I almost finished my orthodontic nightmare. My Orthodontist recommended extracting 4 teeth, which I did. As consequence I turned from a beautiful woman with a nice and smooth face, to a woman with a sunken in face. People ask me all the time if I'm ill. My face fell completely in. So far I had many sleepless nights. I'm so deeply devastated that this has happened to me. All I wanted was to lock beautiful. Now I have beautiful straigth teeth, but my face developed very deep folds and extremely deep dimples going all around my mouth. I spend so far many nights sleepless in self punishment. I had to go to the hospital. I stopped working and I stopped my school, because I'm afraid to look people in the eyes. I'm on medication, which drugged and slugged me out. I did go to several other orthodontist, who told me those teeth's should have never been extracted. My teeth got moved to far back, what let the soft-tissue destroy and does not give support for the mouth mucsles. I was beautiful before. Past, the new me I can and will not accept. My Ortho has to move my teeth back outward and then I have to get implants, my side profile looks awful. My Ortho does not admit that he made a mistake, and tells me that Ilook fine to him. Now, to fix the problem to some little extent will be very time consuming and expensive. I'm really on the end of my life. My self esteem, my happiness is gone. I need emotional counseling, but this is not doable. Please someone help me.
I went to the oral surgeon for counsultation, but unfortunately he is not able to place implants because the space opened up would be no more than 5mm on each side. My dentist recommended to place crowns on the surrounding teeth, but I would need several root-canals which I can not financially afford. Do you think that if I leave several open spaces that I could the teeth hold in place if I wear invisiline to the end of my life, at night. My orthodontist tells me even if I wear invisiline my teeth will move and that I could loose them.
I'm still very in distress, and I have problems to adjust to the situation. Everybody thinks that my orthodontist is responsible than he clearly made a miscalculation.
One week later, I'm back at my Ortho's office, He tells me that he wants me to wear a headgear, but can it rally move out my teeth. and if by how many mm. The problem is my teeth did not allign yet, and I'm affraid even to loose more teeth.
What should I do, awaiting your advice