squeeze". Apparently the plan is to ensure your bite is tight. The night before debanding you have to go into the office and have 6 tight elastics wound around, over and through your brackets and bands:


Your teeth are then shut tight for the next 16-18 hours. They told me I would be able to open my mouth wide enough to drink soup, etc through a straw or fit a panadol, etc through for pain relief etc. Porky Pies. :evil: I couldn't prise my teeth apart at all. Having been warned not to break any of the elastics under any circumstances, any panadol had to be pushed along the gum inside the cheek and up around the back end of the gum so I could swallow it! :x

Not nice and needless to say not much sleep to be had. Personally I found the notion of being unable to open my mouth or speak quite distressing.

By the time I got into the chair to be debanded my poor teeth were very sore. So pulling, tugging, twisting and dragging at them to remove metal hurt.

Nice to get the braces off but there was no dancing down the street like I had expected :( .




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#37 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Tell me about it! :x

And they seem genuinely surprised when I arrived for debanding day and they said "you don't look very happy with us!"....




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#38 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks KK, its very nice to have my mouth back, or at least to be able to quickly whenever I need to!

Good luck with the rest of your treatment, it won't be too long now before we're reading your debanding tale :thumbsup:




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#39 Post by materialsgirl »

I can finally add my input to this thread, as I just got my braces off this morning (after a 17 month treatment). :D

It didn't hurt a bit. I was all worked up, thinking it was going to feel horrible, but it was really a piece of cake. I had ceramic (sapphire) brackets on top and titanium on the bottom, and they all popped right off with very little pressure. There was an unsettling crunching noise for each one, but it was not bad at all.

The worst part (and others have mentioned this too) was removing the glue - the cold air blowing over my teeth was a tad painful at times, but it was not unbearable, and it was over pretty quickly.

Overall, I'd say getting the braces ON was much worse than getting them off. And I am thrilled with the results - it was worth all the pain and discomfort! :D

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#40 Post by MiamiRox05 »

Oh great, 11 days left and now reading this thread I'm even MORE nervous.

I had to get a bracket put back on last visit and the way she was scraping my tooth it was horrible. It something I can only compare to as running nails on a blackboard. She then proceeded to tell me to toughen up because the day I get them removed it was going to be like that for every single tooth. (Honestly who tells someone that)
Personally I didn't even like that dental assistant, she was the one who "accidentally" broke off that bracket, and last time I had her, she nearly sat on top of me and almost yanked my molar out trying to remove a stuck wire.
I'm thinking of cranking up my MP3 player so at least I don't have to hear all that scraping. (However I think the only way I'll calmly get through that is taking a couple shots of whiskey beforehand.)

:( *GULP*

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#41 Post by donnamac »

I just got my braces off yesterday, after 23 months. It was not the most pleasant time, but neither was the entire bracing experience. Removing the braces did hurt, but I was nowhere near tears, and after reading a couple of the previous posts, I consider myself pretty lucky. I was already nervous about 'the debanding' but they were off before I realized it. My teeth have felt a little wobbly since, so I have been afraid to eat much. LOL I hope they tighten up soon or I will be very hungry.
Anyway, it feels really good to have all that metal out of my mouth...and I look forward to doing a lot of smiling after I have my teeth whitened. It's been a long journey for me, starting with having two deep cleanings from the periodontist and osseus surgery just weeks before getting braced, which left me with several very sensitive teeth. I still need to get a bridge to replace some missing teeth, but all is on the up and up for now. Good luck to you all!

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#42 Post by idolfan4 »

No way! The only painful thing about getting your braces off is when they remove the bands. When they removed my bands, it hurt like someone was trying to pull my molars out. But other than that, it's such a wonderful feeling to get your braces off!

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#43 Post by tdc03 »

Man! I am really glad I don't have ceramic brackets! I hope for a pain free bracket removal for everyone! :banana: I love this dancing banana!

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#44 Post by tdc03 »

Man! I am really glad I don't have ceramic brackets! I hope for a pain free bracket removal for everyone! :banana: I love this dancing banana!

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Jaw hurting...

#45 Post by tdc03 »

Did anyone else have jaw pain after getting your braces removed? One side where the hygenist sat is hurting pretty bad. I can't open my mouth all the way or stick my tongue out with out it hurting. I guess its the muscle thats sore because I had my mouth kept open wide for three hours!!! I think regular bracket and polishing was only suppose to be for two hours but my hygenist was new.

I will take some tylenol. :(

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