Angel84's Journey to braces and beyond! New pics 9/10/08

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Good Luck

#46 Post by Perth Lad »

Hi Skye,

Good luck for your brace day - it will be fine! It will feel weird for a few days thats for sure, but you'll get use to it. Use the wax for any soreness, and I found that the saline mouth rinses were really helpful in the first few days too.

Wishing you a great brace day!

Perth Lad

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#47 Post by Miranbrady20 »

woo hoo 1 more day!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

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#48 Post by pennysfbay »

Angel84, good luck on your brace day tomorrow! I'm so happy for you that you're finally getting to do something you've wanted for a long time. I understand the jitters and excitement. Right before I got mine on (less than 2 weeks ago), I felt like it was ALL I could think about, and I had to stop myself from bringing it up to my husband every 5 seconds. :) Coming here to talk made me feel better.

Before your appointment tomorrow, take a couple of advil just in case, and put on some lip balm since your mouth will be stretched open for a while. And take before and after pics to show us all!! :)

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#49 Post by angel84 »

Thank you for all the well wishes, guys. :D I am a bundle of nerves right now. My tomach is all in knots but yet I still keep smiling thinking about beautiful straight teeth. I have been enjoying some cherry pesi and chips today. I dont even eat chips or drink stuff with caffeine normally but I know this is my last oportunity for a while. So I figure I better enjoy it while I can. Oh my goodness I'm nervous. I'm going to have to take something to make me sleep tonight or I don't think I'll sleep at all. :lol: :crazy:
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December! :)


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#50 Post by Memran »

I was going to say good luck tomorrow, but to be honest you'll be absolutely fine! There really is nothing to be nervous about :) and you'll be on your way to something you've wanted for ages! :D

Good luck :thumbsup:
Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
Lower brace on 27th August 2008
Expected treatment time: 30 months :shock:
Braces removed on 6th June 2010
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#51 Post by Miranbrady20 »

good luck tomorrow! its going to be awesome and i know you will be fine! i can only imagine how nervous you are but just keep your chin up and everything will go smoothly!

and hooray for chips and pepsi!! im gonna miss chips and dr pepper!! im using these braces as an excuse to drink no soda and eat more healthy!! Im gonna stuff my face full of baddies before i go in!!!

what time is the big appointment??? i wanna know so i know when to start crossing my fingers for ya and send ya good vibes!

take some sleep meds or watch a REALLY boring movie ... that usually helps me go to sleep when im feeling nervous or anxious about the next day... its like my mom would tell me when i was anxious on Christmas eve night.... the sooner you fall asleep the sooner you get your presents!

so just think happy thoughts and i'm sending you all the luck and good wishes i can! Sleep tight!<3

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#52 Post by angel84 »

Memran- Thank you for the good luck wishes! I'll take all I can get lol. :D :wink:

Peggy- Lol you crack me up!! That is exactly what I am doing right now is stuffing my face full of stuff I know is bad for me and ooohhhh soooo good. I LOVE Dr. Pepper. I am really going to miss drinking it (it was my once-in-a-while treat). I should have gotten some actually. But I decided to go with cherry Pepsi for some reason. For dinner I had Digorno garlic bread pizza. mmmmm sooo gooood! :wink: :lol: So now I'm stuffed and thinking about how I'm going to be starving soon. :crazy:

My app is at 7 am CST. Crazy early. You might just have to sleep with those fingers crossed lol. I am fixing to get my older 2 babies in bed and take my sleeping pill. I don't like taking it until they are asleep.
Your mom is so right, btw. That is what I tell my kids all the time lol. Just not for presents of course. ;) Hey do you have myspace?
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December! :)


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#53 Post by Miranbrady20 »

lol im glad i can make ya laugh!... :lol: i do have a myspace!.... the url is send me a request sumtime! wow 7 is MAD early!! you must have wanted it done pretty bad! i'll just have to keep my fingers crossed all night then! lol

Im like that too tho i scheduled mine really really early to get it OVER with!

and you BETTER post some pics for us to check out.... i hate waiting! lol good luck again!!! :thumbsup:

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#54 Post by pennysfbay »

Mmmmm, Dr Pepper! Is it a Texas thing to love Dr P? I live in California now, but I was born in San Antonio, left for many years, and went back to Texas for college at UT Austin. Dr Pepper was always the best soft drink!! Now I drink Diet Dr Pepper which isn't as tasty, but the sugar isn't good for you, sooo....

Good luck at 7am! My appointment was at 8am. I too wanted to just get it over with and didn't want to have anxiety all day long waiting for my appointment. It's going to be a piece of cake, and in a couple of weeks you'll wonder what was such a big deal anyway. :)

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#55 Post by angel84 »

Hey guys! So guess what... I chickened out. No, I'm just kidding lol. So I am officially a brace face now! My app went AWESOME. I met my other ortho today (we have 2 in the office I go to) and he totally rocks. Just like the other one. The girl who did my braces had braces herself so I got to ask her lots of questions. We laughed and had a good ol' time. I was very relaxed and even felt like going to sleep. It was all in all a great experience. I love my ortho's office and everyone there. So far I am not sore at all. The corners of my mouth are a tad sore but that is it. I am just waiting to get sore though b/c my hooks are rubbing my cheeks of course. I'll use my wax after a while. I want them to toughen up first. Oh my goodness you should have seen the look an my baby's face when he saw me. He just stared at my teeth and then had to touch them. It was too cute. Okay.. so now.. who wants pics? :lol:
I've got 2- one of my teeth by themselves and one of my and the baby together. :D


*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December! :)


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#56 Post by Miranbrady20 »

HAPPY BRACE DAY!!!!!! :-)o :-)o :-)o :jump: :-)o

THEY LOOK AMAZING!!!!! i love the colors! Congrats! and u two look so cute together! so how was it tell me allllll about it!

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#57 Post by lueyfufu »

Yay, you did it! And I love the purple and pink!

Was it everything you hoped it would be? :)

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#58 Post by callmeswtmisery »


Happy Brace Day!!!!!! :banana: :banana:

They look great!!!!! I'm so loving the colors!!!!!

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#59 Post by angel84 »

Thank you, everyone for the congrats. :D Boy I gotta tell ya... I am really not liking these things right now. They are extremely sore and sensitive to touch/pressure. I am getting a sore at the corner of my mouth that hurts and I've already taken a chunk out of my top inside lip!! :shock: You see, I was driving down the road tonight coming home from grocery shopping when my nose started itching. So of course I went to scratch it. Oh..My...Gosh was that a mistake! You know how when your nose or top lip under your nose itches and you pull your lip down around your teeth to access it better? Well apparently I pushed way too hard when I rubbed it b/c it took a chunk out of the top of my inside lip and hurt my teeth in the process like you would not believe. It hurt so bad I yelled out! And of course then had to explain to my 4 yo why I yelled. :roll: So needless to say, I am not liking these braces right now at all. Someone please tell me this gets better soon. And what is the moto? Oh yes, I remember now- " NO PAIN, NO GAIN!"
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December! :)


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#60 Post by catfish »

Yeah, you're "paying your dues" right now. Getting braced and getting adjustments don't hurt right away, but it comes soon enough. The good news is that it will only last for a couple of days before you start getting used to it. My words of wisdom are to put wax on at the first hint of a rub somewhere. If you wait until it actually hurts, it takes longer to go away.

Congrats on getting braced, and for starting your journey to a beautiful smile!
Click on WWW to see my braces story.

August 16, 2007 - Braced on top
January 3, 2008 - Braced on bottom



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