straightening or closing gap which one comes first?

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straightening or closing gap which one comes first?

#1 Post by adultbraces »

I had 4 extractions with almost straight teeth to fix my overbite problems. During the first month with wires, orthodontist told me my teeth are going to be straigten out. The next month, she told me the gaps are starting to to close. Does this mean 'straightening' process is done?
Right now I got thickerwires and more wires are twisted between brackets to close the gaps between teeth. But during last two month my bite changed and also couple of other straight teeth became crooked.
I try to trust my orthdontist and not make too much comments because they seems like they don't like too much questions asked. I'm wondering if I should bring tis issue right now and tell them my teeth became crooked. or can they fix this in remaining 20 months?

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#2 Post by micachica »

Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. I don't know about everyone but for me, I got elastics on my first adjustment and they are helping close some gaps, and my teeth are no where near straight yet. Orthos have a bunch of stuff they are working on in your mouth at the same time. They can continue straigtening while they work on other things like gaps. You just gotta deal with the worse looking stuff and hang in there and I promise...things will get better! :)

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#3 Post by purpleteeth »

My teeth look worse now than when I started! The braces have created gaps in my teeth, as I was crowded before and have a couple of *tiny teeth* that need to be built-up. My bite has changed so much and things seem to have straightened out, but in the beginning - they all got crooked and I felt like I looked worse than I did before braces. Now, I just feel self-conscious about the gaps and funny looking teeth. I have about 12-13 months left.

I think the first goal of braces is to get your jaw bones moving and regenerating. The first wire was a nightmare for me because my teeth were not moving together and it felt like some war was happening in my mouth, now the pressure and pain is a lot more "logical" and it seems to be happening much smoother.

I am on wire 3/5 and I am currently getting my adjustments every 10weeks.

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#4 Post by KianaFran »

I think it just depends on the treatment plan and how bad your overbite/overjet is. I personally have had my braces on a little over a month and dont have a wire yet, just springs -2 at the top and 2 at the bottom. My ortho wanted to close my gaps as much as he could prior to putting on the wire and beginning the straightening process. I just depend on what your main issues are.
4 Wisdom teeth extracted
4 First bicuspids extracted
1 Trans-palatal arch
4 springs
Silver ligatures
Damon brackets
And a partidge in a pear tree!


Miss Smiley
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#5 Post by Miss Smiley »

Check out this website from UNC, it has some information about the orthodontics phases.
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#6 Post by HisBabygirl »

Miss Smiley wrote:Check out this website from UNC, it has some information about the orthodontics phases.
awesome post! i was starting to think that my teeth were kinda more jacked than they were before, but they're ok compared to that patient... :?

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#7 Post by Marguerite »

Spaces can actually be closed up pretty fast once your orthondontist decides you are ready. Also, you can straighten teeth and close gaps simultaneously. I would not freak out too much if your bite is changing. 20 months is a long time.

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