Best store for orthodontic supplies

Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!

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Best store for orthodontic supplies

#1 Post by redwingzfan »

Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if people have a favorite place to go for their orthodontic supplies (such as wax, brushes). I have been to Target and they don't have much of a variety. The only wax that they had was the wax dots. I am getting my braces next week and want to know where I should shop for supplies :-)

Thanks for the input,

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#2 Post by browneyedgrl »

Hi Dave,

I have had the best luck in Walgreens. I've also picked up a few things in CVS as well. Target has nothing! You would do well there if you are purchasing an electric toothbrush and replacement heads.

Also wait and see what your ortho gives you as well. I got alot of samples from him and now I've purchased what I liked after I tried it.

Good luck with your treatment!

Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


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#3 Post by bbsadmin »

I'll put in a shameless plug for my online store. If you can't find what you want locally, has a really good selection of stuff.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#4 Post by redwingzfan »

Thanks for the suggestions. :-) I will check out Walgreens and




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#5 Post by laurahalvey »

I get everything i need from my orthodontist. He supplies my toothbrushes, proxy brushes, floss threaders, lip balm (though I like a different brand so I buy my own), floss, etc.

He told me he does this to assure his patients are using the stuff he recommends.
Braced for the third time.....

final adjustment 8/21 and debanding 8/27!


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#6 Post by goldbraces09 »

I have purchased items from orthoshop which is a UK company. Most items you require can normally be purchased from your orthodontist surgery.

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