Cleats from Hell...

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Cleats from Hell...

#1 Post by Jex »

I would be almost perfectly fine with my braces if the cleats on my bands were not trying to kill me slowly. My left lower and right upper cleats have been drilled/hammered down and that jagged edge is still bugging the hell out of me. I just can't imagine that I'm going to have to wax that every single day, multiple times a day, for a year. :?

Anyone else?

Tops went on March 4, 2008
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#2 Post by Jex »

He did try to buff them down with what I thought was a dental drill and then fold the remainder flush with my tooth, but that's just not (pardon the pun) cutting it. So, that's where elastics go? If he has already bent them flush, is he probably not intending to use them?

Tops went on March 4, 2008
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I feel the same way about the cleats they hurt me like CRAZY.
Everyday I have to put wax on I got them almost 2 weeks ago and still am not able to live without the wax.
I hope it gets better or I am going to have to go to the ortho :?

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#4 Post by Jex »

yeah, I like my ortho, too, but he said, "Well, it's pretty flush against the band already". I don't want to become a high maintenance patient, but I cannot have my tongue ripped apart. Hell to the no!

Tops went on March 4, 2008
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#5 Post by retainerjoe »

to my braceface frinds, i to had cleats that killed me , i did need them to tip my molors upright , but i ask my orthodontist if he would take them off an put buttons on , an he did there round an very smooth an worked well, the braces are gone , an the retainer fun has begun, it's like this YOU PAY HIM, enough said have a great weekend ... =community this link also has my video of me getting my braces

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#6 Post by Miss Smiley »

Oh my, I was like the patient from H3LL! I was in the office nearly every week once my uppers and lowers were braced. After I had lost a molar bracket more than once, I was banded. The cleat was pushed down but it still bothers me every once in a while.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#7 Post by Jex »

Yeah, now that I'm being bothered by 3 of them (the left upper I like to play with---go figure), I'm going to have to call him. I guess I never really thought about the points you all brought up: 1, I'm the customer and 2, he really doesn't want me to be uncomfortable. My dad is a doctor and I work in his office and this is the kind of advice I tell friends and patients all the time and yet it doesn't occur to me :roll: .

Thanks so much for your patience and support. I don't even have the bottoms on yet. God help that poor man once I do! :lol:

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#8 Post by Jenna28 »

Jex, try to hang in there. It's only been three days, right? My cleats were really bad at first, too. It felt like my tounge was been assaulted by a cheese grater! I discovered, in a happy accident, around my 4th day that the vodka in my martini made my mouth feel much better. And it continued to improve in the days that followed. I know that some people never get used to them, but I did. It's been 10 days for me, and now they don't bother me at all. Hang in there a few more days, and hopefully it will get better.

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#9 Post by Jex »

Yeah, today is my 5th day. I hadn't thought of vodka! :lol: I will give it a couple more days, but then that's it. I don't have crossbite problems and he didn't say anything about tipping a molar, so maybe those puppies can come off!

Question: I have rather large fillings in my lower molars; I am assuming this is why one must use bands rather than brackets?

Tops went on March 4, 2008
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#10 Post by Jenna28 »

I would ask your ortho about why you have molar bands - different people need them for different reasons. I currently have four (I only have uppers right now), and will be getting four more on the lowers in a few months. I was told that I need them b/c I'm going to have surgery, and they need "complete control" of my arches ,but some people get them for other reasons...

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what is?

#11 Post by jubba »

may i ask what these cleats are?

will i have them too?

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#12 Post by Naranja »

i know what you mean

i've been braced a year, uppers only, and my ortho didn't wanted to take the cleats off because he said he may use them later in treatment
i still get my tongue caught, and sore

i'm still waiting for the lowers... those have cleats too?? :cry:

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#13 Post by bbandef »

I've had my braces since 12/7/07. This is my second time as an adult (last time was 15 years ago, didn't wear the retainer).

Where is the cleat located - on the inside of the tooth or outside? The inside of my cheek is being gouged by the metal protuberance on the outside of the bracket on my molar. I use wax, but that is a pain when eating.


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#14 Post by bbandef »

Thanks Merayten. I think the water-hydration thing is part of the problem. I noticed my skin and lips are dry.

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#15 Post by yo »

Resurrecting this thread.

Is anyone else having problems with cleats or seating lugs?

My ortho has tamped them down flat but they still bug me a LOT. My tongue is raw on the sides even tho I have put wax on the cleats. I'm trying to get used to them, but after two weeks I'm still whining!

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