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I agree with DireWire. There is no "right" time for braces. And let me tell you one thing more. It does not necessarily become easier to undergo orthodontic treatment while you are in your 30ies or 40ies. A lot of people think that people at the age of 30+ automatically care less about the braced appearance than younger people. Sometimes it is so, but sometimes middle-aged folks obsess more about their looks than teenagers!?
So there is no doubt in my mind. You are doing the right thing in regards to braces. It may suck at times as you may (or may not) feel handicapped (in particular in romantic relations etc). However, as soon as treatment is over you will be happy that you decided to have your teeth sorted out when still young.
Enjoy the remaining short time in braces
Danish (36-year-old guy in braces)
metal braces on: 4 Oct 2007
Tx for: crowding
debonded on: 24 Jun 2009
I'm male too. Not sure of the male/female ratio but sure are a few males on this board.
Can't say that you should feel like it sucks being in college with braces. I work as a teacther in high school and of course have a lot of students with braces. We share stories sometimes. I haven't had a single problem being an adult with braces. A lot of people ask about them but in a very polite way and out of curiosity. Most people don't even mention that I have braces. People just don't care.
Wear your braces with pride. I do. I only regret not doing this earlier in life.
Braces on: 2007-01-20
Ceramics upper and lower.
Elastics: 2007-08-16
Debanding: 2008-11-20 / 2009-06-12
Braces again: 2010-07-05
Metal - Lower only.
There's nothing wrong with braces in college. Better to get it over with. I should have had braces as a teenager, but didn't, and I have them now in my late 20s.
Best of luck in your last few months of being braced. Make sure you use your retainers as prescribed, so you don't have to get braces again (because next time, you'll be paying for them, and that sucks).
24 year old male here. I wish I'd got it sorted when I was in college, even though you say it sucks! I have a theory that a lot of males tend to post less on here, but the female posters more than make up for it!
I'm a guy in my mid-30s. My philosophy was, "The time is going to pass whether I have braces or not. 2 years from now I can have a killer smile or my teeth can still be exactly like they are now. I might as well get going"
I recently changed jobs and went through the entire interview and new hire processes fully braced. A few folks do a double take and one or two ask about them, but no one has said anything negative and the braces have never held me back.
I have actually been surprised and impressed by the number of people who said they either had braces as an adult or would like to get them.