Thinking About Getting Braces w/ Extractions

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#16 Post by markGl »

i had all four of the same extractions done, then a week later i was banded.. no speech problems.. and actually my sentence was for 24 months.. my mouth is a train wreck

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#17 Post by KLC »

Once I get started, my mouth will be a train wreck as well :-) I've got one vacation and one birthday and then we start! SCARED!!

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#18 Post by OhNicole »

Hey KLC, don't worry it's going to be great! I honestly felt the same way as you - just plain terrified about the pain and my appearance - but it's not anywhere near as bad as a I thought. No one notices them and I LOVE them! Just think what it's going to do for your confidence and focus on the end result :D
23 year old brace face and proud of it!

My story is well under way! Follow along in my thread.

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#19 Post by callmeswtmisery »

Hey KLC,

I just read your story, and it sounds like what I'm going through right now. There is nothing to be worried about. You are getting the braces to better yourself! Trust me you will not regret that you are doing this!

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#20 Post by KLC »

Thanks everyone for the very kind words! It's amazing how many emotions one can feel.... and how quickly they can change... when you're thinking about going through this. I wake up in the morning pumped to do it... and then I go out at night with friends and think "ugh, what am I getting myself into?!?!" :? I think I just need to do it. My friends are getting sick of me talking about how I'm going to be a hermit once I get them on- lol! :oops:

I'll be fine, I'm sure... Everyone on here has been GREAT!!

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#21 Post by sherilynn23 »

I am 23 and I had the same extractions that you would be getting. I got my braces on after the extractions I am glad I did because I can imagine how hard it would have been to clean my mouth with braces and gaping holes!!! I work on the phone as an insurance agent and for the first 3 weeks I thought I had a lisp. I had trouble saying certain words and certain sounds vibrated my teeth in a weird way causing my teeth to hurt. I imagine because air was passing through differently. I have had my braces on for a year and 1 more to go. In 3-4 months you can’t see the gaps from the front. Your teeth get pushed so far back you won’t notice teeth missing...My bottom gaps are almost closed and my ortho just started being aggressive on the top. My alternative to getting extractions was jaw surgery to widen my palate...when you work on the phone that’s not an option. You will be fine on the phone you may think you sound worse then you really are. Your close friends and family may think you sound a tiny bit different but customers/clients won’t know the difference

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#22 Post by VA5 »

KLC wrote:Thanks everyone for the very kind words! It's amazing how many emotions one can feel.... and how quickly they can change... when you're thinking about going through this. I wake up in the morning pumped to do it... and then I go out at night with friends and think "ugh, what am I getting myself into?!?!" :? I think I just need to do it. My friends are getting sick of me talking about how I'm going to be a hermit once I get them on- lol! :oops:

I'll be fine, I'm sure... Everyone on here has been GREAT!!
I read your posts and just wanted to see where you are at now? I am from the DC area too and am planning on getting something similar to what you're doing, early August. I'm a little scared so I was soooo happy to see this forum. The plan for me, for now, is to put the braces in first and then extract shortly after. I wanted her to shave too b/c i have super big teeth but she said that if she did this she might have too much space for pushing back teeth... I'm getting braces b/c my teeth are protrusive. The bite is excellent and they are very healthy, etc.. but from the profile they jut out from the bone below & above it. She says that it's unhealthy to have the teeth come out that much for bone health reasons.. but for me it's all about the aeshetics of my profile. I just have a really toothy mouth and I don't want it anymore. I'm 35 and I considered getting this done a long time ago, when I was 23, and I really wish I had done it then. I'd love to see ere you are at in your braces journey too.

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#23 Post by KLC »

Hi Vas! Thanks so much for the note. It is such a relief to know I am not the only one in the area who is going through this :-) We do have similar stories... I have a big smile with big teeth that protrude out. Everyone tells me that I am crazy bc my teeth look straight but I know how badly they go out instead of down.

I have gotten x-rays done and will be getting brackets and spacers a week from Friday. I just got back from vacation and my bday is this week so I wanted to be brace-free for these two things. But a week from Friday I start *gulp*. I will then go back the following Friday to get the spacers out and wires put on. I'm not 100% sure when the extractions will happen but hopefully sometime in early Aug. I travel a lot for work, starting in Sept, so I'd like to have at least a month to get used to the braces and holes!

Where are you in your process? I know you said you were aiming for early Aug but have you gotten the xrays done, impressions, etc...? Please keep me updated, we can go through this together!!

