Question about tooth space being created
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Question about tooth space being created
Ok so as of today it's been 4 months since my top braces went on(still waiting for the bottom's to go on) I'm missing a tooth right next to my top left front tooth. My ortho is creating a space there for a prosthetic tooth to be put in later after I'm debraced. Anyways the gap is now fairly large and very noticeable to the point that my hubby has given me a new pet name for it.. so now I have pain in my upper jaw around what seems to be the root around the bone of that tooth and I even notice a little bump around my upper jaw. Is it normal for this pain to happen when a tooth is being forced to move for space?

Creating tooth space
Hi star.Im so happy to have found someone in the same situation as myself.Only difference is that i have a canine tooth missing.Been braced almost7 months and my gap looks quiet big. I experienced pain in that area after adjustments and also at odd times when i gues the braces were just working.So dont be alarmed about that.The bump however i dont know about.Could you be more specific please.Also ,did ur ortho say anything about a temporary flapper or fake tooth that can be placed with braces until treatment is over so you dont have a gap there? Look forward to hearing from u.Take care
Hi PrincessT, yeah my ortho did say or better yet, I insisted that a fake tooth be attached to my wire. There is no way I'm going around with a huge gap. It would fine if the missing tooth was in the back where no one could see but this puppy is front and center. Oh joy! When the braces come off, I will also get a retainer with a tooth attached until I can save up for the implant. As for the bump, it's right smack in the middle of my upper lip, in that crease between where my lip and gums meet. If I push on it, I feel the pressure from my front left tooth and right in that gap and the tooth that is being moved. If that makes any sense ??? My though is that the force of having that space created is causing the bump. It doesn't hurt at all and I don't notice it unless I'm actually feeling around it. When the tooth first started shifting, I went in for an emergency appt because of the horrible pain I was feeling near my sinus and lower nostril. He told me then, that it was normal to feel odd pain like this at random times during treatment and that I should be too alarmed. This is why I'm not totally freaking out about this bump,. Just wanted to see if anyone else has ever had or heard of anyone going through the same thing with a gap being forced.

Star, i think i also have a slight bump,but i think it should go away by the end of treatment.If your ortho says its normal,then you should trust him. Im glad your also getting a fake tooth before braces come off.Did your ortho say around which month you wil get it? My gap looks big enough but he hasnt put mine in yet.Do u think i should ask him?Also how long is your treatment time.Mine is estimated 20 months..
PrincessT, is your bump kinda hard. When I push on mine, it feels like a bone. Mine is right above my two front teeth right where my upper lip and gum line meet. When I went in for that emergency appt, I didn't have the bump, just felt lots pressure pain around my sinuses. Now I have that bump. It's been there for a week now but it doesn't hurt and I don't notice it unless I'm actually messing with it.
No clue when I will be getting that fake tooth attached since right now the space is still too small to fit it in. My treatment plan is estimated to be be around 2+ years.
No clue when I will be getting that fake tooth attached since right now the space is still too small to fit it in. My treatment plan is estimated to be be around 2+ years.