Lingual changed my smile for the worse

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:13 pm

#16 Post by Gilda »

The braces were removed, the money refunded and I tomorrow I am going for a fourth opinion about my teeth. My smile looks odd after the removal of the braces, my four front teeth are higher than the side teeth the whole upper right are sticking out. I thought invigilign or veneers were going to fix but the orthos I have been seeing said only regular braces can bring my four front teeth down. They also don't understand why my original ortho put me in lingual they said invigilile would have done a good job in less time.
Please anyone considering lingual make sure the ortho is certified to do this type of work, make sure he is experienced.

Posts: 407
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:41 am

#17 Post by rolo »


Sorry you have had such a hard time. That's such rotten luck. I hope you find an orthodontist who can give you a smile you are happy with.

Incognito / IBraces insist orthos go on one of their courses prior to using their products. The setting up of braces cases is done by Incognito/IBraces, and sent on molds of teeth, they claim this reduces likelyhood of error by the orthodontist. If anyone has any info on other brands maybe they could post.

With regard qualifications of orthodontists, I'm not sure what the system is in States, in the UK anyone who is a dentist can call themselves an orthodontist (this would be a problem whatever type of braces they use). However a "SPECAILIST" orthodontist has to have additional training.

The British association of orthodontists, and british association of lingual orthodontists are both have lists of practioners. Incongito / IBraces list accredited practioners on their websites.

Also whilst the vast majority of patients are happy with treatment with conventional braces, there is the odd patient that unfortunately has had a negative experience. So maybe this negative outcome could have occured with conventional braces too.

Gilda, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I hope this reply helps anyone looking for a lingual orthodontist.

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