I'm 28 and about to put braces after so many years of hesitation. However, I have a big dilemma to resolve and was hoping someone here to be able to help me with a piece of advice.
When I was about 12 I had two of my upper bicuspids removed as there was no space for them and I didn't want to hear for an orthodontic treatment at that time. Big mistake! Now as I wanna fix my teeth, my ortho told me that I have one of the two options:
1) expand the upper arch and make some space for two implants to replace the missing bicuspids; or
2) pull out two teeth from the bottom so the two arches can fit nicely
Obviously the first option would give me a nice broad smile but at a very high price - longer treatment time, much more pain, and not to mention the actual cost of the implants. My lower teeth are quite crowded and crooked anyway so I can picture having the 2 bottom premolars taken out. However, I'm concerned it may look funny to have less teeth and in a way, smaller looking jaw. Has anybody dealt with a similar decision?
Whichever path I take, I'm supposed to have my brackets attached in a couple of weeks. So please help! Can't wait to have them on...and this to be over soon!