Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for all the kind words everyone! It's great to know so many people understand where I am coming from with the whole speech thing; it helps more than one would think! And Mellimoo and Micachica, thank you both for such a lovely compliment - it really made my day! Braced32, I'd love a medal - I like anything shiny!!!! Seriously, I was so worried about getting dry sockets; I thought I might get one but I was lucky. The springs I've got are kind of annoying, but (just like the braces themselves) you do get used to them after a while - they're no where near as bad as when I first got them. Hopefully, I will get the springs off by September though- that's when I go to America for a holiday and I'm hoping that I don't have the spring coils so it wont be in all my holiday happy snaps (come to think of it, I might ask the Ortho when the spring coils may be able to come off…will see what he thinks).
Well, now for some bad news (well, it's not thaaaaaaat bad really). Over the last couple of days my second premolar/bicuspid has been hurting more than I would have expected. At first I just thought it was some more movement and the braces were doing what was needed however, after looking really close at the area where the pain is, it appeared that the arch wire had come out slightly from the bracket - kind of like it sorta popped out. I wasn't sure, so I put some pressure on it and sure enough, the wire went back into the bracket but 'popped' straight back out again. I'm thinking that the lig isn't holding it in properly anymore… I'm not sure if it is because the tooth has moved too much or if the lig itself has just decided not to work so hard.
Anyway, called my Ortho immediately and I've got an appointment scheduled this coming Monday, April 7th. I'm thinking my Ortho is going to put on tie wires instead of the rubber ligs, at least for that part of my mouth. I guess we'll see. Other than that, things are going along swimmingly; at least that's what I think anyway, the Ortho might take one look at my teeth on Monday and be like "Uh-oh!!??!!??!". Hehehe.
My secret wish is that when I see my Ortho I get an adjustment (earlier than expected), replace the ligs that have gone slightly discoloured AND be told that my progress is going wonderfully (plus, hearing that I am looking after things really great and that I am one of the best patients again would be nice too, but hey - I can't be too picky and choosy now can I?? Hehehe).
Will let you all know how the appointment goes on Monday night!!! Fingers crossed everyone!
Thanks again for all the support I've been getting. I will look at getting some more pics online soon as well. I found some better photos that my Ortho took back in November last year when I had my initial consultation...comparison time me thinks!!!