Greasy Skin!

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Greasy Skin!

#1 Post by vickyb »

Hi everyone!

I just registered here and wanted to post a quick question for those who have had surgery!

I had a bimaxillary osteotomy just over three weeks ago and i've noticed that my skin has remained really greasy from surgery and is causing quite a few spots to break out. I was just wondering did anyone else experience the same thing and if so, are there any products that might help balance the oil levels or is it just a case of waiting for it to die down?

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#2 Post by ema27 »

hi i had bsso and genio just over a week ago-and i am the complete opposite-my skin was prone to spots and blemishes before surgery-well now my skin is soft and blemish free!
Perhaps itas all the water and fruits i am suddenly having.....


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#3 Post by asd »

the same thing happend 2 me as Ema, after surgery i acutaly looked the healthiest ive ever looked, my skin was perfect, had no spots and the white in my eyes went really white. i think its just to do with the diet u have post surgery.

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#4 Post by carissa »

yes i have had "greasier" skin since surgery, in my opinion.
it is the worst around my nose and cheeks. my skin is really sensitive right now as a result of surgery. i would love to find a way to balance it back to normal.

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#5 Post by Munkys Girl »

I haven't had surgery but I've read a few cases now where people have had very oily skin afterwards so you and carissa are not alone. I think it's due to the medication they give you. I'm afraid I didn't take much notice of the recommended products as they tend to be US specific and not apply to me so hopefully someone else can chip in there. If not, I guess you could always consult a pharmacist or something though.

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#6 Post by JennX »

My skin was horribly broken out after my surgery. Then a couple weeks post-op, my surgeon said something like, "you're not still using that steroid lip cream are you?" and I pulled it out of my pocket and said, "what, this?" He looked horrified and said I was only supposed to use that for a couple of days instead of the 20x/day for two weeks I'd been using it. Anyway, I believe that stuff causes some of the skin problems, so that could be a cause if you're using it.

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#7 Post by Happysmiler »

My surgery was 5 weeks ago and during the first 2-3 weeks my skin was really oily.

Although the oil has since calmed down, I have had a real outbreak of spots around my mouth and chin - I don't have a clue why, I haven't been taking any medication for about 3 weeks now??

I did wonder if it was something to do with the stuff they paint on your face during surgery (iodine??) the bright yellow stuff, but that was only a guess. I'm hoping these spots will settle down, because at 39years old with a brace and spots I look like a teenager gone wrong!!!!

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#8 Post by ~danielle~ »

I had BSSO 7 weeks ago and for the first two weeks my skin was perfect - the best its been in a long time. Then I started noticing a lot of shine on my chin.. it wasnt really oily though, just shiny, which I thought was just because of the swelling. For the last few weeks, though, I have been getting really bad breakouts on my chin and even a bit on my upper chest, which is quite embarassing. I was also thinking that it might be because of the yellow stuff they pain tall over you during sugery because I am only having these problems in the areas they would have used it.

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#9 Post by jmrut22 »

I had that too, God it was awful. It took about 4-5 weeks to really settle down. The first 2-3 were terrible. I used my remote to watch TV alot that first few weeks and even the remote felt slimy where I had touched my face then touched the remote.
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#10 Post by vickyb »

hey hey,

thanks for everyone's feedback! I saw my surgeon on Tuesday and he said that many people who have had bimaxillary osteotomy have experienced oily skin and even outbreaks of acne but it eventually dies down, phew! think i'm definitely gona keep an eye on my diet though and start drinking more water!

Vicky x

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#11 Post by Polly »

Sorry, only just caught this topic. I had the exact op as you Vicky and my face was like an oil slick for a good while! :lol: It's went back to normal after about 4 weeks. Glad you are on the right side of your op.

Take good care


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#12 Post by kaycee »

My face broke out too, it lasted about three weeks. It wasn't enough that my face was more swollen one side, no, it had to be acne too. And of course my skin didn't feel like my own...

I wonder if reusing drinking straws was a contributing factor. I started using a new one every time and it seemed to help. :wink:



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