I feel like a dork....

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I feel like a dork....

#1 Post by rockymountaingal »

Hi all-
I hope that I dont sound totally clueless, although thats what Im thinking I am right about now.
What exactly would the phrase " Maxillary (and/or) mandibular arch length is deficient " mean?
Thats whats written in a letter that was to be sent to the OS from my ortho.
I know that maxilla is top jaw, and mandible is bottom. My ortho only wants me to be evaluated for mandibular advancement surgery.
My appointment is this Thursday. I have to say, up until now, the whole idea of surgery seemed like a take it or leave it thing.And, of course, I figured I could leave it. But now, its a reality that I have to think about.
Has anyone decided NOT to do the surgery after having a consult with the surgeon?
I have to say Im getting scared. Maybe Im jumping the gun, since this is just the evaluation, but Ive never had any surgery , so this is all new.

Thanks for any input on this- and forgive my rambling.
Top braces June 16 2006
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#2 Post by Delag »

Sorry, you are not allowed to feel like a dork. We all start this knowing nothing, so you are in good company. Look at me, I have been obsessing about teeth and jaws a lot longer than you, and I don't know what 'deficient length' means.

As to being scared, well that is just plain normal. I am sure all of have had more than our fair share of fear and freak out moments. I am also sure that many have decided against having surgery. What you need to do is gather all the information you can and make an educated decision for yourself. Your case in unique, as are you life circumstances. Take your time and don't do anyting until you feel comfortabe that you made the right choice.

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#3 Post by rockymountaingal »

thanks, you two, for your input. Im going to make sure all my questions are answered before I leave the office on Thursday. Then Ill take all that info and make the decision, I guess.
And by the way, does everyone jot down their questions and actually show up with a list in hand? And is that acceptable? Because knowing me, there will be so much going through my head that day, Im bound to forget something if I dont have it written down.
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#4 Post by phil »

Hey, rockymountaingal,

ORTHO nerd here. Or, ORTHO geek. Take your pick! What's the difference, anyway?

I ALWAYS show up with a list of questions. Actual questions. Written down. I, like you, would forget otherwise, I have so many things to ask!

Good luck, and keep us posted!
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#5 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yep....me too! Two full pages worth! My Oral Surgeon was awesome and patiently answered every single one of them. Bring a list, you will be kicking yourself afterwards if you don't.


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#6 Post by rockymountaingal »

Well, about 3 hours till my appointment and Im still jotting down questions. Hopefully I didnt leave anything off!!
Im so glad this site exists. It makes me feel like I have a bunch of freinds who all understand what Im going thru, and are always there for me. Lately people here havent been so supportive. Maybe its because they dont understand what Im going thru, and arent sure how to offer support.
Ill post again later today after my apppointment.
Hopefully Ill get a "good feeling" from this guy and Ill not feel so freaked.

Top braces June 16 2006
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#7 Post by badbite »

I feel like a dork too! I would ather feel like an informed dork, than not know what is going on with the surgery. I am sure the doctor would rather answer your quetions than have you walk away not sure what is going on (and questioning what you'll do because of it). Ask all your questions.

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#8 Post by Delag »

I confess :oops: I have a notebook where I keep lists of qustions, notes on meetings, food ideas and tips I have run across etc... I only wish I had started it at my first meeting instead of one year in.

It has been my experience that the best doctors like to work with informed people. It makes their job eaiser, more interesting, and I am sure it helps with patient compliance.

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#9 Post by shani »

rockymountaingal wrote:
Im so glad this site exists. It makes me feel like I have a bunch of freinds who all understand what Im going thru, and are always there for me. Lately people here havent been so supportive. Maybe its because they dont understand what Im going thru, and arent sure how to offer support.
i know what your talking about, i have 1 friend who sms' me every couple of days, but only visited me once in the last 3 weeks, and my other closest friend hasnt even seen/called me. so i am really glad that i found this site as at least i am feeling like i am still in touch with the world, cos i feel a bit like a hermit. thanks to everyone.

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I got this one!!!

#10 Post by jalynhasbraces »

I had a surgery for this. never fear its not as horrible as you might think it is. It sounds alot worse than it is. well it means that the roof of your mouth or upper and/or lower jaw is smaller than it should be. Therefore causing crowding in your teeth which could pose a problem because just removing your teeth could cause instability in your jaw. They put a roof expander in my mouth, where they broke my upper jaw in three places and put I guess you'd call it a plate, which had a key you manually turned twice a day for a little over a month. Personally I was in no pain at all after this surgery, other than the stupid liquid diet I had to be on... but everyones made different right?

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