My childhood dentist definitely pushed me and my parents into getting braces for me, but for lots of depressing reasons that I won't go into here, I never got them. As a young adult, I had numerous bad dental experiences that were exacerbated by the fact that I metabolize the numbing agent as if I were a hummingbird. One shot lasts 12-15 minutes, then I can start to feel the dentist working again. The dentists could not believe that I was going through the novocaine that fast and kept on working.

Fast-forward to age 31 when, after seven years, I finally visited a dentist I could trust. I got much needed work done, including a molar extraction. The topic of braces came up as a way to straighten out my crowdy teeth to keep them easier to keep clean and to fix the bite that contributed to me crushing and losing that molar. After much research (thanks to you folks) and soul-searching, here I am T-minus 8 days.
I'll post ortho details next...