Alright then. Got mine

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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#16 Post by lionfish »

That's excellent, clare80. And such a short sentence - 9 months, half your luck.

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Getting my (upper) iBraces TODAY!!!

#17 Post by EmmaDee »

Thank You for ALL the help, so far. I think I've read every single word posted about linguals here... :)
If You have any advice for the first day, it would be very welcome...
I'm a bit terrified, but SO EXCITED (I'm getting them in a few hours!)... waited for this 'til I turned 28... how silly... hopefully it's all going to be well worth it. I am very positive about it and YOU have given me great confidence about the whole process.

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#18 Post by clare80 »

Congratulations on taking the plunge EmmaDee!! The first day or two I would recommend painkillers, getting used to the sensation of your teeth moving can take a while. I wouldn't call it pain per se, more like soreness. I'm sure you know this but eat soft foods- yogurt, smoothies, soup. You're not really going to want to chew anything. By day 3/4 I was back to eating sandwiches though I had to break it into small pieces.

The good news is that now (2 months into it) I am eating everyting as normal- biting into huge burgers, chomping down on lamb- no problem. And the last couple times I got them tightened it only took a few days to get back to eating normally. Now I hardly even notice they are there :D

Enjoy the journey!!

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#19 Post by EmmaDee »

Thank You clare80.
I'm planning on having soup after the appointment and take it step by step from there...
Ooooh, so exciting!
THANKS again (It's great to hear that You are so used to them after only 2 months) and good luck to You, too!
I'll post after I get them on, see how everything goes...


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#20 Post by lionfish »

Fingers crossed for you, emmadee.

Advice for your first whatever you would normally do. Keep the painkillers handy, but with luck you may not even need them.

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Uppers are ON

#21 Post by EmmaDee »

Thank You,
Can't believe they are on! Wasn't fun, but not painful at all.
THE most painful thing was, when I was leaving the office and we scheduled the next appointment, in 2 weeks for the lowers I asked about the movement (if any) that I can expect... and the assistant told me, well, maybe some spacing in front (as in teeth starting to move a little to the back)... tears started pouring down my face.. that's one of the reasons I'm getting these, I already HAVE significant spacing in the front... :cry:
They didn't really explain how it will go later, but this is pretty discouraging. I won't allow it, though. I want to stay excited and positive! But she sure didn't make it easy.
Please let me know WHAT KIND of movement You experienced (I thought we ARE moving TOWARD the final goals... even if it takes a long time and issues need to be fixed step-by-step. I read that sometimes You see the opposite reaction first... hopefully not for long...)
THANK YOU all again,

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#22 Post by lionfish »

You are likely to notice subtle changes fairly quickly, especially when flossing. Things may get worse before they get better (they did for me); don't be discouraged by this.

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#23 Post by BlahBlah »

Hey Emma, congratulations..! and hope my earlier posts didnt put u
Have funnnn

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not too much fun, for now...

#24 Post by EmmaDee »

Thank You Lionfish and Blah Blah,

So far, not terribly good, but NO Painkillers needed. Could sleep just fine, but eating is ... ghrrrr... having hot cereal with mooshed bananas... where is the good old crunchy nut bread? :cry:
Thank You for the encouragement, I do hope it gets better with time, because now I'm sooOoo sore... but I'll be patient and if You don't mind lean on You for a little while, 'til it all gets easier.

You are my heroes!

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#25 Post by clare80 »

Emma, it WILL get easier, I promise :) I remember being disheartened the first time I got them tightened, I had bought all this fruit like bananas and melon and stuff because I thought, well these are soft so I should be able to eat them. Only to realise that I could not bear to bite into the banana. Ended up living on smoothies and soup for the first couple days but you know what? It did get better. Now I actually wish that the soreness would continue a little bit because I had lost 5lbs or so in the first month after getting them, which I promptly regained in the second month. Lol!

A little tip for flossing which you can take or leave - those flossers they give you are a royal pain to use, at least for me. I got a waterpik power flosser for around $7 which makes it soooooo much easier. My ortho told me last time that I was doing a really good job with oral hygiene.

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Things are gonna get easier...

#26 Post by EmmaDee »

Thank You Clare,
Yapp, You are right.. not even the softest food is soft enough... I'm actually planning on blending cooked vegetables and maybe some meet tonight, I cannot imagine living only on smoothies and soup for days... my collegues are making fun of me, promising to buy me baby food...
at least one can laugh, right? :)
thank You for the waterpik-tip. I actually read about it all around the forum and went to buy some last night, but didn't see any.
do You get them at the drug store? (Would Walgreens have them?)

Thanks again!

Miss Smiley
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#27 Post by Miss Smiley »

Try chef boyardee beefaroni I found that to be bearable and supplement that with a fruit smoothie, you have a pretty filling meal!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#28 Post by Ouch »

Welcome to the forum EmmaDee, and congratulations on taking that all important step. Reading your posts definately brought back memories of my first few weeks ... ahh yoghurt and mash mmmmm ... I still enjoy them even though I can eat solids again.

About your question on movement, basically I have an overbite so it meant they took 2 teeth out from the top and are bringing the top teeth back, this has caused me to have 3 large gaps, something I'm not overly excited about. I have 2 gaps where they took out my teeth originally (though these are getting smaller) and one smaller gap about 2mm in front. But to be honest it's not too bad, and you have the right attitude to just smile and roll with it because at the end of the day (or 2 yrs for my case) it'll all look great.

Off topic I am going for my 2nd adjustment in 2 weeks, does it seem wierd that i get mine adjusted only once every 8 weeks? How often are other people going for adjustments? And for my first adjustment I had to go back to soft foods for about 4 days, do I go through this process after every adjustment?

Thanks and welcome agin EmmaDee.

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#29 Post by clare80 »

Emma- I got it at, if you're ordering I would suggest an extra pack of refills as well.

Ouch- Unfortunately the return to soft food after a tightening seems to be the standard procedure. I guess your teeth are moving again and until they settle in the new position it's going to hurt. I get mine tightened every 5-6 weeks but I think that's because I'm on a 9-mth treatment program.

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#30 Post by lionfish »

Ouch, my early appointments were spaced fairly far apart - 6 to 8 weeks, so nothing to worry about here.

I've found varying levels of discomfort associated with adjustments. Just had one today and no discomfort at all. Mind you, I'm at the end of the road, will be debanded on 23 November - yay!!

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