badbite- No braces for me either until the RPE is out. I do however, have molar bands on my bottom molars, simply so I wouldn't have to have spacers again- they are just sitting there waiting for my braces
But I guess the safe approach is sensible
I have an appointment in April, then one a week later. I know I'm having a TPA fitted on the first app. so perhaps the next week I'll have my braces. Anyone know how long you wear a TPA for? I'm sure I was told, but I've slept since then
NAJ78, I expanded 10mm
My stitches came out fairly quickly, though afterwards, I had very sharp, throbbing pains in one side of the gum line for a few days. Really hurt!

If some are lose, give them a little pull- be gentle of course, but if you feel them coming out they will easily- if they are still tight, leave them. As for closing my mouth...hmm...I think I could with no problems. Is this because of swelling, or can you just not close it? I have a nice open bite now (none of my teeth at the right side, right round to canine at the left!- touch) though