First, thank you all for replying !!
Meryaten wrote:And I imagine he will not have encountered such a well-informed
patient before, too.
And you're part of the reason why, Meryaten

. And this site and the net
in general.
VistaXP wrote:Maybe you can PM Dr. Rick
I did several times. I had very good talks and very interesting information.
About ortho number 4.
So, yes, I did see him. And what he said was not new to me, in fact a lot of
things I said earlier to my present ortho were confirmed by him. You know,
the most important thing I need is closing of my front open bite. I started
by telling him that my present ortho is giving up all attempts but that I don't
accept that. I am ok to have such a bad bite for a while, but don't want to
have such a bite for the rest of my life. He started by telling me open bites
sometimes happen because of having the tongue between the teeth. But he
also said that sometimes the tongue is between the teeth because the bite
opened up. He wanted to continue but I told him this was the first time an
ortho told me that. I do have this ongoing discussion with my present ortho
about this. She claims I have an open bite because of my tongue. I am sure
this tongue issue is only a consequence, not the cause. Look, I said, I have
pictures on my iPhone of my molds dating from the beginning of my whole
journey, now almost 5 years ago. Wow, he said, there was initially no open
bite and asked himself how on earth they could have made my bite so bad.
From that moment on, I knew I was speaking to the right person here. I
showed him pics of all the steps ortho 3 made. You know docs won't attack
each other openly in front of a patient. But I clearly sensed that he wasn't
impressed with what was done up to now. I did tell several times to my
present ortho that I thought that the intrusion forces I have to intrude my
upper molars are not strong enough and point in a wrong direction, causing
tipping of those teeth. Of course I was always wrong. I got the impression that
he thinks I was right. I always said to ortho 3 that a nice vertical pull up force
is needed. I searched on the net and looked for solutions for that and found
this : ... &page=0519
Figure 5 shows an appliance that rests on the upper molars and is pulled up
using heavy springs on the buccal side. All ortho 3 could have made was that
dreadful bite block I once got :
Anyway, he told me he could do the following thing. Make for me some kind
of splint. And he began drawing an appliance that I recognized. It was the
very same thing as in this figure 5 ! Damn, damn, I should never have gone
to ortho 3 and gone directly to him. So what he would do is this. Remove all
braces soon, make this appliance to intrude all my upper back teeth. After
6 months (to him, more like a year to me) reinstall the braces to create an
occlusion. And also extract my wisdom teeth to make things a bit easier. He
asked to have ortho 3 phone him to speak about my case. And that was it.
So, in a way it was a good appointment. Because he would intrude the way
I think is right (finally). But I admit I do not like this linearity of actions. First
ortho 3 doing the finishing, then the intrusion by him and then again having
braces. That is why I will ask him if it would be possible to start the intrusion
now. That, to make it possible, my present ortho removes only part of the
upper braces (molars and maybe premolars) so that he can start right away.
So that is the next thing I need to do now. Try to them having a meeting and,
together with what I ask, try to get a good plan to go on. Oh dear, this is not
easy, not for me, and probably not for you readers. I hope I explained it well.