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#24 Post by VA5 »


Yes we do sound very similar! My teeth are large and they protrude. My smile is just very toothy. Even when I talk I just feel like my teeth get in the way. I HATE it!!! When I laugh, talk, or eat, I'm just always self-conscious of my teeth. But like yours they look fine.. actually the picture of my teeth look perfect.. the bite and alignment/etc are almost perfect my ortho says. but when she did the various equations for the protrusion, etc.. it was way off. From the side xray you can see how much my teeth come out on both top & bottom. So anyways, yes I did get my xrays (panaromaic & profile) and then also my impressions. She said that based on the protrusion, I would need to get my teeth extracted versus shaved. She said she could shave at the end if needed. She's actually out of town until August so I have to wait (darn it)... So we just decided that in early august I'll be getting my spacers plus the extractions in the same visit, and then a week later I'll get my brackets/wires in. I am soo not looking forward to the discomfort but from what it sounds like, it is temporary. It will force me to eat stuff that is good for me too so I'm looking forward to that (I don't need to lose weight necessarily but I do have tendencies to eat things I shouldn't on occasion.... this will help!). It'll be good to do it in august b/c I don't have a lot going on but then my kids go back to school in september so I'll be out and about a lot in sept at which time I ought to be better. Sounds like our schedules will be similar.. a few weeks away from eachother but basically the same! So yes, this will be great to keep in touch during the process!!! How old are you by the way, if I can ask? I'm 35 and I don't feel the least bit self conscious about getting them done at my age, but I just wish I had done it when I was younger and I could have enjoyed better teeth for a longer time.

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#25 Post by Miss Smiley »

I forgot to mention that after I had my pre-molar extractions, I had a whistle when I spoke. Those small gaps will let air pass freely and when my tongue got just in the right spot, it caused a slight whistle. And then my teeth started moving around and I sounded like Shelly Marsh from "South Park."
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#26 Post by KLC »

I forgot to mention that after I had my pre-molar extractions, I had a whistle when I spoke. Those small gaps will let air pass freely and when my tongue got just in the right spot, it caused a slight whistle. And then my teeth started moving around and I sounded like Shelly Marsh from "South Park."
Great! Something else to look forward to :cry: lol!

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Beginning the journey

#27 Post by today »


I am from the NOVA area too and going to start my treatment beginning of August. From the consulting sessions, I will need to have 4 teeth extracted as well :( . I'll have the brace on first before the extract. My ortho told me from last visit to hold off with making appointment with the oral surg., so maybe there is some hope???

Let's keep each other updated on the process. I am sure we'll have alot to share when it comes to coping around our area (maybe some good restaurant with friendly food :))


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#28 Post by KLC »

Hey Today!

Wow! So excited to see someone in the area! My ortho said the same thing about the extractions but unfort it was for different reasons. Wonder if we have the same one- lol!!

So I started the process last Friday, continue this Friday... def let me know if you have any questions, etc... Everyone on here is super helpful and supportive so you have definitely come to the right place.

When is your big day to get braced?

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#29 Post by today »

I think the reason for my tooth extraction is to have more room. I keep wondering if that's the case, how will my facial structure be changed (I guess bringing out my cheek bones is not necessary a bad thing :) ). I still wonder how are they going to take out my teeth once the brace is already there.

My ortho never mentioned about getting my teeth cleaned before bracing. Should I do that any way? I am scheduled to have the brace put on this weekend so if I get my teeth clean on Thursday, would it be a problem? Or should I just wait until I got my brace on?

How is your bracing going? Lost any weight yet? My friends keep talking about this problem, but I think there should be plenty of high nutrition and energy "liquid/soft" food, right?

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#30 Post by KLC »

Hi Today!
still wonder how are they going to take out my teeth once the brace is already there.
So I am fully braced and was hoping to get the extractions out this Friday but now I need to wait a month or so. I have brackets on all the teeth that should have them except for the ones that are getting pulled. The wires just go across the tooth but is not attached to the tooth in any way so it looks like they should be easy to pop out.

I did not get my teeth cleaned beforehand but they did some sort of cleaning right before they put the brackets on. Maybe call the ortho and see what they suggest. I would imagine it could be a good thing but would be afraid the tooth might be too "slippery" or something if it's too clean!?!? Is that possible??? Lol! :oops:

Braces so far are fine, just some cuts and whatnot inside my mouth but the wax is helping a lot. I do think I have lost a pound or two but am def trying to drink milk shakes and high protein drinks (Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast... haven't ventured into the real protein powder or anything like that). If I keep losing, I might have to check out something more powerful :-)

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