Hi all i came back from hospital earlier today so seeing as i dont feel too bad i will update you with what went on...
Friday morning i was first in at 9 o clock-got a bit scared as i was about to go under-Its that feeling that you wont wake up ,your kids wont see their mummy again.. well the surgeon said the surgery would take 4-5 hours i was in for 8.No idea what took so long i was asleep...
Woke up in recovery relieved to be awake- needed a wee straight away so im guessing no cathether was inserted.I was also told i would have a tube up my nose didnt wake up with that either.Overall the night wasnt too bad slept for most of the evening no elastics yet so i can fit a spoon in my mouth but tommorrow tight elastics will go on...No way as bad as i was expecting..
Today i felt drowsy on and on,already starving hungry and i can only suck through a straw.pins and needles and a very itchy face is the worse.I think i am scaring the other patients and they think im not going home tommorrow-the staff say different.My face is huge i almost dont look normal-.Surprised that no ice is given but apparently they use steriods in this hospital.
home today-hanging around most of the morning waiting for medicines to be dispensed-looking forward to being at home with my bloke and kids...
Once i got home the house was spotless( my darling hubby),the kids were scared as i still had blood on my neck and the swelling is quite bad.My lips are like mike tysons!!!After a quick bath i kind of looked abit more normal-wish i could tell the kids how much i missed them and my fella but letters is all i can manage...
Next see the surgeon in 4 days so i am hoping for him to say everything is wonderful and things couldnt be better...
I will post some photos in a couple of days were hopefully you can tell the difference and i get less swollen
Dreaming of real food already -how will i manage...?
Oh yes i dribble like a baby too-how nice...