Can I just say I LOOOOVVVVEEE what my IBRACES are doing for my image???
Since getting braces, I've eliminated many many foods out of my life and have dropped a whopping 14 lbs! I've been wanting to lose 10 lbs for years- and they just melted off and are continuing to! I am finally back to being a size 4 and fitting in all my favorite pants!
Another added benefit?? I cant bite my nails anymore! It hurts too much!! I've bit my nails for 20 somehting years and think I finally kicked the habit to the curb!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the biggest benefit of all!? These teeth that are magically appearing straighter everyday!!!
Anyone else finding any cool suprise perks from their braces????
I've lost about 5 kgs, since getting my braces, most of that was in the first 2 weeks. I was estatic, as it was something I was unable to do even when hitting the gym 4 days a week. Bye Bye love handles.
For me putting on braces has meant a diet change, that's the reason I've managed to keep the weight off for the last 4 months. The main change has been that I've simply cut out snacking and only eat the 3 healthier meals a day, no more crisps in between meals (I do miss them though). This has been bought on by my desire to keep my braces clean, and my laziness in not wishing to clean after eating all the time.
So for me bring on the surf board stomach. I hope.
Wow that's great news! I feel the same way though, I have had to eliminate crunchy items and other things that would mess with the teeth. The only bad thing is that I'm afraid of the fresh fruits and veggies which I need desperately. The other thing is that so many crunchy things can also be replaced with plenty of ice cream! EEEK!
I do agree though that braces are the best solution for nail biters. I haven't bitten mine since I've had braces (well, since Friday when I got them, lol)
I agree with the other posters, if you're wanting to keep weight off it's all about the lifestyle change, but hey, it doesn't hurt to be skinny for the moment!
Yes you probably will put all the weight back on, reason being is that if you loose weight by dieting you are highly likely to put the weight back on. The way to loose weight and keep it off is to diet and exercising. You have to loose the weight by exercising!
Karen you're so brave! I think I'm worried about shifting my teeth somehow or bending a wire with the crunchy stuff. I have improved though over the past couple of days. I actually ate pizza last night and had no problem with the crusts. I have always eaten pizza with a fork so it wasn't that much of an adjustment for me. I did manage to eat a small piece of celery today and a slice of cucumber, though I had to tear it into small pieces, darn it all! I'm sure I'll continue to improve, lol
When i first got my braces, in the first week all i was having was fruit juices, vegi juices, smoothies, milshakes, iced coffee, yogurt, mashed potatoes.. etc.. but i was starrrvinggggggg.. i needed meat lol
I'm going on Tuesday for my Ortho to give me all my options. I would love a Lingual brace on my upper and a metal brace on my lower.
Over the years I've put on some extra weight and what I need is a Kick Start to eating healthy again. I need to loose 2 stone . I would use this as a good opportunity to learn new eating habits.
I hope I qualify for the Lingual brace. I'm old and really do not want people to see I'm correcting my teeth.
I'm going on Tuesday for my Ortho to give me all my options. I would love a Lingual brace on my upper and a metal brace on my lower.
Over the years I've put on some extra weight and what I need is a Kick Start to eating healthy again. I need to loose 2 stone . I would use this as a good opportunity to learn new eating habits.
I hope I qualify for the Lingual brace. I'm old and really do not want people to see I'm correcting my teeth.
Possibly not as old as some of us....
Linguals can do virtually everything regular braces can do, so you're in there with a good chance.
I had lingual uppers and ceramics on my 8 front lower teeth (rest on the bottom were metal). The ceramics are pretty discreet.
Though I'm currently on weight watchers anyways, I lost some weight my first 2 weeks with braces cuz my teeth felt too funny and I was scared of breaking something. Of course, now I'm eating normal again and the weight has already come back. Just a warning it won't last long.
The last thing on my mind when I had a brace put on 1 month ago was what I was going to eat but you rapidly realise that your old eating habits have to change overnight.
In the 1st week I was in so much pain with rubbing and all over jaw ache that I couldn't give a monkeys about food. The 2nd and 3rd week when my mouth had settled a bit I had to learn what was practicle to eat.
I had an ok diet before, I live in London with my family and a busy job and I eat a tylpical diet of cereal (the odd bacon sandwich,) sandwichs for lunch and a big meal when I get home. I eat out quite a bit, I dont drink much water and maybe i eat a bit too much meat!
Sudden changes.
There are definate no go areas. Some foods just cannot be attempted.
- nuts
- raw crunchy veg like carrots
- RED MEAT ...!
- no curry, it stains the ceramic brace bright orange
- Toffee
-Chewing gum (although if you ar not eating red meat you dont need it...)
- chewy sweets, in fact almost all bars and sweets
- toasted sandwiches
- crusty bread
- bacon sandwiches!!!!!
not only do my teeth not feel strong enough to bite into these things, my braces (lingual top ceramic bottom) prevent me from attempting them more than once.
So my diet has change to
- weetabix and other soft cereal
- tuna or egg mayo sandwiches
- bananas and loads of other soft fruit
- Fish, all fish and loads of roasted tomatoes
- boiled veg
- yoghurt
- water, litres of the stuff
Not only is my diet healthier but I take my time eating and find I dont snack as I cant be bothered to go through the cleaning process again every time
Anyhow the net result is I have lost 7lbs (3kg) in 4 weeks and (apart from the obvious brace discomfort/ hassle / embarrasment / lisp / an general aches) I feel pretty good. I didn't expect that.
Last edited by bsimpson on Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just wait a while. After you get used to the braces, you'll be back to eating everything you did before, unless you choose not to simply to avoid the cleaning requried afterwards. The only thing I haven't eaten since getting mine is chewing gum and popcorn.
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom