I am just wondering how many months it took you to be able to bite into food such as burgers and stuff. I am now one month and one week into lingual braces (upper and lower) and the best I can do is biting into bananas
Cutting the double whopper into small pieces is not fun anymore
4 Months in and I still can't grab a burger by two hands and munch down. I can however eat burgers and quite enjoy them, but I break it up into small peices. For me the reason is I have two big teeth in front which seem to be very sensitive, and that stops me from munching away. But bring on the Micadees anyday.
I gotta tell you amazingly I was only two weeks in and I was eating crunchy stirfrys again and speaking perfectly.....It's only when I come on here to see how you all are that I remember I have the thing on....
Mad huh. Hope it isn't going to come back and bite me later on in my treatment
I can't remember how long it took to be able to eat a burger, but it was pretty soon I think.. I am talking about a McDonalds type burger - they are actually really soft. Even though even now I have problems with 'proper' food.
Good luck with the burger, try it - you may be surprised!